Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Ed'.s Note: Remember the hand-wringing that followed the selective release of a recording of former city commissioner Cesar de Leon during a get together with two others at a secluded ranch in the county? In the tapes, the alleged use of the "N" word referring to two Cameron County District Attorney's Office, made those people listed in the newspaper ad above call for his resignation.

If racism is wrong, then misogyny – the contempt and ingrained prejudice against women – is just as bad. 

Witnesses at a press conference at the Central Library said communications Director Felipe Romero and Mayor Trey Mendez
uproarioulsy called the questions by Brownsville Herald reporter Nubia Reyna "pendejas" and ridiculed her after she had left. Was that part of this city employee's  duties? 

Then it was revealed that Romero – apparently feeling that Mendez had his back – went as far as calling the newspaper to ask that she not be sent to future city press conferences. And what of reports of other telephone calls to the reporter by Romero after working hours?

That's a direct assault against the free press and free speech, not to mention disrespect to Reyna.

We wonder, since Mendez signed his name on the list above that De Leon resign from his elected office for the alleged racism, will he also call for his own resignation for misogyny? Or maybe fire the communications director who arrogantly insulted a Brownsville resident and press representative?

The ad, by the way, was paid by local attorney Michael Cowen and signed by former BISD board member Phil Cowen. City commissioner John Cowen may want to think of this issue since he is related to the two men who were outraged at De Leon and wanted him to step down. 

Will Cowen be as forceful with Romero as his relatives were with the former city commissioner?


Anonymous said...

Misogyny is worse than racism as it targets, our mothers, daughters and wives, and if we don't protect them who will.
Imagine what this says to the you v women in our town, and the value as women that they have.

Anonymous said...

If you really are a woman, Nubia, teach these assholes a lesion.

Anonymous said...

Now we see why he's no longer in that other city
Start hiring local citizens bola de pendejos...

Anonymous said...

This is par for the Machismo Course, ese. Why wring your hands over something as historical here as adultery?

Te sales, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

If you're a Mexican who gets a Stimulus check this next go-round, don't spend it in Matamoros, pendejos!

Es cierto que el culo no habla, pero sin duda si se ve.

Former RGV LEO said...

Oh, the BS that continues in Brownsville! So touchy about their feelings! No wonder the country is in such bad shape!

Anonymous said...

Romero is from Laredo. They're used to losing over there. Fire his ass!

Anonymous said...

Fake hair too much make up and red lipstick

Anonymous said...

This story will go away tomorrow and the people of Brownsville will become more stupider than the day before. You should be concerned about the thousands of people that are about to pour into your domed city. I guess covid is over in Brownsville, Mayor?

Anonymous said...

City Manager Noel Bernal is protecting Felipe Romero

Anonymous said...

Top board leaders resign after deadly Texas power outages

First fire this idiota at PUB than the other

The whole city should file a lawsuit against pub and cob come on attorneys help out start a lawsuit information fair.

Anonymous said...

Dismay Turns to Anger as South America’s Powerful Jump the Vaccine Line

Sounds like here but wait this isn't south america!

Anonymous said...

There won't be any accountability on this clown, so much for Total Alignment

Anonymous said...

I voted for Mendez because I knew his parents. His parents were from the barrio, humble and very family oriented. Since becoming Mayor, Mendez has not shown much of a concern for our barrios, poverty or homeless problems that exist in our city. Sadly, I have seen this characteristic in many of our Hispanic leaders that we elect to city, county and school board positions. Once they get elected to a position of power, they forget their roots and become a different individual. They become bullys, arrogant, stuffy noses and forget their constituents. We never hear from them again until they are up for re-election. I hope Mendez is not behind the push to ban the Herald reporter Nubia Reyna from city press conferences because we need to know what he is doing. Otherwise, I'm not going to wait till re-election time and here proclaim I'm from the barrio, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Mirrors any city in a third world country starting with the so call elected oficials. puro mamones

Anonymous said...

Johnny "Trey" Are you Queer ?

Anonymous said...

February 25, 2021 at 10:31 AM

I knew his dad this pendejo doesn't even comes close to what he's dad was like. "TREY" por favor pinche gringo KISS ASS.

Arturo said...

I totaly agree "Misogyny is worse than racism"
Nubia we respect your Job and support your Professionalism.

Anonymous said...

Romero es puro culero

Anonymous said...

La basura de austin y dallas go ahead and bring more of these pendejos down here and forget about the locals even if they need jobs.... pinche jotos...

Anonymous said...

If he were in austin and attacked a white reporter he would be hanged and in an austin second pinche mamon...

Anonymous said...



Pinche hillbilly coco wanna be white pendejo.

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE, Texas.- Ineficiente, déspota y abusivo, así describen a Felipe Gabriel Romero III, Director de Comunicación y Marketing de la ciudad de Brownsville.

A poco más de dos años de haber llegado al cargo, “Flip” como le gusta que le digan, ha mostrado ineficiencia para “identificar oportunidades creativas de comunicación”, como presume en su currículum.

En medio de una crisis como la que enfrenta el sur de Texas por la onda gélida, incluyendo Brownsville, el encargado de la comunicación desde noviembre de 2019, ha demostrado nuevamente no estar a la altura, pues son muchas las molestias sobre qué hace la ciudad para responder a la emergencia.

Esto se atribuye a que el llegado de Austin, desconoce las problemáticas de la región fronteriza y el tiempo que has estado en el cargo la utiliza para dos cosas: abusar del poder y tratar de amedrentar a los medios locales.

Flip, abusa del poder porque ha invertido en cantidades exorbitantes en proyectos de “mercadotecnia” pero que benefician a un grupo de proveedores (sus favoritos), dejando de lado los locales y optando por aquellos a los que, según él le ofrecen garantía, hasta el momento no vista.

Y es que, Felipe Romero sí ha tenido propuestas para mejorar la calidad de comunicación que tiene la ciudad de Brownsville con la ciudadanía, pero el efecto ha sido nulo, solo una millonada invertida en el centro de comunicación, que ni siquiera cumple con las necesidades básicas.

Es decir, plataformas electrónicas mal diseñadas y con links que no llevan a nada. Pero lo que es peor, una estrategia sin sentido para una ciudad considerada como de las más pobres de Estados Unidos, en la que sus habitantes no tienen para pagar un servicio de datos y acceder a la información que difunde en redes.

El portavoz, también se ha caracterizado por ser prepotente e incluso atentar contra la libertad de expresión de varios periodistas locales que han señalado su ineficiencia en varios rubros.

Tan evidente ha sido la situación que ahora el gerente de la ciudad Noel Bernal tendrá que evaluar si vale la pena mantener al exnarrador deportivo en el cargo o en su defecto los Comisionados de la Ciudad se vean obligados a intervenir para que se designe a otra persona en su lugar.

Anonymous said...

If racism is wrong, flush this pinche blog. It lives and flourishes on anti-white, anti-coco sentiments.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Its anti-RATA pendejo...
the elected kind

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Best blog ever VIVA EL RRUN RRUN!!!!!

Pinches gringos and cocos bola de mamones
