"If SpaceX gets lucky and things go according to plan, a manned flight could launch in the 2024 window with a landing on Mars in 2025." Elon Musk
"As it stands today, we can’t go to Mars due to radiation. It would be impossible to meet acceptable dose limits," physicist Marco Durante.
By Doug Messier
Parabolic Arc
PARIS (ESA PR) — An astronaut on a mission to Mars could receive radiation doses up to 700 times higher than on our planet – a major showstopper for the safe exploration of our Solar System. A team of European experts is working with ESA to protect the health of future crews on their way to the Moon and beyond.
Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere protect us from the constant bombardment of galactic cosmic rays – energetic particles that travel at close to the speed of light and penetrate the human body.
Cosmic radiation could increase cancer risks during long duration missions. Damage to the human body extends to the brain, heart and the central nervous system and sets the stage for degenerative diseases. A higher percentage of early-onset cataracts have been reported in astronauts.
Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere protect us from the constant bombardment of galactic cosmic rays – energetic particles that travel at close to the speed of light and penetrate the human body.
Cosmic radiation could increase cancer risks during long duration missions. Damage to the human body extends to the brain, heart and the central nervous system and sets the stage for degenerative diseases. A higher percentage of early-onset cataracts have been reported in astronauts.
Marco points out that most of the changes in the astronauts’ gene expression are believed to be a result of radiation exposure, according to the recent NASA’s Twins study. This research showed DNA damage in astronaut Scott Kelly compared to his identical twin and fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, who remained on Earth.
A second source of space radiation comes from unpredictable solar particle events that deliver high doses of radiation in a short period of time, leading to ‘radiation sickness’ unless protective measures are taken.
“The real problem is the large uncertainty surrounding the risks. We don’t understand space radiation very well and the long-lasting effects are unknown,” explains Marco who is also part of an ESA team formed to investigate radiation.
Since 2015, this forum of experts provides advice from areas such as space science, biology, epidemiology, medicine and physics to improve protection from space radiation.
“Space radiation research is an area that crosses the entire life and physical sciences area with important applications on Earth. Research in this area will remain of high priority for ESA,” says Jennifer Ngo-Anh, ESA’s team leader human research, biology and physical sciences.
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What's the deal, Chicken Little? Do you wake up every morning and ask: "What can I find that supports my belief that XYZ is bad" and then run it? They used to say going up in an airship more than a mile would blow a person's brain out. Now we're cruising at 7 miles high. Innovations in technology trump neurotic bloggers. Pretty soon you're going to have to admit SpaceX will benefit the local economy for generations to come.
I'm sorry, but Musk is absolutely full of crap, and what's worse, he lied to Brownsville and all of South Texas by pulling a big bait and switch when all those jobs he promised stayed in Florida so he could pursue his ridiculous Mars pipe dream.
It wouldn't matter the local elected officals here don't have a brain so they are immune to all kinds of dangers and that's including FBI investigations llevense sus tiliches a Mars y quedense alli.
Sheriff’s office makes another arrest in Edcouch eight-liner case
Not down here they all go to Raymondville or lyford and coming back they use central blvd full of drunk drivers after 12 midnight red pickup truck and grey car why don't they get stopped????
The Professional Class of Republicans now know that the bitter end is here — that their dirty half-decade of personal abnegation and degradation is coming to a sick, sad finale. It would leave them with a sense of shame if they had any. Most of the GOP, Inc. types long ago lost that sensibility. Still, America is watching them experiencing a combination of fury and humiliation as Trump heads to the door before even dropping the cash on the nightstand.
ja ja ja ja ja
CDC committee considering who's in group '1a' for COVID-19 vaccine.
Trump and his supports (that means you hillbilly coco wanna be white) are last. Say like Z-999 pendejos
My husband left me for another woman a few years ago. He and I are now divorced and he’s remarried to this other woman. Since the divorce, my sister has become very good friends with my ex-husband and his new wife.
To give a bit of context, my ex-husband and my sister’s husband are good friends and were friends before my sister and I ever met them. The two men remain good friends. My sister, therefore, has occasion to spend time with my ex and his new wife.
After the divorce, when I could see that my sister was starting to develop a friendship with this other woman, I was honest with her and told her that it would be hurtful to me if she started to spend time with this woman in light of the harm my husband’s affair with this woman has caused me. I left it at that and respected my sister’s right to be friends with whomever she wants.
Now the two of them are close friends, they socialize together separately from their husbands, they go on vacations together, they talk about me, and so on.
'I couldn't save either one of them.' ICU nurse loses husband and mom to Covid-19
The stupid hillbilly coco wanna be white still believes the virus is fake that that el pendejo trump won the election
Just send pinche half coco transgender mutt to Mars! If things go real bad, nothing was lost con este guey!
C.D.C. Panel Recommends Who Should Be Vaccinated First
Forget it pinche hillbilly coco wanna be white YOU AIN'T ON THE LIST only for humans estupido...
December 1, 2020 at 4:34 PM
You all should have a pajama party and a over night stay-over.
juan este Elon musk can smoke some more good weed, ala cheech n chong big bambu style and he can go to mars and come back everyday. y los munches?
The comments section never ceases to amaze me. More than half the comments have absolutely nothing to do with the article. Shows just how much attention the locals pay to anything but what interests them.
To 10:28 and other doubters, I was skeptical myself until I drove out there to see for my myself. I was in awe as to how big this project is. It is a vast operation covering four large areas on both side of the highway. The employee parking lot was overflowing with several hundred cars and there were many cars parked on the shoulders of the highway. There were construction crews, heavy equipment operators, surveyors, general workers, etc all over the place. The highway going and coming was full of oil, gravel, heavy duty rigs and 18 wheelers. These were indicators of jobs we did not have before. I saw two space ships being constructed and I couldn't believe this is all happening in our area. I drove all the way to the beach entrance and made a u-turn. If there is an criticism to be made, it should against the county because the beach entrance is a horrible soft sandy mess.
Blogger at 4:34, you should be writing to Dear Abby, not Juan. Who cares about your failed marriage and the friendship of two women. Stick to the topic.
The first to get the vaccine should be el pinche half coco mutt retard! So he doesn't have to be hiding underneath his cardboard bed all scare, and wearing his stupid mask all the time! Pinche panocha believes everything he/her watches on CNN and his hero Dr. Fauci! Enjoy your vaccine pendejo!
December 2, 2020 at 4:39 PM
I D I O T A !
December 1, 2020 at 4:34 PM
It is the MODERN culture. Big families, friends with exes, mixture of children..... be independent, enjoy your life and create your own traditions and experiences..... let them see you: free and fun and pretty. Get yourself a NEW car !!!
December 2, 2020 at 11:43 AM
Musk him self wrote this comment COMO ANDARIA HASTA LAS CACHAS Y BIEN GRIFO!
December 3, 2020 at 2:10 PM
Ok Charlie dale gas oooooppps wrong dealership. Is it bueno bonito y barato wrong charlie he's out of business the bridges are closed.
"My husband left me for another woman" I'm willing to take a chance!
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