Monday, February 22, 2021


 At-Large "B"

1. Rose Gowen

2. Yuri Pena

3. Erasmo Castro

District 3

1. Jessica Puente-Bradshaw

2. Roy de los Santos

3. Carlos Elizondo

District 4

1. Pedro Cardenas

2. Joe Valdez

3. Ben Neece

4. Albert "Beto" Velez


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote For Pedro!

Anonymous said...

Not one in this whole damn list to make a difference for the
people of Brownsville. I may as not even register to vote this go around
and keep my mouth shut. Anyway, it does not make a difference. You are only missing one that would actually make it a circus - Sylvia - from behind bars.

Anonymous said...

Ben Neece had his chance, four years and what did he get done?


Thousands of dollars for security cameras in a dead downtown is no accomplishment. Ben failed. He lost Downtown H-E-B. Ben does not deserve four more years. Maybe four more beers.

Anonymous said...

Trump's taxes tell a tale of debt and desperation

For once, he will come face-to-face with his financial shenanigans. His ass is grass.

Anonymous said...

La caballada esta flaca.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Puente Bradshaw is a Trump lover, who only removed her Trump yard signs once she announced she was running.

Big worm said...


Anonymous said...

Heard someone setting up protests at PUB let us know many of my neighbors will show.

BobbyWC said...

If Jessica takes the blind female vote then she makes the runoff. The question then is will the hard core Trumpites back her with money and votes. We shall see a h ere the money takes us

Anonymous said...

The city of Brownsville is fucked.

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche mugrero

Anonymous said...

We want Tito and Dr. Eder! Dr. Eder can cure anything and Tito can lift heavy things for his height.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo, ese vato no tiene vergüenza. Running again? Ya vato, throw in the towel and move on.

Anonymous said...

Remember, don't elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation " bullshit on their personal homes. These so called leaders don't have any business being in public office since they don't pay a penny on property taxes. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous 5:22pm

You're not even registered to vote (?), or to stupid to know you don't have to register each time. It's better that you don't vote, since you're so ignorant.

If you don't vote, don't bitch

Anonymous said...

I see Da Blimp is back here with another comment. More proof his loser blog is dying. And what became of his announcement that he was leaving? Vato mentiroso!!!

Blimp is useless as a news reporter, not anywhere in Juan's league!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Make it no more bike tails no more security cameras and no more car washers for people that do business with the city PURA RAQUETA ESTOS GUEYES...

Anonymous said...

Yes, you have to register to get your absentee ballot at home, no?
You are right about not bitching if you don't vote, but difference does it make. From these candidates, whom do you honestly think is there as a civil duty with legitimate concerns and no pocket-lining in mind?

10:30 blogger, you need to apply to teach government at BISD - and I mean to the board, not the kids.

Anonymous said...


Te todos no se hace uno! Does Brownsville not have better individuals that could lead our community? Es asqueroso ver candidatas como Castro y Elizondo en la boleta para comisionado. Y los de mas no se quedan atras.

Anonymous said...

No more useless bike lines/trails, no more useless Cylovias that only waste city budgets. Time to elect better leaders and not self serving individuals.

Anonymous said...

Is there any info on Yuri Pena? Education, employment, etc.

Anonymous said...

Its like looking for a meal at a cesspool...

Anonymous said...

They should place voting booths at ALL local cantinas that way they, just maybe, vote for the right persons, if they don't at least they have a good reason to have voted for more pendejos/as...

Anonymous said...

Jessica Puente Bradshaw is more Radical than Marjorie Taylor Greene . Tea Party, Gun Nut, Conspiracy Babe. Biggest Trump Ass kisser in Brownsville ( next to Hasse ).
