Sunday, March 28, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just when you thought things couldn't get worse at the Brownsville Independent School District, they get worser.

The BISD, which has suffered its share of black eyes ranging from department head and a board president committing suicide, to having one of the board members convicted for bribery in federal court and awaiting sentencing, is once again belted in the face and is sporting two new shiners.

In the picture above, BISD police have the car of Frank Sauceda surrounded last Friday after someone reported that Sauceda,a Supervisor of Pupil Services of the Central Administrative Building on 708 Palm Blvd., was inside drinking during working hours.

And sources have told social media outlets like Erasmo Castro's podcast that this is not the first time that Sauceda has been drunk on the job, sometimes didn't show up for work for days, and that he was protected by CAB Director of Pupil Services Randy Parks.

If the name Sauceda rings any bells, it's because he is related to former BISD Superintendent Dr. Noe Sauceda and Dr. Dora E. Sauceda, currently Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability.

In Mexico, these type of phantom employees are called "paracaidistas," because they only come in at the end of each pay period to collect their check. We wonder if Dr. Sauceda is going to demand accountability from Parks for ignoring the obvious alcohol issues of his Supervisor of Pupil Services?

Don't hold your breath. After all, he is one of the Dr. Sylvia Atkinson proteges. Atkinson, by the way, is the board member who has been convicted in federal court and is awaiting sentencing. 

Sauceda had a meteoric rise toward the cushy top administration slot under her protection. Will his connections do him any good now?

The unkindest cut of all is that the issue first reared its ugly head in Erasmo's podcast since, if you remember, Castro resigned his board position after he was charged with a DWI. Will Frank Sauceda do the honorable thing and do the same?

Karma is a bitch.

The other shiner was delivered to the BISD also on Friday with the suspension of Food and Nutrition Services Director Laura-Zelda S. Villarreal for alleged abusive behavior toward department employees. 

Some hint that involved abusive and rough language bordering on sexual harassment toward department employees and that many have considered leaving their job for a kindlier, gentler location. If you remember, FNS is known as the Siberia of BISD because that's where naughty administrators are sent until things cool of. 

It's also the department where the director committed suicide as U.S. Dept. of Agriculture investigators were targeting the department over the rotten barbacoa purchased from a vendor who prepared the meat in a meat processing plant in Mexico, a no-no under federal guidelines. 

Now we also hear that Villarreal may have an ace up her sleeve and that she has told some department staffers that she will return to her position unscathed in due time because has the goods on a board member engaged in a relationship with a BID employee. What a tangled web we weave...

If you remember, this is one of BISD Superintendent's Rene Gutierrez's imports from Hidalgo County who was brought in to show the local yokels what top professional leadership is all about. Both of these individuals commanded $100,000-plus salaries. 

If that's the cream of the crop, we wonder what's lurking just below the surface.


Anonymous said...

Honorable thing to do?

In Brownsville, drinking is a cultural badge, guey!

Why get all uppity, Montoya.

Even if he resigns, will anyone really give a fuck?

Anonymous said...

Story is fuzzy, yet you are quick to convict.

Look inward.

Anonymous said...

Two cop cars cannot "surround" a car. They're just parked alongside of it. Being factual would help your stories. Trying to sensationalize only makes you look like a fool.

Anonymous said...

You know what's lurking beneath the surface: Mexicans.

Too many at BISD. Dominant percentage!

Anonymous said...

"Juan Montoya Is The Shit!"

Anonymous said...

In the words of "45", "Very Good people" on both sides. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Montoya! Te pagaron para bajar la nota de los abogados? Jajaja. Oyes, y nada nuevo con el chavo este del BISD. Ya lleva varios viajes al tanke de Bronsville. Buscale todos los arestos. Lleva un chingos.

Anonymous said...

These are all Sylvia's people. Frank got arrested a couple of years ago by Brownsville PD for assaulting his son so Sylvia had him moved from Porter to Pupil Services. Randy Park as one of Sylvia's bootlickers protects Frank. Dora Sauceda, Frank's wife, meets with Sylvia, Drue Brown, and Maricela Zarate at a restaurant in front of Canales School on International Blvd to see who will be running things after the board election. Maricela at HR will look the other way and Frank will get off scott free. Maybe a gently worded letter of concern from Randy. Ask the other CAB department administrators about Randy and Frank and what they tell you will leave you speechless.

Anonymous said...

At Sylvia Atkinson's federal trial, her attorneys were hoping for character witnesses to help Sylvia's case. What happened Rosie Pena, Martin Arambula, Art Rendon? Didn't any of you think about the times Sylvia helped all of you with "special deals and treatment" when you complained about your bosses. Watch out Martin. You might be the next one to face a judge.

Anonymous said...

Now that Sylvia is ready to face a judge for sentencing, what happens to her so-called followers who benefited from Sylvia's bully tactics. Dora Sauceda, Maricela Zarate, Rosie Pena, Teresa De Saro, Hugh Emerson, Randy Park, Cynthia Villarreal Gonzalez, Katia Quezada Gonzalez, Zulema Esparza, Paula Hoskins, Cristina Garzoria, Mary Lou Esparza, Diana Clough, Sandra Gomez, Catherine Garcia, Cindy Castro, and Celina Blackmon what are you going to do? Are any you going to provide testimony as to Sylvia's character during her sentencing? Many people think you should since all of you openly supported Sylvia during her board campaign and talked about Sylvia's integrity and honesty. Or all of this was just self-serving on everyone's part? If you are one of these people mentioned and still work in BISD, you should resign. Sylvia is very hurt that all of you abandoned her. Fakers.

Anonymous said...

Randy Park has his head so far up Sylvia Atkinson's ass that she can taste his hair spray.

Anonymous said...

TEA TEA close this joint down and let every student go to IDEA. They have a good sports program they win.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

@6:46 PM These people are all Mary Tolman staff and BFF with her and Sylvia. You all forgot Martha Medina Principal at Oliveira. BISDs mistake was to re-hire Dora Sauceda. Glass Palace people know she begged Drue Brown and Sylvia Atkinson to rehire her when Dallas ISD kicked her out. HR has been covering up for F. Sauceda for a long time. That's what HR does, only the compadres get days, FMLA covered and excused. Carmelita Rodríguez, HR AA is putting her job on the line for Dora Sauceda. Carmelita already had FMLA paperwork ready for F. Sauceda to cover him while he is out. Just ask the Secretary.

Anonymous said...

Llego borracho el borracho
Pidiendo 5 tequilas
Y le dijo el cantinero
Se acabaron las bebidas
Si quieres echarte un trago
Vamonos a otra cantina
(llego borracho el borracho)

El Tenanmpa
¿A cuántas veces me han sacado del Tenampa
Ya bien borracho y con un nudo en la garganta?
Voy por la calle, cantando mis canciones
Y los norteños, van pisando mis talones

Anonymous said...

Shooting in Maryland Baltimore where 4 were fatally shot including the gunman's parents! So now are all you CNN Idiotas going to wake up and finally see that the recent mass shooting are all government psyop? Or you don't have enough brain cells to figure it out! Ya estas como ese half coco retard mutt who believes the vaccine is safe, because the Government would never lie to us! But still ese idiota ojete won't say he took the vaccine! Otro pinche Vegetable como Biden! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Bunch of funk ups at BISD administration building somebody needs to drain the stinky swamp there.BISD Chief better do his job!

Anonymous said...

Las injusticias de Brownsville ISD: Allegedly Human Resources Administrator (La Escoba), Central Building Admin/ Pupil Services Administrator (El Buen pa nada) protect (El Borrachales)!!!! That is why “La Escoba” had the Family Medical Leave Papers as a paid Vaccay for Borrachales!!!! In BISD is who you know or who you do?????

Anonymous said...

The DWI Bust is nothing new guys. Carmelita Rdz has been covering for him because of the wife, Dr. Dora Sauceda for years. Sauceda is power and money hungry, she needs to keep up with the botox and fillers. That shit is expensive. Nothing new, everyone drinks on the job and has a movida. Maricela Zarate, Maricela Franco and Carmelita Rdx approved all the previous Family Leaves. Remember Jimmy Haynes, hes had a few dwi scandals and movidas and he's AA. Nombre chet up jajaja.

Anonymous said...

At 6:46, How do you know we don't continue
supporting Dr. Atkinson? Do you know if we have provided letters of support on her behalf? You don't know that. She is a human being who committed a mistake. Who among us has not committed a mistake? "Let the first one among you, who is with out sin cast the first stone."

Anonymous said...

In Brownsville ISD is Compadrismo, Nepotism and Movidas to the Maxxx!!!
Who you know or who you do!!!!

Anonymous said...

Something like this will never happen at a private school like IDEA make a change now save your children do it...

Anonymous said...

At BISD it is an honored tradition to go work DRUNK. SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW HERE?

Anonymous said...

They should have called BPD not the school cops.

Anonymous said...

BPD? Is the Chief's name Sauceda?

Anonymous said...

They should have called BPD, not the school cops.

March 31, 2021 at 8:43 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
BPD? Is the Chief's name Sauceda?

Yes, Frank Sauceda was saved many times (drunk or sleeping during working hours) from beeing arrested by Brownsville ISD Cops, but who in Brownsville PD (Chief Sauceda) le daba el pitaso most of the time?

Wake up Frank! Wake up! That is the standard phrase at BISD now!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bola de comadres! Comadreville tx. makes for intersting reading...

Anonymous said...

You don't want BPD investigating crap...They are just the same or more corrupt!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PUB annouces the building of a new Downtown sewer treatment plant..
PUB has announced it will name the new sewer treatment plant after a local leader. After overwhelming votes the new plant will be named after Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal. THE VOTERS ALL Choose Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as the face of the new sewer treatment plant because he is full of shit just like the new sewerage plant!!!
