Friday, February 26, 2021


Special to La Cebolla

Several reports indicate that as a result of frigid temperatures last week, numerous barrio residents were found floundering belly up among cold-stunned mojarras in local resacas.

Volunteers who fished them out of the water said they stacked them like cord wood in a garage heated with three large tubs filled with red hot mesquite coals and that most remained there until they dried up and the cold spell dissipated.

"We couldn't take them in the house because it was freezing in there without heat or lights," said a barrio volunteer. "They were shivering until they dried off. It was not a pretty sight. Estaban empapados, bro!"

Much like the sea turtles pulled out of the waters off South Padre Island and fish in local resacas, the people pulled out if the water were suffering from hypothermia.

Many were said to have gone to the water to fill cans to use for domestic purposes after the water supply failed or their houses' pipes froze.

"They underestimated how cold it really was and got disoriented and fell in," said a relative of one of the victims. "It was mucho frio."

 Volunteer spokesperson Yanila Chingas said the effort would not have been successful were it not for the fact that just about everyone in the barrios had an ample supply of firewood they used to grill meat during the recent Cowboys football season.

"Too bad about the Cowboys," she said. "But everyone around here keeps a stack of mesquite by their grills for the football season and they came in handy. These fans are the heroes here. The victims smelled like grilled pollo afterwards, though."


Anonymous said...

Call that NYC lady that keeps bringing animals here and bring some PIRANHAS to the resacas (lakes for her). pinche pendeja...
black ducks every where, plastic bags fiasco, water afican lilies in all resacas got any more stupid ideas?

Anonymous said...

Was one of them Capt. Bob?

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

South Padre Island treats their Sea Turtles better than Browntown treats their homeless population.

Anonymous said...

Mojarrras float at about 11:30 every night by la catorce bars.

Anonymous said...

Those dead mojarras can be donated to ese guey you know who! He can make delicious fish fry meals! Right he's busy getting his daily COVID-19 testing por el you know where! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Cold wave spawns fish kill; Officials say water quality unaffected

Maybe for san bene but for here san bene is full of mojarras anyway.

Anonymous said...

Lol...Same crap happened at Brownsville PD
A Chief's with no administrative experience and a history of bad behavior and illegal activity but the City Mananger Bernal would do anything to save a dollar and pocket anything he could steal from the Brownsville Police Officers. SO WHY NOT HIRE A CHIEF who was already known as "El Chapo" Sauceda for obvious reasons..The previous administration had attempted to hide him from the public by sticking him in the property room where there wasn't much to steal cuz it had already been inventoried.
SO the Chief must surround himself with people that blow smoke up his ass and tell him his the greatest Chief..Mean while the whole Department is collapsing around him with Officers getting hurt in record numbers due to lack of manpower on the streets, at times there maybe 4 units on each side of town under previous administration there was a minimum standard of at least 20..but to save money and look good this Chief will sacrifice anything to look good including Officer safety and safety of the community..Goodluck SO...I'm sure your New Sheriff can run circles around Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..
