Friday, March 26, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Saying it's time for the Cameron County Bar to do its part to help stimulate local businesses hard hit by the pandemic, local attorney Reynaldo "Trey" Garza has extended an invitation to its members to join him for lunch this Friday at a downtown Brownsville restaurant. 

An the first round will be on him, he said.

Call it a kind of Cameron County Bar Stimulus Express.

To sweeten the deal, he says he will buy the first round of libations to those who accept his invitation to join him for lunch noon Friday at the Historic Palm Lounge, 757 E. Elizabeth.

"In an effort to support local businesses, I am buying a round of drinks at the Pam Lounge for everybody who shows up Friday between noon and 1 p.m.," he emailed local attorneys. "It's time to get back to business."

Garza, grandson of Reynaldo Garza, the first United States Hispanic federal district judge appointed by President J.F. Kennedy, says it was time local attorneys did their part to help local businesses confront the effects of the year-long pandemic.

"Let's get this town moving forward," he said. "Next Friday we will choose another restaurant, the Oyster Bar on Paredes, for our Stimulus Express. I emailed more than 1,000 colleagues. Let's get the ball rolling."

Edwin Hernandez, owner of the Palm, promised his crack staff will be reinforced and on hand to cater to the CC Bar Stimulus Express.

"We'll be ready," he said. "We're stocked for bear. C'mon down." 


Anonymous said...

Super spreader event. Maybe Shakespeare will finally get his wish.

" Let's kill all the lawyers " is a line from William Shakespeare 's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". It is among Shakespeare's most famous lines, as well as one of his most controversial.

The intent is good, but ignore the reality on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Typical "Small Mind" approach to all-things-Brownsville. And at a bar? This story appears to be nothing more than a chance for Montoya to name-drop. It'll be the usual suspects showing up to talk about nothing.

I mean, how many people can show up at that place? It's tiny!

Capt. Bob would do it bigger!

Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play.

Anonymous said...

My good deed for today:

Special reminder for those who don't normally file a tax return
People who don't normally file a tax return and don't receive federal benefits may qualify for these stimulus payments. This includes those experiencing homelessness and others.
Hillbilly coco wanna be white now is the time for you pendejo to pay pub and the electric bill for your bus shelter on central blvd. IDIOTA expect your check by December 31st 2021 if lucky guey

Anonymous said...

Going to a restaurant once a week is moving this town forward, I go to a beer joint every friday so does that mean I am moving my town forward?

Anonymous said...

Only the rich and famous can come up with an idea like that. Does that include Dona Conchita's Tacos y las Casuelas on Adams ?

Anonymous said...

Anybody ? Including his ex comadre Elia Cornejo ?

Anonymous said...

Now drunk lawyers, what else is stupid in Brownsville

Anonymous said...

We need a fourth stimulus check for all the months we have gone without!

Anonymous said...

HOW about a round of micheladas at Trevi's?

Anonymous said...

It is a well known secret that many attorneys in Cameron County are not only drunks, but full blown alcoholics. Maybe the first event's sponsor can prove me wrong?

Anonymous said...

Who's next - local nurses?

Anonymous said...

En Bronsbil, el culo habla.

Anonymous said...


The network is being sued by election technology company Dominion for $1.6 billion.

Republicans run for cover!

Anonymous said...

Virginia Beach mass shooting 2 dead and 8 injured. Of course, the deaths will rise, like always, more deaths will come from some of those 8 that were supposedly injured! I told you idiotas more fake government psyop mass shootings were coming down the pipe! Get your popcorn ready pinche ojetes! Hahahahaha! Wake up people, no sean Vegetable como Biden! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee placed the blame on SSA Commissioner Andrew Saul, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump.

They said the delays "defied congressional intent and imposed needless anxiety and pain on taxpayers."

On Wednesday, Ways and Means demanded that the SSA hand over the paperwork within 24 hours and the agency complied.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Georgia - Racist to the end.

Under the bill, signed into law Thursday night by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, it's now illegal to hand out food or water to people standing in line to vote.

"No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector," the new law states.

Crazy shit, but now law.

Anonymous said...

@1:14 Pinche ojete! Why don't you talk about not having to pay property taxes because you live in cardboard house! I just bought a brand new refrigerator, and I'm donating the big box to you. Maybe you can use it to make an extra room! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@8:19 It's all for show ojete! Nothing will come out of it, just like the impeachment trials! Stop watching too much CNN Pendejo! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...


Junior’s quest to avenge his father is not going as planned.

Anonymous said...

Otro puro pedo shooting in Philadelphia where 7 people were shot! Where can I sign up to be a crisis actor! I'll get rich if hired in the more coming government psyop mass shootings! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Are y'all going to have a designated driver, take an Uber or have special privileges from the police? What are you promoting to your children or do you a free pass for a DWI ? Regular folks don't get those privileges.

Anonymous said...

You have Transportation secretary Pete ”Like in the butt” Buttigieg and Joe "Vegetable" Biden weighing in on implementing a Vehicle Mileage Tax! I shit you not! Esto pendejos are going to tax you everytime your vehicle is on the road! People that travel alot will get fuk the hardest! The plan is to collect 3 trillion dollars for rebuilding the US infrastructure wink/wink! Ese guey half Coco mutt le vale madre, because he rides a girl 1980 Huffy bike and is exempt from the tax! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Are you going to provide services to take all these inebriated people home? Police officers did you just see this invitation or are you just going to look the other way? Sure, let's go have the first drink on Trey, but I bet you can't stop at one. The one's that will have special "Get out of jail cards" will be his wannabe elite friends, attorneys and officials, just like some of the same categories have in the past. And while you're at it, why don't you include a free vaccine voucher as a door prize.(some officials have done so recently) This is a stupid and irresponsible idea.

Anonymous said...

@ 610 PM. Of course they won't call an Uber or get a ride. Even if the cops arrest them, all they have to do is call brownsville municipal judge Lerma and his group of liberal judges. A damn drunk driver hit my car and sent my wife and daughter to the hospital. Damn drunk didn't even have to pay a bond to get out of jail. The gave him a personal bond. He was out of jail before my family was out of the hospital. Oh and the idiot didn't have vehicle insurance. Thank you judge Lerma, you piece of shit!

Anonymous said...

@: March 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM

I D I O T A !
