Tuesday, March 16, 2021


"You can say whatever you want about John Bruciak and those guys," the mayor later asserted, "but they do a great job." Mayor Tony Martinez, April 10, 2019

By Juan Montoya

For the past 30 years, John Bruciak has been at the helm of the Brownsville Utilities Board as its CEO and General Manager. 

Over time, he has garnered a $303,576 salary as its top honcho. The other two members of the PUB triumvirate have fared well, too. Fernando Saenz and Leonardo Garcia also earn $273,603 and $263,286 respectively. That's not counting benefits.

(Put into perspective it means that Bruciak et al make about as much as former Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo who will receive $315,000 a year in his new job as Miami, Fla. chief of police.)

You would think that after three decades at the head of the municipal utility Bruciak would know the ins and outs of minding the store.

But why are we not surprised that he has managed to survive the PUB-Tenaska debacle and come out unscathed after raising electric rates by 36 percent, water rates by 20 percent, and wastewater another 10 percent since 2013? 

After raising some $135 million through the artificially high rates, it turns out that the plant won't be built after all and now Bruciak says there are only $29 million left in the PUB kitty.  We are a giving and forgiving people, aren't we? 

If Bruciak and his two bozos had done this in private industry, they would have been thrown out the corporate doors years ago.
$303,576                  $273,603                   $263,286 
Following the debacle of the Big Freeze in mid-February, Bruciak is telling telling PUB ratepayers that if we just give him enough time, he will do a better job. Trust me. 

"...We learned a lot on that. We’re going to make those changes before the next event, for sure,” he told his favorite soapbox, the Brownsville Herald. So after 30 years, Bruciak wants another chance. What is this On the Job Training (OJT)?

It took public scrutiny and questions arose  on how PUB fared during the statewide electric shortage, and who would pay for it. Bruciak, weasel-worded this response:

"..While BPUB’s total $39.9 million shortfall is manageable considering the utility’s “strong liquidity and limited leverage,” the report said. 

In other words, BPUB has plenty of cash on hand and doesn’t owe too much money. Moody’s predicted that Texas utilities facing shortfalls weren’t likely to pass the costs on to customers right away “since rate increases large enough to cover the costs might prompt a backlash, especially since consumers are faced with coronavirus-induced economic turmoil.”

“We don’t want to burden the customer if we can help it,” Bruciak said.

This is markedly different than what Brucaik said during a Feb. 18 press conference hours after the Electric Reliability Council of Texas informed the Brownsville Public Utilities Board that it would no longer be subject to ERCOT-mandated rolling blackouts during the week’s prolonged cold snap, 

Bruciak then expressed fear that the city-owned utility’s customers could get hit with huge bills because of how much it had to pay for natural gas to run its generating units during the extreme weather event.

“Since then preliminary numbers have come in,” Bruciak said. “We know what our sales were, we know what our costs were, and we’ve got a certain deficit on that. The best we can tell, that can be mitigated through cash on hand, reserves and possibly some short-term financing. … Again, the numbers can change, but we’re not planning to pass that along to the customers. We’ve got adequate funding mechanisms here to do it without either adjusting the rates or the fuel charge or anything else.”


But wasn't it you and your two accomplices who insisted on telling the city commission the cold hard numbers only in executive session and away from the public, that PUB sold $121,488,315 in energy through ERCOT and – after having to purchase more power and keeping ratepayers in the dark in subfreezing temperaturesis –  indebted itself through its elevated production costs of $145,381,251. A few million more in costs here and there and we ended with a $38,190,065 deficit.

Bruciak told the gullible newspaper that: “I know a lot of the public sentiment is that we weren’t trying hard enough, but our guys did everything they could,” Saenz said. “It was nice and cold on top of those bucket trucks. They had families too that were home without power.”

But boss, isn't that their job? 
And then, clouding the narrative with useless facts, he added:

"Despite the problems, BPUB prepared well in advance for the cold snap, securing a supply of natural gas, fueling up generating units at the utility’s Silas Ray Power Station in West Brownsville, quickly reassembling a unit that had been disassembled for maintenance, topping off chemicals at the utility’s water and wastewater plants in case they became unavailable, and keeping those plants powered up to avoid further complications," he said.

In fact, the Silas Ray plant may have been "fueled" up, but it was never fired up to use until after the cold snap had abated. And all those other measures made no difference in the fact that many local residents were without power for three or more days. How will PUB pay for its $38.1 million debt?

"The best we can tell, that can be mitigated through cash on hand, reserves and possibly some short-term financing. … Again, the numbers can change, but we’re not planning to pass that along to the customers. We’ve got adequate funding mechanisms here to do it without either adjusting the rates or the fuel charge or anything else.”

While he says the PUB customers will not end up paying for it, this is what Bruciak and his cadre figured PUB could pay.

Use the $29 million in the Tenaska Equity Fund and...

Use $20 million available cash in the existing Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) from prior years "surplus" funds and tweak the capital improvement project budgets by floating some "commercial paper" to replace the money?

That incurred debt could then be used to raise an additional $10 million. That would leave "only" a $8.2 million shortfall. 

That's where you, dear fellow PUB ratepayer, come in. Not only did you fund the PUB playing of the spot market with ERCOT and lost your shorts, but you also have an opportunity to make up for their shortfall. They sold low and bought high. It's not their money anyway. It's yours.

"Gradually raise the fuel factor charged ratepayers to cover the cost over future months. Our policy does not allow monthly increases to the fuel factor greater than 20 percent, therefore, it would take time to set fuel factor at actual recovery rate."

Donde quedo la bolita?

And if the commission gives PUB the go ahead, PUB could could use $15 million from their Capital Improvement Reserve Fund and another $17 million from something called Operating Reserve Fund. But there's a catch. All that loot would have to be replenished over the next 36 months. Maybe a rate hike, you think? 

Hey, maybe we could "borrow" $13 million from something PUB calls a "Plant Fund" it set aside for long-term liabilities like post-employment benefits (PEB), other than pension distributions, that employees may begin to receive once they retire. Other PEB funds can include vacation and sick leave accruals, life insurance, health insurance, and deferred compensation. In other words, dip into PUB employees retirement benefits.

You know that's not a bad idea. If the commission lets us, we could also raid other PUB workers' retirement benefits like the employee Health Insurance Fund for an additional $11.3 million. After all, they argue, "these funds are not held in an irrevocable trust." Sorry PUB workers. Now you see it, now you don't. (The actual document where these proposals are listed are in the graphic below. Click on graphic to enlarge. Bruciak telling the reporter it won't cost customers a cent is lying. This is his document.) 

As a last resort, we have something called a fuel subaccount that has a balance of $6.6 million and another $9.3 million could be raised from the 2021 FIscal Year budget pending transfers for March to September of 2021. But there's a catch. Those funds are needed to maintain the current fuel factor for the remainder of the year. 

Do you know what the common thread runs throughout all these "proposals" to pull their chestnuts out of the fire?

It all – one way or the other – comes from the PUB ratepayer's pockets. All of it. Trying to make it seem like the PUB customers won't pay for any of these "proposals" is deception at its best and disingenuous at its worse. Time to pull the plug on this con man.

How long will the city and its elected officials put up with this lame excuse of a CEO and his overpaid, underachieving henchmen? 


Anonymous said...

Sheltered Mexicans like Juan "Trey" Mendez will always look up to the Gringo. He's enamored, perhaps a reflection of his ethnic insecurities.

Quizas, eh?

Anonymous said...

Same for Tony Martinez, who thinks wearing North Face winter clothes will make him an Anglo. Talks like a laggard West Texas ranch hand for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Not enough White Boys on the City Commission. Bruciak talks above their heads and they panic, thinking the BPUB mission is too-complicated for any Mexican to understand.

Rocker Neece has been absent on all utilities battles.

Empty charro suit Munguia was never going to challenge BPUB.

Rosie Gowen could not care less.

Fashionplate Tetreau would say BPUB is not her pay grade.

Nurith Galonsky is really housewife material.

*John Cowen is so pro-Bruciak that he would immediately change the name of McNair Family Drive to Bruciak Lane.

Trey Mendez is a smiler, not a fighter.

Anonymous said...

Trust and give them time? You assholes have created a disaster that the whole State of Texas has asked FEMA to assist and clean up. Our so called local political leaders have created a DISASTER. They themselves have admitted to it by asking FEMA to clean up their mess. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency dedicated to disasters response with their main mission is to helping people before, during, and after disaster. Disaster caused intentionally manmade, by corrupt so called leaders such as Filmon Vela, Vicente Gonzalez, Cuellar and Chuy Hinojosa to cover-up corruption that was Not caused by Nature. Disaster caused by allowing millions of illegals crossing the border without proper process and now they do not know what to do nor how to fund such crisis. They call it a disaster now. The question should be was the issue with the Grid intentional manmade to create a disaster to have the Federal Emergency Management Agency come in and pay for this disaster? Sounds more like a Res
ipsa loquitur negligence issue cause totally by these leaders. The Thing Speaks for Itself, (DIASTER). This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

El que la hace, la paga.

Anonymous said...

How Being a Hooters Waitress Helped Make Me A Somebody

Most people have no idea that before I became a someone, I was a Hooters Girl.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for RRun RRun. The only investigating reporter in the Valley. The Browntown Herald is a fucking joke.

Anonymous said...

Some texans get it right. Help the tax payers.

Williamson Central Appraisal District offers property tax exemption due to Texas winter storm

Anonymous said...

Sens. Cruz, Cornyn to lead delegation to Valley
Par de babosos racistas y el coco que se cree gringo de cuba pinches llorones..,.

Anonymous said...

Facebook launches vaccine finder for RGV residents
and who is going to login? nobody uses computers downhere idiotas!

Anonymous said...

A concerning variant is about to become dominant in the US,
Yes Hispanic children, you can blame ese idiot EX--presidente pendejo racista republicano..

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of fking assholes when you see these chitheads in public give them the fingerđź–•.

Anonymous said...

Griddy files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the wake of Texas power crisis
Do you think PUB will file for chapter 11 bankruptcy? Of course NOT they have 200k pendejos that will never complain and I can bet he'll get a pay raise to 400k plus all of france a year... any bets???

Anonymous said...

Pinches cocos completely in love con este pub pinche gringo at our cost of course...

Anonymous said...

That's proper clever, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has no constructive policy ideas, solutions, or even clever tweets. What he has are plenty of lies and the Republicans’ anti-immigrant playbook, old and worn out as the family Bible. He trotted both to the southern border near El Paso, Texas, on Monday.

Now, Kevin claimed he was there out of concern for refugee children arriving to the U.S. after being blocked by the previous administration. That’s interesting of him, because he sure was quiet about these kids when that president was violating their rights. But remember, Kevin wasn’t there to talk solutions because he has none, and predictably spewed from that anti-immigrant playbook. Except the lies were so outlandish that some of his own House colleagues were left in shock.

- Republicans are not Americans, not sane and not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Fired all of them, total mismanagement of a public entity. Their overinflated salaries are for CEO's from cities like Houston or Dallas, surely not Brownsville. Same applies to city management staff, their salaries are way too much for the poorest city in the USA.

Anonymous said...

No checks on Irish day until cinco de mayo!

Anonymous said...

Do short people have lower self esteem?
Short people are trying to make up for their lack of height in aggression. I know many people who do this. The term for it is called the Napoleonic Complex. Whether they admit it or not (most likely they won't) it is probably just this complex.

Anonymous said...

Napoleonic Complex - no wonder and I thought it was because he is a coco, oh well ss

Anonymous said...

Brownsville mayor addresses the migrant situation in the city
If a gringo patrol sees this enano he will surely arrest him and sent him on his guey, guey. chaparo prieto feo y mesking - good bye

Anonymous said...

You have to stop blaming all the problems on gringos, they are like 10 percent of the population. We are all on the same team as citizens. If you can't realize that, your a big part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Incomplete Border Wall Is in Pieces That Could Linger for Decades
Meskins will tear it down for free if they keep the steel.

Anonymous said...

Juan guess it dont matter , no one will do anything to clean this up and fire these Bozos. What me Worry, Alfred E. Newman or should I say Alfred E. Bruciak? just saying

Anonymous said...

New leadership is coming our way. Vote for Pedro!

Anonymous said...

Is the city commission telling the citizens that there is nobody else qualifited to run PUB? What more do they want to see? Or is there something else driving these idiotas to keep this completely incompetent person at pub? What is it? KICK BACKS, SOMETHING ELSE? WHAT????

Anonymous said...

Este pub gringo and like Biden are free to be involved in Corruption and nothing ever happens to them! So why even report it Montoya! And you all getting the vaccines that Bill Gates and the government are pushing, are a bunch of pinche vacas! How can you trust the government idiots! Hope you enjoy your vaccines Pinche idiotas! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

El cucuy COVID-19 UK variant is in the valley already! Can't you all idiotas see you are being made fools by the government! Hahahahaha! Enjoy your vaccines pinche vacas Idiotas! I hope you get what you deserve for being stupidos! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Juan maybe they can transfer CM Bernal over to the BPUB and let him run it to the ground too with a nice $300k salary? Dale gas, just saying.

Anonymous said...

The Silas Ray Power Plant operated before the cold front hit and well into the following weekend.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, why even waste your time posting if nothing ever happens to gringos like este pub guey and China Joe Biden! Kickbacks are part of doing business with esto Pinche ratas! Mejor save your time for drinking! Hahahaha! Now we have Hunter missing in action! He's probably moved to China! Hahahaha!Then you have a Democratic Gov. Cuomo that is a sex predator and elderly murderer, but still in office! Where's the trigger happy impeachment democRats when you need them? I guess impeachment are for Republicans only! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Pedro pacas

Anonymous said...

March 16, 2021 at 3:22 PM

Its call trolling and done by gringos to upset other gringos learn before you post

Anonymous said...

I thought PUB bought gas futures to ensure the rates are stabile? That would have solved some problems and the deficit would not have been felt. This difference is always profit. Of course, thats honest people.

Anonymous said...

"sold low and bought high"

That was because the Texas Public Utilities Commission and ERCOT artificially raised the price of energy to nearly $10 / kwh. They chose to set the price that high and to keep it there long after the crisis was over. There is no way anyone could have avoided buying high at those rates.

Where I fault Bruciak and PUB, is in refusing to sue the PUC and ERCOT for price fixing. We should not be dipping into Tenaska funds, which is taxpayer dollars for a project that was never built and should be reinvested in our community. These excess and exhorbitant costs are a direct result of the state executive level PUC / ERCOT's mishandling of the crisis and their decision to set an arbitrary high energy price.

Anonymous said...

Buy sanbene utility plant and let him run it so you can justify his salary of 450k and all those extras.


Anonymous said...

So, to be clear, the BPUB, and most of the rest of Texas, has looted every available dollar and borrowed as much as it could, to try to pay off its deficit from the Big Freeze of 2020.

My question: How's it going to fund the next big freeze? Winter is just 10 months away. What's going to change?

Abbot's and GOP leadership is bankrupting Texas already. Imagine the Texas Great Depression of 202X, when the state loses power for months at a time when the next Great Freeze comes.

Scary. Oh, BTW, there's an election in November. It's all on us either way.
