Friday, March 12, 2021


Special to El Run-Rrun

Guess what?

After being on an appointment-only schedule in response to the COVID-19 emergency, Brownsville City Plaza is wide open for your business.

Certain departments like having to do with the building and health permits and the planning departments (548-6150) may require an appointment, but you can now talk to real people at the City Secretary's Office (548-6042) and come in to get your birth certificates again. The building capacity will be limited but all departments have taken steps to lessen wait times in order to serve more of the public.

According to Municipal Court Director Mike Sanchez III (548-7181), if you have any questions about a traffic ticket, want to make arrangements for payment, or have other matters with the city, you don't need an appointment to walk in. And the drive-though window is always available.

Certain requirements like wearing a mask and having you temperature taken on the Levee Street entrance (only side open) still apply.

Brownsville is on its way to conducting normal business again.


Anonymous said...

Goodbye, MOFO -

For the first time in years, Donald Trump is starting to fade into the background, according to SocialFlow data tracking the number of clicks to news articles.

The big picture: During the first month of his post-presidency, Trump remained as discussed as he was when he was in office, when he dominated social and traditional media. His numbers have plunged the past couple weeks.

Anonymous said...

Citizens of Brownsville can most certainly do something about their high utility bills. The town counts a largely indigenous population that ought to use the Native American model to protest: Stop paying BPUB bills.

That'll get their attention pronto.

The publicity would be enough for COB to do its duty and represent people, not a long-protected, taxpayer-funded entity.

You just have to want it bad enough.

Anonymous said...

City Manager El Rata Bernal continues to steal from the citizens of Brownsville. As his partner in crime Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda continues to steal from the departments retirement plan. Officers have attempted to report all the illegal activities occurring with in the department but El Rata Bernal has turned the other way. CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN the City of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

City elections are around the corner
Don't vote for bike trails
Don't vote for commissioners that support PUB
Don't vote for commissioners that don't pay taxas
Don't vote for el enano
Don't vote for vaccine jumpers
Don't vote for voucher holders that gave them to their families, friends and their voing pals.
Don't vote for those that attended the secret meeting
Don't vote to re-elect any of them....

Anonymous said...

They have to take your money so they can pay those making 350k a year and those that rely on magic - "now you see it now you don't" and those with a no bid contracts...

Anonymous said...

Where's my check? I alread checked the bank 20 times today!!!!
nesito una michelada con chetos.

Anonymous said...

@10:00 You see too much CNN Pendejo! Trump is growing in popularity! The one fading mentally and physically is Joe "Made in China" Biden! Ese guey even needs help going to the restroom! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:57 AM

Trump's going to jail, pendejo! ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Now we have a real president, no more lies.

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2021 at 6:57 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Don't elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation" bullshit on their personal homes. We need true leaders that will lead by example instead of milking the system. Wake up Brownsville voters, exercise your constitutional right and elect public officials without this poor excuse not to pay property taxes.

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda me La Pela!

Anonymous said...

The City of Brownsville should drug screen The Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and they will find all the illegal steroids he shoots up..

Anonymous said...

A test of faith: Catholic community looks back on one year with COVID-19

Anonymous said...

@8:22 If Trump does goes to jail pendejo! It will have to be after Pelosi,Biden,the clintons, and Obama first are sent to Gitmo! ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

@ 7:29 Si te la pela, díselo a la cara!Jajajaja es obvio que no lo harás! Estas todo putz!

Anonymous said...

Daddy Biden gets elected, all of the sudden the corona is gone. They bankrupted small businesses, closed schools, had you scared to hug your loved ones, all so Trump wouldn't say mean things.

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda me la pela!

Anonymous said...

March 14, 2021 at 9:48 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda looks like a Cock
a Roach...

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda has more ky jelly in his hair than a prostitute has up her ****!

Anonymous said...

@1009 Hey hotshot how about you say it to his face? lol Bet you wouldn't have the man berries to do it. But you carry on fellah! Go change the world with your hashtags and trivial messages.

Anonymous said...

Lol...apparently you have no idea who you work for..The guy Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda is a giant pu*** and a fake...Don't let the steroids fool you the guy brings absolutely nothing but talk to the table...Ask anyone who went to High School with him...LOL..
Felix Sauceda "Me La Pela".
So dig your head out of his ass and look around..guys a Loser!

Anonymous said...

Honestly who would stick up for Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda??? I have an idea or two!!!
You continue on licking and suck ass the world still needs people like you to make it a cleaner a**, I mean place.

Anonymous said...

The trivial message of the day is
Pizza Sheet...
Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda is a Pizza Sheet!!!

Anonymous said...

High school? Really? Now we know where you are coming from LOL you failed to grow up!

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy, Felix Sauceda was a damn good cheerleader in High School!!!

Anonymous said...

Lot's of those Boys liked looking up Felix Sauceda's cheer skirt in High School!

Anonymous said...

Lots of guys remember Felix Sauceda's High School Glory hole!!!!
I mean Glory Days!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda "Me La Pela"!!

Anonymous said...

Awww poor wittle old you. Did the chiefy wiefy bweak your wittle heart and make you jealous? It's ok. Go run home to mama so she can kiss your wittle boo boo. I promise all will be better after you cry to her and she serves you a nice warm glass of milk. Go on - go on.

Anonymous said... sweet...Chiefy Sauceda didn't make anyone jealous but he he did take it up the rear!

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweat..trying to protect Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda's honor..That SOB has no honor and no integrity!!

Anonymous said...

It's ok you blog warrior you! Go on - go on, no need to be a crybaby. Momma can kiss your boo boo goodbye and make it all better. She can get you a shiny badge at walmart and you can be her little chief. I'm sure she has noticed how this man's promotion has hurt you and made you jealous.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...just like the Chief did for you!!Have some pride man and stop taking it up the a**!
Get up off your knees and wipe all the dew off your face..and look around Felix Sauceda has done absolutely nothing for the Brownsville Police Department but ruin a once great Department..
The Brownsville Police Department is a sinking ship..
