Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just as in the tragedy of Tantalus in Greek mythology, the life-saving COVID-19 vaccine – as distributed by the City of Brownsville and the Cameron County Commissioners Court – has been just beyond the reach of the elderly, especially those without transportation.

Tantalus was a figure from Greek mythology who was a rich but wicked king who invited the gods to a banquet and attempted to serve his own son at a feast with the gods. The gods found out and he was punished by Zeus to forever go thirsty and hungry in Hades despite being stood in a pool of water and almost within reach of a fruit tree. When he reached for them, they moved just beyond his reach.

In the case of local elderly residents, most of who are not rich or wicked, the testing and distribution of vaccines to fight the virus have been just out of the reach of the majority, except those who had the time, transportation, and relatives who could accompany them for the three- to four-hour wait in line. Or, if you have the connections, to get a call from politicians with extra vouchers for their friends and political supporters. 

In the case of testing for the virus the city decided to award  the contract to Valley Urgent Med clinic – supervised by Physician Assistant Eder Hernandez – with a staff of less than one dozen workers, to test a population of more than 200,000. This virtual testing monopoly was supervised by Hernandez, who along with the city's health department and medical director, settled on placing the testing site in distant north Brownsville at the Sports Park.

There is no mass transit transportation to the park, nor were arrangements made to transport the elderly – the most vulnerable group – to get their testing done. Nonetheless, Hernandez quit after four months of milking the city's testing monopoly and walked away with $850,000 and crying all the way to the bank singing Hosannas to God Almighty.   

As if that wasn't bad enough, when the vouchers to vaccines were distributed, some of the same bad habits reappeared. The county provided each commissioner with 750 vouchers to distribute as they see fit, CDC protocols notwithstanding.

One of the luckless thousands who tried to get a voucher put it this way:

"Tried to get COVID vaccine at San Benito fargrounds in line for hours. The news mentioned that distribution was on a first-come, first-serve basis, and when we got there they said there were only for those 65 or older. The county is a three-ring circus."

"This also happened to me at the Los Fresnos several days ago," the writer said. 

In fact, it has gotten to the point that Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño told a local broadcaster (KVEO) that it would consider suggestions to tweak the system and make it more efficient. We guess that the initial distribution scheme – based on favoritism and political pandering – has backfired on the county. 

And for now life-saving vaccines for the the most vulnerable – elderly with underlying conditions without transportation or a way to wait in lines for hours – will remain just like water and fruit remained to Tantalus, just out of reach.


Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry writing about his family again as if they're idiots. No tiene juicio ese Guey!

If he can trash his ex and kids, well, he ain't worth a shit in my book.

Vato anciano. Ponte a rezar, puto!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan, Stop bitching! Tell the County how to do it. Be the man! Your articles are all the same. Step up and help the County provide a safe and sound way of vaccinating the elderly in our community. Jerry, Bobby and others are not helping either. You can be the Cesar Chavez of Brownsville for those unfortunate elderly individuals that cannot get the vaccine. The people will appreciate it. Se Chingon! Y no mamon.

Bobby and Jerry if you are reading this comment. What are you doing to help? Show the people that you can provide good ideas to assist the County in vaccinating the elderly in our community instead of presenting bitching articles on how the County is not doing their job.

Anonymous said...

Mayor hits bicyclist with vehicle Hahahahaha
Was it here? 'Bout time but do it legally at a commissioner's meeting lol smh!

Anonymous said...

@ "El Paya" commenter:

Como chingas con tu Paya. Ya casate con el o mamasela.

Pinche wiso.

Anonymous said...

I know all you Brownsville/Cameron politicos read El Rrun Rrun. So listen up: Many of the articles here have pointed out the flaws in the system of vaccinations. When are you politicos going to take heed and do something about it? There are frightened seniors who don't always know if their social security will keep them fed throughout the month, if they can pay the electric bill - now they have to worry if they will live to the end of the month. These are people with no cars, who have to wait at undeveloped and sometimes dangerous bus stops, and who have no internet. How much more can they take? Now you politicos kick them while they're already down by keeping a lifesaving vaccine out of their reach. You are the same politicos had no problem conning these same seniors to vote for you by driving them to the poll and hand-delivering ballots to their homes. Now you forsake them. Shameful. You listening Trey-mendous? Trevino?

Anonymous said...

Hey, politicos! You want solutions? Here's one: Go door to door (like you did during the elections) and take the names and other info from the seniors you preyed upon during the elections. Then, during the next internet sign-up/voucher/registration of the mass vaccine, use your minions to sign up these same people, the same people you tricked into voting for you. Next, when it's time to line up for the vaccine, have your minions pick them up and take them to the site, just like you did when you took them to the polls to vote for you. You had no trouble implementing a plan to get seniors to vote for you; now it's time to use your organizational powers for the good. If you can't tweak your heart to do it for them, do it for yourselves - maybe they will feel beholden to you and vote again for you miserable pieces of human waste.

Anonymous said...

No one should trust a vaccine that has not been tested long term! Everybody at their own risk, but no parents that really love their children should let their kids be vaccinated just because people like Bill Gates, Pelosi, Dr. Fauci are pushing it. Answer this question. Has anyone talk about it being safe long term? Of course not! Because they can't, this vaccine was rushed, you and your kids will be the Guinea pigs for long term results of this vaccine! Parents! Think twice before you make this important decision! Your kids are worth the battle to find out if this thing is really as safe as they tell us! Can you 100% trust that people like Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Gates are really taking the same vaccine that you are taking? God gave us all a brain and common sense, let's use when it depends on the health of our kids!

Anonymous said...

The politicians came to my neighbors house and took her to the polls to vote for them. Why can't they do the same about the vaccine? Logical solution. The politicians like Chaparito Mendez and Trevino have a big network to get elected - lots of minions - use the same network for the Greater Good - stop being self-serving and DO SOMETHING GOOD for a change! This is so obvious it hurts.

BobbyWC said...

@4:25 - Do you just hate reality. I have verified I am working with the VA to create a program to better triage those most in need. You know that so you distract by asking your stupid question.

Everyone knows you cannot expect seniors to sit in cars for hours.

I have met with many doctors all who have told me they have qualified to administer the vaccine. None are getting the vaccine because the county is eating them up and using them for political fodder.

This morning I was on the CVS page a 6.a.m. to register two people born in 1934. By 7:25 I finally got past the wait page, qualified them, and then got a message no more times available.

I have written over and over again the VA is desperately trying to get veterans 75 and older vaccinated and they have failed. If the VA cannot get enough vaccines for 75 and older why are we vaccinating people at age 65?

But again I profiled my work with Congressman Vela's office which verified they were communicating with the VA to create the program to better ID the most at risk so that they can better triage those most in need.

According to you this is just bitching. Exactly other than attacking others for having no ideas, what are you ideas?

I cannot force an inept city and county to understand if the VA cannot get all veterans 75 and older vaccinated they have no business offering the vaccine to 65 and older.

Everyone now dying who is older than 75 is on Trey Mendez and Eddie Treviño and their inept compadres on the commissions. There is no reason for someone over 75 not being vaccinated. But they do not care. It is now the people's fault for not giving them better guidance. What all the doctors advising them are also incompetent?

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

7:57 am: Obviously god forgot to give you a brain and common sense.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:57 am anti-vaxxer: Your brainless, senseless opinions are baseless. Where were you when god passed out the brains and common sense?

Anonymous said...

@8:38/9:20 Insults is the only thing you are left with. Tell me why you have so much Faith in this vaccine? And trust people like Trump,Biden,Dr. Fauci,pelosi,and Bill Gates? Educate me,since I have no common sense or brain.

Anonymous said...

Some ideas for vaccinating the elderly:

Majority of the elderly are attending Daycares or receiving home services by home providers or visiting nurses.

1. Have the County contact the Daycares and provide the vaccine on specific days at the Daycare or have the Daycares bring their clients to a specific place by appointment to receive the vaccine. There will be paperwork but it can be taken care by the family with the assistance of the Daycare personnel. Not aware if the Daycares are open at the present time but if they are not the Daycares know who their clients are. If the Daycare can take their clients to the mall, they can they them to a specific place with an appointment for the elderly to receive the vaccine.

2. If the elderly is receiving home services by a service provider agency, have the provider assist with the vaccination of the client. This would require the home provider agency to receive permission from the state to administer the vaccine. However, the County could assist in doing this service in a workable manner with the service provider agency.

All ideas in administering the vaccine to the elderly will have problems but solutions can be feasible. Perhaps, such ideas have already been consider by the County officials. Nevertheless, there is no need for statements like this: "But they do not care." from community members who are quick to criticize every single action by community leaders.

Anonymous said...


"Unless they contracted Covid before the vaccine became available Eddie Treviño and Trey Mendez are guilty of negligent homicide." BV

Will the local blogger file charges against this community leader? Did he forget to mention the other state and national leaders who are also responsible for providing the health services to our nation?

Not so long ago, the local mayor of this community was being praised by this individual as one of the best individual to lead this community. Perhaps, it was all about pizza and wine.

Anonymous said...

All these clowns run to make money and help their family and friends (jobs) not to help the community just look at the empty bike trails, potholes, flooding, traffic jams, red lights at every corner and it goes on and on....VOTE THEM OUT
