Friday, February 19, 2021


Special to EL Rrun-Rrun

When the Brownsville Housing Authority broke ground on the Poinsettia Gardens at Boca Chica on September 2019, it was seen as the watershed construction project for public housing in the City of Brownsville.

The BHA and its private partners were awarded a 9 percent $20 million tax break for the creation of 150 housing units. It was the largest financial awards the Brownsville Housing Authority had received for this type of project.

Then came the Great 2021 Blackout of the Brownsville Public Utility Board. Now, as most of the city is slowly recovering from the last five days of frigid weather, some tenants of the ultra-modern units say that they still haven't received electricity. And some even yearn for their single-story brick dwellings at the old Villa Verde project.

"Those houses were made of brick and retained the heat even if the lights went out," said a woman who was standing outside one of the multi-story units this morning. "These new ones have a real high ceiling with central air but they get really cold when there's no electricity. The others were old, but they were warm."

The woman said that the tenants moved into the new apartments this month, but that since she closed her PUB account at the old project, she had to pay a $48 reconnection fee to have PUB transfer the account to the new apartment. 

"A lot o people never check their mail by in the boxes by the apartment offices," she said. "I did and there was the bill for the reconnection fee. Otherwise, they wouldn't turn on the power."

A BHA supervisor at the site said that some of the units at Poinsettia Gardens are hooked up already after the PUB rolling blackouts and was at a loss on why some of the units had their power restored and others are still in the dark.

"It's not up to us if the lights come back on," he said as he led a group of visitors through the project. "It's either up to PUB or ERCOT up in Austin.

"We're struggling without power as well," he said. "I know we have a lot of families without lights. We've been waiting for the last four days for the power to come back on."

Across town, some older subdivisions have also been left out of the PUB blackout emancipation and say that they are hoping the power comes back on today as it has in other, newer parts of the city. Among this is District 2 commissioner Jessica Tetreau, a chronic complainer of utility services.

In the past, her complaints have drawn the ire of other residents because they see her as a whiner when she could be more proactive to do well by her constituents.

Today, she said her home was one connected to an older part of the PUB system and that it is on the 20 percent of the homes that hasn't received electric power yet.

She included a PUB graphic that shows that her home, as well as the ones at Poinsettia Gardens, are part of some 1,300 still without power.

"And yet you can walk to Boca Chica just a few yards from the apartments and all the businesses have lights and heat," said the woman from the projects. "It doesn't seem fair."


Anonymous said...

"You can never please a Mexican, especially one used to getting free stuff."

Anonymous said...

PUB is a CRIMINAL organization they are still charging you extra for Tenaska project that got trashed years ago.130million dls and counting they misappropriated the money and now have $30mill left of your money.where did it go Waldo? Who authorized it ,did the citizens of Brownsville approve expenditures hmmmm.past and present board are full of shit!! Ex mayor and city commissioners haven't done shit about this theft ,and where is are current midget Mayor in all this fking guy is worthless.,and don't try to push the idea of selling PUB dipshits FIX THE PROBLEMS!!

Anonymous said...

Besides the reconnection fee, a problem in the same area on BonAire Ave was blamed on individual non-working meters, etc. We hired an electrician to come take over and he found nothing wrong with the meter. PUB came back and discovered that one of the huge transformers was not working - after over 40 hours of no service. But we are going to get a discount on our bill for the days we were without service, right? What about the cable and Internet. Come on, city officials, what went wrong. Get to work and figure out how to avoid all these problems to top of like whipped cream on the pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Electricity is not free you racist Republican dumbass. Get your head out of Trump and Cruzes coward ass and just maybe you'll be able to think straight moron.

Anonymous said...

They pay pennies on the dollar for rent and eant to complain

BobbyWC said...

Every time there is a shift in the ground we lose electricity. We both are part of the same old fragile system. We are day two with electricity on my side, Jessica is just around the corner.

I am tired of the unwillingness of the BPUB to fix the problem. My plans show I have natural gas at the curb. I have to pay to connect it to the house. It is $7,000 to buy and install a natural gas generator for a house 2000-2500 squ feet. I will lose money once the house sells, but it will sell for more because never again will the house be without electricity.

I predict next winter will be just as bad. If we know we cannot count on the state or the BPUB then we have to be willing to spend the money to take care of ourselves. These generators turn on immediately once the regular utilities go out.

We lose electricity a lot in the summer. Just an idea for those who can afford it. The $1400 soon to come and the very low interest makes it a good investment. When the house sells it is paid for and the new owners have a major asset.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

A Texas grocery store lost power and let people leave without paying. Shoppers paid it forward.

(H-E-B in New Braunfels)

Anonymous said...

Meine Frau zeigt ihre Muschi für euch alle.

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly gringos are the worst kind they even marry within their own family a cockroach european tradition...

Anonymous said...

Entre mas les dan, mas quieren - limosneros con garote! Les dan ride y quieren manejar! Some people have never learned to fin for themselves and those of us who did now have to support their fajitas for their BBQ's. No wonder we are pissed off at those waiting to cross the border. Maybe Sister Norma doesn't mind, cause she doesn't pay taxes, but I do and I do not qualify for any freebies!

Anonymous said...

The fact of the mater is that Brownsville and Cameron County as separate but somewhat similar political entities have suffered from inferior politicians. Also fact is the idea that "old names," such as Carlos Cascos, are not the answer, either. Cascos quit of Cameron County when the secretary of state carrot was offered to him.

Dare to try a new name. It cannot be any worse.

Anonymous said...

Somebody please organize a protest at PUB and the jackass Brusiaks house on south Padre island. Might as well at the mayor s house also for the internal investigation. Put an end to incompetent leadership and corruption.

Anonymous said...

If they don't like it they can always get a job and get off of welfare and move out of public housing.

Anonymous said...

Pinche gente huevona. Pongan a trabajar. Ya no sean sanganos y holgazanes. Pura pinche gente arrastrada.

Anonymous said...

thank you..juan.
At least you lend a helping hand
thru your community reports..


Anonymous said...

a)The Villa Verde units all had gas wall mounted furnaces, of course the units were warm without power.
b) The Villa Verde units didn't have HVAC, the new units will be nice and cool in the summer and are warm now (power is back).
c) All reconnection fees (to include cable) are being reimbursed by the BHA to the families moving into Poinsettia Gardens from other projects.

Anonymous said...

According to Jessica she had no power but never said anything until other people said they didn't have power for days and that is when she went on to say her area had 20% of now power, never did she say she was without power the whole time. Always playing the victim and wants to be a drama queen playing on good people emotions that really are suffering and did suffer. She never tells the truth and only wants attention. Her and Trey are the same liars.

Anonymous said...

Why do u hate all the “juniors” juan?

Anonymous said...

Puros wuixotes sin ❤..

Remember they hated ME b4 they
Hated You..

Anonymous said...

And where was city manager Bernal with his total alignment?

Anonymous said...

Please set up a protests at PUB ILL GO And many of my neighbors will show up guaranteed.
