Monday, March 15, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

Call it 71 days late and a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (T-COLE) certification short.

Word has reached the Cameron County Commissioners Court, Human Resources and the District Attorney's Office that soon-to-be (we think) Cameron County Sheriff Department Chief Deputy Robert Gracia has finally passed the T-COLE certification test last Friday

This comes 71 days after Sheriff Eric Garza's swearing in, more than two months and 12 days after Gracia assumed the office without even being hired or on the salary schedule.

On December 31, Gracia assumed the position held by long-time Chief Deputy Gus Reyna, ordered all personnel – even those off duty – to attend Garza's swearing in January 1, required the entire personnel at the department to reapply for their positions, made everyone submit highly private and confidential information for his review upon a threat of disqualification or termination.

Gracia has a noticeable knack to be be overly authoritative and was recorded addressing the assembled departmetn personnel he demanded tier loyalty...or else:

"(For you establish?), this is the chain of command. Whatever happened before goes out the window. This is a new administration, new rules, a new game and we will hold everybody accountable. Whatever loyalties you guys had to anybody, that's gone. If you all wanna get in trouble with me, you just disregard what I just said and then we're going to have issues." 

Then it was revealed that he lacked the T-COLE certification required by the job description and the department was thrown into turmoil and department personnel wondered whether he had any authority to even hold the position, much less to have access to their personnel confidential information or transfer staff in the patrol and jail divisions.

Until Friday, it is obvious he did not. 

Let's see if Garza, who touted himself as a crackerjack administrator while district clerk finally gets this right. Now let's see if the position is advertised again. Last time there were eight applicants, and Gracia did not bother to apply yet assumed command on January 1. Will history repeat itself?

What has become apparent is that Garza and his cadre are somewhat challenged in labor and Human Resources laws upon which county policy is based, and it has not been manifested that they care what the policy says. However, also indisputable is the fact that Gracia contributed some $50,000 toward Garza's campaign and people wondered whether the position was just a payback for his contributions, also, by the way, against state law. 

Others wondered whether Gracia could be charged with impersonating a police officer. It's obvious that the DA's Office did not move on the matter.

Garza's human resources faux pas have not gotten better since.

As a candidate for sheriff Garza promised that – unlike incumbent Omar Lucio – compadrismo would not be tolerated in the department.

And even as he promised that he would give more and better trained jailers for the jail staff, he recently made a salary schedule amendment where he gave up four jailer's positions in exchange for his sheriff administrator position and two clerks to assist him.

The sheriff administrator position was open from March 3 to March 9 and even before the application period was over, and no interviews had taken place, Cameron County District Clerk Laura Perez-Reyes was already congratulating Rick Cornejo on his new position on a Facebook post on March 9 at 2p.m, three hours before the application deadline.

The "We'll be Blue Without You" going away party was held before any other applicants were notified the position had been filled.

Were there any other applicants and did they get a fair shake?

What happened to "ending the compadrismo"? 

For a candidate who hawked his administrative skills at the district clerk's office, this placement – plus that of Chief Deputy to a major financial supporter and non-TCOLE certified Gracia - is making it obvious that Garza is only paying lip service to the county's personnel policies.

The Garza "compadre" got his slot at $45,726. It's who you know in Cameron County, isn't it?

Like we said up top in the headline, there's room for improvement.


Anonymous said...

It is who you blow (metaphorically). Always has been (historically).

Anonymous said...

When asked to back up his lies about asylum-seeking families, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has nothing.

Anonymous said...

Fauci: US weighs 3-foot distancing rule, a major change

Its like holding a political sign next to your beer belly.

Anonymous said...

The new Michel de Nostredame del valle a seer wrote in his "Les Prophéties", a collections of poetic quatrains predicting that cameron county will be consumed with 100's of lawsuits in future events coming from abuses by a law department. n'importe quel pari?

Anonymous said...

Puro rancho, bro.

Anonymous said...

How To Attract Tourists slogan -

"Come see our Culos!"

Anonymous said...

Mexico will continue using AstraZeneca vaccine despite thrombosis cases.

Al alva, tio!!!

Anonymous said...

BUSCO CAMIONETA USADA: Modelo Ford o Chevy, como del 2015. Nada mas viejo. Soy mecanico de primera y puedo hacer mis propias reparaciones. Titulo necesario. Yo sabre si la camioneta es sobreviviente de inundacion (Hurricane Harvey) o si ha sido chocada. No chinguen. Pago en efectivo, hasta $2,000. Prefiero comprar de Mejicano honesto, no Gringo jambon.

Dejar su Email aqui.

Anonymous said...

..and I ain't gonna stop
Till the lites are shining on me..

Like a rhinestone cowboy..

Puro Sheriff Garza..


WonDeer if he ever boxed..

Anonymous said...

..and I ain't gonna stop
Till the lites are shining on me..

Like a rhinestone cowboy..

Puro Sheriff Garza..


WonDeer if he ever boxed..

Anonymous said...

FOX News going full-fellatio on the Border. Look next for an army of FOX reporters arriving in combat gear.

RGV in national news again.

Anonymous said...

Eric (El Barney Fife) Garza is a made to order Pendejo. They better not give him any bullets for his gun or if they do, just give him one to carry in his shirt pocket. If he ever needs to use it I hope he doesn't drop it loading his gun like Barney did. What a fucking joke. If this guy is a law enforcement officer then Bobby W-C is Floyd the Barber.

Anonymous said...

You need to correct you information. Gus Reyna did not leave as a retired Chief Deputy. That was the 1st time he retired.

Anonymous said...

That's all the Reynas can do is pay a blogger. Can they write about all the illegalities that occurred during the Lucio/Reynas years? Brushed sexual harassment, tampering with governmental records, etc.

Anonymous said...

FOX News Says to Take Kids Out of School Because They Teach Hating White People

Anonymous said...

Wow ... lol you must be a lucio sucio supporter ! Hater gonna hate

Anonymous said...

I hold no dog in this fight other than being a resident of Cameron County. I must even say I didn't think we had a viable candidate for this seat. However, I had high hopes that a new and energetic mind would propel this stagnant department away from its years of shadows. The way these appointments and positions were filled sends a mixed message to the public and it certainly does not pass the stink test. I personally know two of the young men named in this article. Known them both since they were little rascals. Decent boys from good families. But I can honestly say that they are in way over their heads. They do not possess the mindset and professional credentials necessary to effectively carry out their assignments. This will inevitably add to the department's shadows whether it be through liability or state sanctions.

Anonymous said...

To March 15, 2021 at 3:38 PM

Aqui no es el BARGAIN BOOK!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cluster fu*k we have at the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. Does the county Judge have anything to say or HR dept there hiring a bunch of people with sketchy histories wth this is not Mexico.

Anonymous said...

We have an incompetent DA

Anonymous said...

Arriba Conrado Cantu, looked more honest than Eric, pos salio
rata pero pos ni modo, DemocRATA. Animo!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the previous administration. They placed who they trusted and wanted in positions the entrusted. Only the previous administration can do those moves and changes? Confused.

Anonymous said...

Eric el borracho

Anonymous said...

The new Michel de Nostredame del valle a seer wrote in his "Les Prophéties", a collections of poetic quatrains predicting that cameron county will be consumed with 100's of lawsuits in future events coming from abuses by a law department. n'importe quel pari?

Looks like the first law suit is coming up soon.
