Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The recent report of an inmate attempting suicide by hanging in one of the Cameron County detention units in downtown Brownsville rang a bell for an old newsman in town

Bill Young, who used to work for the Brownsville Herald and local broadcasters before becoming the Public Information Officer for the City of Brownsville, said it reminded him of a similar case that happened many years ago,
"Your little sidebar on an attempted suicide in the Cameron County Jail reminded me of an incident at the old Cameron County jail (across from The Herald)," he wrote.

"I happened to be in the jail and was alerted to a dead prisoner in a single cell on the jail's first floor. The man was definitely dead and had a bath towel wrapped tightly around his neck/throat, seemingly strangling himself!

Sadly,  I can't remember his name or the year but it was listed and classified as an official suicide."

It is highly improbable that a prisoner could have wrapped the towel around his neck and strangled himself, of course, but things were much simpler back then. In the more recent case involving the prisoner at one of the downtown units, Sheriff Eric Garza says an investigation is under way by the proper authorities (Texas Rangers?).

With jailers saying they need more help, will the Rinches consider the lack of manpower a contributing factor to the man's attempted suicide?


Anonymous said...

As I said and will continue to say, this new administration is cutting corners, lying to the public and his employees, eliminated jailer positions to fluff his cronies salaries! The jailers are short handed, your deputies continue to lack training. You have non-qualified people running the show. You are making up ranks to your inner circle! ex: creating a Corporal position for idiot Mendieta! You have hired people under Jailer positions that aren't doing anything like Carlos Martinez!
Someone will get hurt; this time it was an inmate, next time who is it going to be? Administration to so worried in changing uniforms and the colors of the units instead of training, bringing in unity. And don't bring up oh, the previous administration was the same. OK, so it was or it wasn't. That's not the point.. the point is the Garza said he was going to bring in the change that was needed. I still don't see that changing uniforms is needed?!

Anonymous said...

Now that Biden is temporary holding the presidency, you will start hearing more and more fake mass shootings like when Obama was president. Senate hearing just begun to address the problem. The answer is, you guessed it, gun control. Taking away guns is what they will be pushing, by making it super hard to get one. The Asian mass killing was another government Psyop! Wake up people no sean tan pendejos! Biden is trying to bring us back to higher taxes, higher gas prices, open borders, more wars, and bring jobs back to China.

Anonymous said...

The second name of los rinches is coverup.

Anonymous said...

Bill Young invented Fake News!

ja ja ja

Vato puffy.

Anonymous said...

@10:03 am

Take your meds, asshole. Load of low-rent garbage there. You'd be dangerous if you had a brain.

Trump's still up your ass, stupid, stupid Mexican!

Anonymous said...

Local blogger Blimp treats us to another of his mind-bending tumbles with the English language -

"Well that does not make an article which will past mustard with the Wall Street Journal."

It's "pass muster," you moron!

Mustard? ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone left? I thought corona was going to kill us all. Schools closed, businesses ruined , but at least not a single, local, state or federal "servant" has missed a paycheck...

Anonymous said...

The Biden administration has secured an $86 million contract for hotel rooms to house immigrants! WTF! How about first housing the millions of homeless around the country! And Americans get bread crumbs of $1400! Guess who's paying for everything? It's not the immigrants that's for sure! Destroying the economy is their number one priority, and then comes the encomony reset! Expect a new financial system coming soon and it will keep the rich, richer and the poor, poorer! They will eliminate the middle class completely! You can thank the Idiotas who voted for Biden! Pinche bolas de ojetes!

Anonymous said...

@9:58AM how about you be an adult and speak to the Sheriff or Commissioner's Court on Tuesday if you're concerned the way the agency is being ran. If you're dissatisfied with the agency, you're more than welcome to find a better opportunity elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

@2:37 pm you must think I'm an employee at the sheriff office. You are wrong.... sorry. I'm just a concerned citizen who's upset that I was conned by the new sheriff in believing in him; In believing that he would bring in the actual change that the county needed! To see Cameron County being equal in pay, training etc. as Hidalgo County! doesn't take a genius to figure what's going on, plus not every current employee at the SO stays quiet. Everyone talks..

Anonymous said...

@2:37......What do you think? We are afraid to speak to this coward of Sheriff? He hides behind his BFs Dad and everyone else who funded his campaign. According to them....they “had it all figured out and had their transition team”. Actions speak louder than words and no one needs to help the Garza Administration fall because these idiots are doing it on their own without anyone’s help. But “the change you deserve” RIGHT??? Well just because you take it in the @ss Eric doesn’t mean we all do and you keep Fuking up you really need to grow some balls and remember if it smells like shit, looks like shit, well then guess what????

Anonymous said...

folks to the victor come the spoils so yes we all get conned by ERIC and guess what this is what we got for the next 3 years and 9 months PURA CREMA.

Anonymous said...

Puro vato enojados porque perdio Lucio y Reynas.

Anonymous said...

@12:15 Your insults relates how low your IQ must be. Idiotas like you and the rest who voted for Senile Joe "Made in China" Biden are the reason we are in this situation in America! Este Viejito vegetable Biden is making us the laughing stock of the world! Pendejo viejito is afraid to answer reporters, has Kamala talk to world leaders, and can't barely complete a fuking sentence! Pendejo vegetable can barely walk up steps without falling! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Eric Garza has no remorse nor takes responsibility seriously concerning the suicide of this human being. He will make sure the police report notes that the inmate died at the Valley Baptist hospital and not at the jail. The autopsy will cover-up the main cause of death and location as to the suicide and clear the jail. This has been done many, many times. It's called pay back by Valley Baptist for all the purpose intentional errors that the Garza's, (Aurora and now Erick Garza), cover-up for and would clear the hospital of MEDICAL MALPRACTICE wrongdoing. Check and follow the Campaign trail of who and how much was contributed to Eric Garza Campaign. This fucker is cooked. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2021 at 6:48 AM

I D I O T A !

America Deals said...

thanks for the effective efforts keep it up
