Saturday, February 27, 2021


AUSTIN-- Early Wednesday morning, Representative Alex Dominguez filed House Bill 2193, establishing an adaptive sports program by the University Interscholastic League to provide students with disabilities access to team sports.

Youth sports have a range of physical, emotional, and interpersonal benefits. By playing sports, children develop physical skills, learn teamwork, fair play, and improve self-esteem. It’s also a powerful tool that breaks down social barriers and helps us feel good about ourselves, both physically and mentally.

"The enhancement of physical and mental development of children is certainly the most important contribution of sports, but not all children have access to these benefits," said Alex Dominguez. 

"Children with physical and cognitive disabilities are regularly excluded from organized sports due to a lack of accessible sports leagues. This bill addresses this by creating a dedicated league for students with special needs in the University Interscholastic League. Today, I ask my colleagues in the Texas legislature to live up to our responsibility to future generations of Texans, and ensure that all children have access to a full and enriching childhood."

“Children with special needs and their families have been patiently waiting for equality in the athletic fields of America," said Sergio Zarate, co-founder of Down By The Border. 

“Since 1972 when Title IX gave those same opportunities to women, families expected soon after their children would have those same opportunities. Today Representative Dominguez has stepped up to the plate for our Texas children to be recognized as equal athletes in our Texas schools.”

HB 2193 directs the University Interscholastic League to ensure students with disabilities have an opportunity to participate in team athletic activities by establishing an adaptive sports program.


Anonymous said...

And the high utilities bills, Alex?

Do something, Jack!

Anonymous said...

This is all well and good, but Alex was dead silent through Covid. He clearly did not want to rock the boat. The people will remember he hid during Covid.

Anonymous said...

Pressure the cob to fire that out of touch PUB ceo...

Anonymous said...

Im glad to see Alex is doing a great job. It must be the great peggings he enjoys in his time off from the Leg.

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez should introduce legislation to force charter schools such as IDEA to create special education classrooms for students with severe learning disabilities just like the regular school district. Perhaps a life skills unit. Maybe Alex's wife, Jill Dominguez, the Rio Grande Valley IDEA director, does want these children since they don't fit the IDEA mold and require much more staff support which will eat into IDEA's profits and monies for the IDEA administrators' performance incentives.

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez should introduce legislation to force charter schools such as IDEA to create special education classrooms for students with severe learning disabilities just like the regular school district. Perhaps a life skills unit. Maybe Alex's wife, Jill Dominguez, the Rio Grande Valley IDEA director, does want these children since they don't fit the IDEA mold and require much more staff support which will eat into IDEA's profits and monies for the IDEA administrators' performance incentives.

Anonymous said...

If you have a children with severe cogntive disabilities, good luck trying to enroll them in IDEA. You can only get them in if you are a high level IDEA administrator or IDEA campus principal. Is Alex Dominguez going to force IDEA to serve all children with disabilities or is he going to keep his wife Jill happy by continuing to block these children from IDEA.

Anonymous said...

I guess Alex does not know about special olympics. Look at all the sports thst are offered through this program. Is the state going to provide funding for his proposal or the district taxpayers are going to foot the bill. Alex is trying to win the favor of a specific group to keep his re-election hopes alive. By the way, the BISD special olympics program follows all UIL guidelines. All the BISD coaches and volunteers are great people.

Anonymous said...

Is this another Alex Dominguez well thought out idea? Come up with another solution without money from the state. Remember the drainage district for Cameron County that was created with his legislation? When this passed, it created a new taxing entity for Cameron County. If you were not paying taxes to a drainage district, you now will. Hooray another tax. Just wait until the Cameron County Commissioners Court creates another bureaucracy for tjis new drainage district with their friends as executive directors, general managers, CFOs, etc. Maybe Sergio Z. or someone from Down By The Border will be hired as BISD aministrator for adaptive sports program. Hold on to your pocketbooks BISD taxpayers.

Anonymous said...


where you at? havent seen you or heard you during covid nor during the freezathon a few weeks ago.

Zeke, you suck. always have. always will.

Anonymous said...

Special Olympics is a great program for Special needs. But Why does a child with Special needs only get (1) day or a few days of participation? Why can't they get a season like all students. I think it's a great step forward! Keep up the good work and being an advocate for these special needs childern!

Anonymous said...

That new board president is making 100k from your taxes all members of his campaign staff so I hear!!!!

Anonymous said...

He won't do anything without handouts. Start a pub accountability board to check expendetures of this runaway company!

Anonymous said...

He won't do anything he's from guerra tx

Anonymous said...

He's afraid to open his mouth its full of shoes so I hear.

Anonymous said...

Hey is the coffee shop still open I need a grinder. z
