Friday, March 5, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The HEBs, Walmarts, etc., know better.

South Padre Island never acknowledged it.

And now the State of Texas, after suffering through huge pandemic numbers and deaths, has decided that it will no longer require the wearing of face covering after March 10 in a false gesture of bravado and defiance against the ongoing battle against COVID-19 and Big Government.

By literally thumbing Texas' nose against the federal government and Center for Disease Control's recommendation to continue to wear a face covering, while paying lip service to maintain a social distance, and washing hands, Gov. Greg Abbott has become the poster child of the
Trump base at the expense of the 45,000 dead from COVID-19 in the state.

Hidalgo County has lost 2,666 and Cameron another another 1,500.

The school districts aren't buying it. And, interestingly, neither are the owners of the Palm Lounge and the Library at Riojas in downtown Brownsville whose earnings have taken a year-long hit from the pandemic.

"The State of Texas has lifted the requirement," said the manager of the Library. "But we are still requiring it for our staff and customers. This isn't over yet."

The Brownsville Herald reported that Abbott’s decision, made without seeking input from three of his four medical advisers according to the Texas Tribune, makes Texas the largest state without a mask mandate. 

The order, which takes effect March 10, came on the same day 6,000 Texans were hospitalized with COVID-19 in the state, 1,700 of them in intensive care units, and during a week when virus cases stopped declining nationwide and cases in Texas began ticking up again.

South Padre Island, whose businesses never acknowledged the pandemic and partied through the last year are probably cheering Abbott for his business sense and independence. And it's hard to ignore that it comes just a few weeks before the onslaught of Spring Break, the annual Island moneymaker.

Just when the state was getting a grip on the number of positive cases and a downward spiral of deaths, the lifting of the face mask mandate is done conveniently at the start of the annual festivities which the convention and visitor's bureau is branding a "family" event. It's so disingenuous on the part of the governor and the party crowd at SPI to play with people's lives. 

Abbott even blamed the unaccompanied immigrant minors for spreading the virus just as he blamed the wind turbines – which make up less than 10 percent of the power produced in the state – for the crippling of the deregulated Texas power grid. If we get a big spread, who will they blame next?


Anonymous said...

Enough was enough with the do nothing fake wearing mask! Mask is what is making people get sick. People aren't washing their masks and bacteria is there for one to get sick and breathing your own carbon Monoxide isn't healthy! All you complainers can go hide inside your home if you still want to wear your diaper face mask! For me, I'm going to the island and party! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Like Las Vegas, South Padre Island is a one-dimensional economy. No mystery then why it fights Covid restrictions.

You lump it with other cities and towns and it has nothing in common with any of them.

I, for one, am okay with SPI doing what it has to do to stay alive (I know, I know the irony of that sentence, but that's reality, bro)

Don't be such a tight ass, Montoya. SPI is very different.

Anonymous said...

You've heard it: "Keep Hawaii Hawaiian!"

Yet again you bitch about South Padre Island.......

Former RGV LEO said...

Oh, here we go with the political ignorance behind Governor Abbott' order! Get over it you cry babies and wear the fucking mask if it makes you feel better! democrat hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

Dont let the wheelchair fool you this guy is ignorant and desperate Gov is really trying so hard to save his political ass in his mismanagement of our utilities services and now he pulls this idiotic and dangerous stunt.Many of these Republicans have no leadership skills or commonsense.

Anonymous said...

As for Abbott, an old saying comes to mind, "Pa pendejo no se estudia."

Anonymous said...

@10:20 your an ignorant fool spitting an evil selfish message dont be crying if yo get covid moron.

Anonymous said...

I will continue wearing a mask. My life, my choice. If you get on my face and start insulting me, be prepared to answer a suit. Your rights end where MINE BEGIN.
Abbott, 2022 can't come soon enough. I guess your followers already forgot they had 17,000 dollars in electric bill.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how people are willing to give up their freedom so easily. If these fake masks are working how come we did not get rid of corona months ago?
Why do you have to impose your paranoid fears on everyone, nobody is stopping you from wearing your mask.

Florida and Texas have done a lot better with less restrictions than California and new York. How do you explain that? You can't, its all about whether you trust your citizens or not and blue states don't trust their citizens.

Anonymous said...

They're gonna need a bigger hospital

Anonymous said...

Oh no...there comes the 15300 wave...

Anonymous said...

In the movie, Jaws....the leaders of the community opened the the movie again !!!

Former RGV LEO said...

March 5,2021 at 6:53 PM

You might be right ONLY if people who have to be told what to do as far as keeping their fingers out of their eyes, mouth and nose! How sad that we have to be reminded like little children when Mom & Dad taught and harped on us growing up!
But, remember the one who will be responsible for more out breaks is that biden pendejo in Washington. He's letting in a bunch of immigrants who have and will carry diseases.

Anonymous said...

@2:32 Another idiota that probably wears two masks and jobless. Probably waiting for his stimulus check from his papi Biden! Go hide in the closet idiota!

Anonymous said...

Your an idiot 3:35pm Abbott is the reason people had $17,000 electricity bills dummy.Many years ago he championed the Ercot system that got us into this mess to begin with he made a lot of Dallas and Houston white boys richer on your dime.

Anonymous said...

Wearing a mask is everyone's own desicion, if you want to follow the protocol for your own protection wear it, if you don't want to follow then don't wear it, at the end of the day for those who don't have the vaccine you are only putting yourself at risk under your own responsibility and you could die, so later don't be complaining that you are sick, we are all adults and we know what needs to be done, no need for another adults to be constantly on top of people for the same thing, make your own wise desicions!!!

Anonymous said...

Health officials report lower trend in COVID-19 cases for South Texas
WHAT? Who made the report cuomo?

Anonymous said...

ON SALE at the flea market NOW!!
used urns all shapes and sizes
used masks all colors and shapes
funeral insurance to cover you funeral expense

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the man in the WHEEL CHAIR. Masks doesn't keep you from getting the SEVERE FLU just like the vaccine won't keep you from getting that SAME SEVERE FLU. But hey, if it MAKES you FEEL BETTER, wear it and get vaccinated.

Former RGV LEO said...

Oye idiota 4:32! Abbott is not the reason that people got HIGH electric bills is because those idiots decided to pay WHOLESALE rates KNOWING or just got very stupid that one day it was either going to be very cold or very hot! I agree that ERCOT is to blame along with the Department of Energy who instructed ERCOT to NOT generate electricity! Remember, ERCOT is publicly documented and admitted that they gave the "go ahead" to AEP to generate more electricity!

Anonymous said...

Gov. Abbott is giving us back our freewill, he said it's up to the individuals to decide on there own. Not have the government tell you what to do. People socialism is around the corner, for us that have been around awhile we can notice the change that is coming and it's not good. Are freedoms are at stake and this superfly is there (government) way of controlling us, thru fear. Remember The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
