Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Various Sources

Approaching four hours after the Capitol Building was overrun by Trumpist insurrectionists, police are finally beginning to move in force, backed by National Guard forces from both D.C. and Virginia. However, at least one improvised explosive device has been located, and many of those currently occupying the halls of Congress are thought to be armed. 

So it may be some time before the full crowd can be safely removed, and those who invaded the Capitol arrested. Of course, none of this might have been necessary had the Capital Police taken action to halt the terrorists, rather than opening doors for them and sticking around to take selfies with them while making no move to arrest, or even impede, their invasion.

After a year in which police repeatedly treated Black Lives Matter protesters with extreme action, to say these Trump supporters were treated with kid gloves doesn’t come close. Police didn’t even bother to gear up for what they knew would be a large event including members of militia and white supremacist organizations.

And it’s not like the insurrectionists were doing anything bad, like peacefully protesting on a street. They were only attempting to overthrow the U.S. government, take members of Congress hostage, and conduct show trials on the National Mall.

Wednesday, Jan 6, 2021 · 4:45:09 PM CST · Mark Sumner

If you wondered how large numbers of terrorists got past the temporary fence police erected on the Capitol steps, here is the answer—they were allowed in.
And if there are questions about how the terrorists were allowed to reach all areas 
of the Capitol, including the Senate chamber and doors of the House, without being 
detained, and certainly without being disarmed; there’s also an answer for that. The police 
played along with them.
Not only did these invaders disrupt the count of the Electoral College vote, 
disrupting the transition of government, it’s clear they had other intentions. 
They came prepared to take hostages.
And they had plans for what to do with those hostages when they had them.
The idea of capturing members of Congress and executing them as “traitors” for 
failing to recognize Trump as the rightful ruler, has been widespread on far right 
sites since the election. It’s absolutely clear that these people came to the capital 
with not just the intention of overturning the results of the election, but of conducting 
show trials and executing those they found inadequate supporters of Trump.

The definition of treason in the U.S. Constitution is constrained to only a few meanings. 
This easily meets that definition.


Anonymous said...

The woman who was shot inside US Capitol during riots Wednesday afternoon was pronounced dead at an area hospital, a spokesperson with the Metropolitan Police Department confirmed to CNN.

“Yes, the adult female that was shot inside of the Capitol was pronounced at an area hospital,” said spokesperson Dustin Sternbeck with the Metropolitan Police Department.

A white woman.

Anonymous said...

Former Republican President George W. Bush expressed horror and disappointment at the violence that erupted at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, which he referred to as an “insurrection.”

“Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay,” Bush said in a statement. “It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight.”

Trump, meanwhile, was laughing.

Anonymous said...

The police let them in? Shit that!

Someone has to answer for this decision. A woman was shot and killed!!!!

Anonymous said...

TRAITORS. The police officers opened the door !!! They are Republicans!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump is a traitor.

Trump incited a riot.

Trump is responsible for all this violence.

Anonymous said...

Where is that idiota hillbilly coco wanna be white? The city should evict him from sleeping in the bus shelter GO BACK TO YOUR MOUTAINS pinche pendejo

Anonymous said...

Intent to commit sent all of them to Guantanamo traitors.

Anonymous said...

Texas needs to elect all the pendejos like cruz. What a great choice can't get any better than that or is it worst???

Anonymous said...

Rabid republican mob in an extreme and fanatical behavior affected with rabies. Sent them all to jail.

Anonymous said...

Better question is where is the pendejo who always said Trump would remain president? Chingate, culero. Not even a riot was able to stop the certification of the votes. No que tronabas pistolita?

Anonymous said...

Ese pendejo troena puros pedos y apestodos que esperas de un IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

There's a city white pickup truck with a loud speaker but can't make what it's say he is driving too fast! What's the matter with these idiots DRIVE SLOOOOOOW so people can understand

Anonymous said...

Protest at the WH freely and unrestrained by ALL law enforcement (but only if you'r gringo) protest downtown and you get the the military, riot police, special forces, tanks and helicopters and all the killing citizen arsenal and only if you're brown and color...

The WH protesters are call patriots and the downtown protesters are call thugs, criminals lawbreaker
armed robber

Anonymous said...

Growing Lanes: Work begins on widening of FM 802
They picked the wrong date! Do it during christmas or easter or 4th of july or thanksgiving these are perfect days to work on highly used city streets and blvds...

Anonymous said...

WOW they're going to widen FM 802 -Ruben Torres Blvd ONLY FOUR(4) blocks only? Who's idea was this? The newly re-hired city engineer that recommended plastic curbs towntown???? He needs to be RE-FIRED!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas sees 1st case of new variant

This is disturbing. Along with our recent trends, we could be on the road to a crisis if we don’t change our behavior NOW. Do your part,”

Anonymous said...

Another fake award! The Brownsville Fire Department was selected by the National Fire Protection Association to participate in the Community Risk Assessment dashboard project.
The city paid 70K membership from this organization to be told they need a plan. WHAT??
PUT EVERYBODY ON A DIET that should be the plan..

Anonymous said...

Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage

Anonymous said...

45% of REPUBLICANS approve of this behavior at the US Capitol.

Anonymous said...

I heard there were no gringos here in browntown this week. Wonder where they were?

Anonymous said...

January 8, 2021 at 8:35 AM

I didn't seen any here, they all took a trip to the east coast and haven't come back MUST BE IN JAIL.

Anonymous said...

WHAT no support from the cocos - wonder why. vieron la verdad pinches cocos...
