Thursday, March 25, 2021


This morning as I cracked eggs to make our baby girl
Her favorite omelette -
Con sus papitas doradas, mozzarella 
And just a hint of chorizo San Manuel-
(Like you both like it)...
I thought of you

The children? Fine.

The oldest of our two sons
Now teaches and continues school
To get his Ph.D

Our middle child
Gets through the U of H
Next year,...maybe
(Ya sabes como es el)

She graduates from Hanna High
This May or June
To try her wings and fly
At some far-off school...
Get a degree...

Seems way too soon,
If you ask me

It's been that long
A year,
That you've been gone

I promised you 
I'd see them off
To lead good lives
Ser gente buena
Give them your love

I promised her today
We'd go to San Pedro and visit for a while
(She reminds me of you, sweetie
With her mischievous smile)

And she said blancas rosas
(Como las de Guadalupe, 
Novela que tu gozas)

And hard as it has been
I'll keep my vow to you

This morning I cooked our baby's favorite omelette
And thought of you


Anonymous said...

Tree Trade: BPUB offers program for the community

Offer a disount, offer lower rates, offer extended pay plans, offer lower price on connections and re-connections who wants or needs trees here? Who came up with this BRIGHT idea, the ceo that makes 350k a year? WOW he deserves another salary increase.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful love story ❤.

Anonymous said...

Stick to the topic, you disrespectful so-called-human.

If there were more Dad's like this man, our world would be so much better.
Taking care of their kids and respecting her memory and keeping his promise to her. Beautiful, Juan? Congratulate the man who has feelings to not be afraid to admit he loved his wife and still does.

Anonymous said...

We are giving the Trump-appointed heads of the Social Security Admin **24 Hours** to get off their backsides and stop delaying sending stimulus checks to 30,000,000 Americans.

Anonymous said...

March 25, 2021 at 8:29 PM

BABOSO open up your own blog pendejo you can't control what's not yours idiota cucaracho

Anonymous said...

The person responsible for the comments that do not pertain to this beautiful poem, including the derogatory comment above.... is none other than Eduardo Paz Martinez. You are a bonafide idiot, old man.

Anonymous said...

Trump holdovers at Social Security delayed survivor checks for 30 million vulnerable Americans

Anonymous said...

Hechale un cinco al piano................

Anonymous said...

Thank you vegetable Biden for letting a 9 yrs old girl drown crossing the Rio Grande River! The mother and brother barely survived themselves, but the little girl died. Her death and what happens to the other kids will be on your head! At least have the courtesy to visit the border towns to show that you care! Instead you lay the immigration crises on Kamala! Where's those pendejos who were crying and bitching when Cruz went to Mexico? Now eso bolas de ojetes says shit that vegetable Biden hasn't visited any border towns! Kids are in dangerous situations because of vegetable Biden. But all you Cruz haters ojetes stay silent with no-show Biden! Que mamones!

Anonymous said...

I am pro-Biden and I have nothing to say about his handling of the border, just like you said nothing when Trump was doing it.

Chinguen su madre tambien!!!

Anonymous said...

Hechale un cinco al piano y que siga el vacilon!

Former RGV LEO said...

@12:11, how often do you come up for air after having your head up your ass! Yup, you're the typical democrat without common sense or intelligence. I'd rather put up with the tweets then put up with this alzheimer's idiot and his pen. You remind me of that other "head up ass" santiago perez, another dumb ass democrat.

Anonymous said...

March 27, 2021 at 2:54 PM

ya no hay pianos de cinco guey

Anonymous said...

In the next election 30 million senior votes will be democratic votes you can that to the bank, no pun indented.
