Sunday, March 7, 2021


New York Times

The Senate passed its version of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan on Saturday. The pandemic relief bill now goes back to the House of Representatives, which must approve the Senate’s changes before it can go to President Biden’s desk. We will continue to update this article as the bill moves forward.

How big are the stimulus payments in the bill and who is eligible?

The stimulus payments would be $1,400 for most recipients. Those who are eligible would also receive an identical payment for each of their children.

To qualify for the full $1,400, a single person would need an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or below. For heads of household, adjusted gross income would need to be $112,500 or below, and for married couples filing jointly that number would need to be $150,000 or below.

To be eligible for a payment, a person must have a Social Security number.

Is there a partial payment for higher earners?

Yes. But payments would phase out quickly as adjusted gross income rises.

For single filers, the checks decrease to zero at $80,000. For heads of household, the cutoff is $120,000. And for joint filers, the checks stop at $160,000.

Payments for children decrease in the same way.

Do college students count as eligible dependents?

College students whom qualifying taxpayers claim as dependents are eligible. (They weren’t for past payments.) The payment would go to the parent taxpayer, not the child.

Do older relatives who live with us count as eligible dependents?

Good news here, too. If claimed as dependents, these relatives are also eligible this time. The payment would go to the qualifying taxpayer, not the dependent adult.
Which year of income determines eligibility?

The most recent year on record at the Internal Revenue Service. If you’ve already filed your taxes this year, it would be 2020. If not, it would be 2019.

When could I expect my payment to arrive?

During the last round of payments, the I.R.S. got the first payments out within a few days. As before, you would track the status of your payments via the I.R.S.’s Get My Payment tool. Be aware that the volume of users sometimes overwhelms the site.

What should I do if I still haven’t gotten a payment from a past round of stimulus?

If you were in fact eligible to receive it, you can try to recover it through the so-called Recovery Rebate Credit when filing your 2020 return. Make your claim on Line 30 of Form 1040 or 1040-SR.


Anonymous said...

Non-stop flights to Chicago now a reality
Who the shit wants to go to chicago?
How about las vegas with all the judges and ceo's from brownsville!
Or Miami to go visit all those cocos cubanos llorones.
Or to dallas to go look for a floor sweeper.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville leaders reflect on one year of virus
how they got ahead of the line and got vaccinated!
pinches jotos mamones they all need to be voted OUT

Law + Order said...

So everyone is happy because they will get some help (free stuff) from the government, probably not thinking that its the taxpayer (all of us) footing the bill and mortgaging the future to borrow the money to pay for the $1.9 Trillion.
Has anyone read the Bill? I have. There is so much unrelated Covid relief items in it.

So here is the question. I understand the cities and states will be receiving a windfall.

I believe Brownsville will be getting $67 Million, yes million dollars! This will be over a number of years.

What are our politicians going to do with this windfall? Hell, they don't have enough sense to come out of the rain sometimes! Do we, the taxpayer, and resident's of this city have faith in Trey? Or for that matter our commissioners? Will there be some type of oversight or input for anyone?

These are questions we should be asking now! What are the plans for this windfall? How will it be used to position Brownsville for the Future?
Just my $0.02 cents

Anonymous said...

No mention of course about 90% of the money going to NON Covid Democratic pet projects.

Anonymous said...

Everybody in poor Brownsville qualifies!

Hell, who has a full-time job here? Get real. As much as Brownsville get5s from government aid, it should be disqualified! Everybody is on food stamps here!

But, you know, the bar owners know the checks are coming and they're opening to take some of it. Or, really, ALL OF IT!

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

@ 10:05 AM

Who did the money assigned to building the Border Wall go to?

Companies that contributed to Trump's campaign!

Anonymous said...

Remember will be YOUR children and grandchildren that will suffer the most from uncontrollable spending. I know, don’t confuse you with the facts.

BobbyWC said...

Wow these experts on a Bill which is still at the printers. It must be nice to have access to the printer to see the Bill before it is formally published.

Good for them.

And no I do not trust Brownsville or Cameron county to properly use any money they get whatever it may be.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp has lost more readers. He always blogsquats here when no one goes to his boring blog. Poor guy, always ignored.

Beat it, Blimp!


Anonymous said...

Announcement from the Mayor's Office -

"Because we are expecting millions in Stimulus checks for our citizens, all pussy is 15% for the coming week."

Now, no more GBIC crap, awright?!

Anonymous said...

In 2016, after a decade of economic devastation, Stockton, California, elected the country’s youngest mayor — and the city’s first Black mayor. Twenty-six-year-old Michael Tubbs’ platform was simple: Instead of investing money into the appearance of a booming city, why not invest money into the people that live in the city?

With help from a group that advocated for a Universal Basic Income, Mayor Tubbs set off a social experiment. He would take $1 million and invest it in Stockton residents in need. He would do this using a basic income.

**** Beginning in February 2019, 125 residents “who lived in census tracts at or below the city’s median household income of $46,033” were given a monthly income of $500. The money was distributed through the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) program and came with no strings attached. Residents receiving this basic income could use the money how they saw fit.

Now a new study looking at the results of Mayor Tubbs’ experiment is showing great news: It seems to be working. It seems to be making people’s lives better. It seems to be doing all of the things one would hope a good social safety net program would do. According to the new study, Stockton residents receiving the monthly stipend “were more likely to find full-time jobs, be happy and stay healthy.”

Come on, Mendez! DO SOMETHING!

Law + Order said...


I would like to respond to Bobby,

The bill with the changes has been on line for at least 2 days. No need to be snarky! In modern times we don't have to wait for the printer.

Texas is slated to get a total of $27.2 Billion. $16.8 Billion in funds for state governments and $10.4 Billion for local governments.

The $67 million dollars for Brownsville was in an article I read earlier this week.

At least we are in agreement and share the same concerns on how this windfall would be managed.

Stay safe.

Diego lee rot said...

Hot damn! Get the cooler out!

Anonymous said...

@10:09 AM
What does the border wall have to do with the $1.9 trillion covid relief? Stay on subject. Concentrate.

Anonymous said...

@ March 7, 2021 at 10:06 AM

Lol! Right on! Totally agree with you. And try to give those part timers extra work hours, and they'll tell you "No! No! Cause they'll take away my food stamps". These people have no plans to better themselves, they just plan on living on the system.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We need more empty industrial parks.
Mago Marin and Sossi are running short of cash.

Anonymous said...

2000 checks in the mail
Students loans forgiven
Hispanic unemployment up
Our brothers from central america pouring over our borders, yes!!
Despasito played for us!
We won, orange man cannot be mean to us again

Anonymous said...

They are the problem -

Almost one-third of Republicans tell pollsters they “definitely won’t” get the coronavirus vaccine, which could leave millions unvaccinated, a potential roadblock to efforts to achieve the high levels of immunity needed to stop the virus.

Anonymous said...

Instead of telling locals how to fight for their stimulus check, you should post a map to the Unemployment Office.

Quieren todo gratis!

Anonymous said...

Cameron county will be getting stimulus money from the government for pay back for helping keeping the narrative of a fake virus! King Trevino hope you rot in hell for going along with the charade! Pinche panocha!

Anonymous said...

March 8, 2021 at 10:29 AM

Tell that royal family to get their asses to work talk about white privilege

Anonymous said...

March 7, 2021 at 12:42 PM
March 8, 2021 at 10:29 AM
March 7, 2021 at 4:21 PM

Keep McAllen Beautiful established a program to help the elderly. They are asking for volunteers.

Cut the dry trees, plants, and collect the leaves of the elderly people that can not do these chores and do not have the money.

The USA needs to help those that need help. To prevent robberies, crimes, abductions, .....the people that work pay taxes.... they are happy when their money is used for good things for the community.

Anonymous said...

More useless bike trails and bike lines, more La Casa Del Nylon real estate purchases so they can sit empty for decades.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize there are so many Republicans in Brownsville. You know, those that ALWAYS say how poor, how horrible, how terrible our citizens are. Yet, they still live here and don't move to Florida or another Republican town. I've always said, local Republicans should run and show with their actions they are not rats, they are not free loaders (you know, those things they always accuse their counter parts), and that they can still care about the real Brownsville citizens. I wonder why they never run or when they run, there are not enough voters..oh, I forgot, the voters are ignorant democrats. Well, that is why you should leave 3rd world USA to maybe Houston? (Runned by a Democrat mayor), Dallas? or some little town near a major city that at this point is a lot WORSE than the RGV. Don't get me wrong, I DONT like the way our mayor and commissioners have run the Covid problem, but instead of complaining, on the next election, I will just vote AGAINST ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

Lol...Same crap happened at Brownsville PD
A Chief's with no administrative experience and a history of bad behavior and illegal activity but the City Mananger Bernal would do anything to save a dollar and pocket anything he could steal from the Brownsville Police Officers. SO WHY NOT HIRE A CHIEF who was already known as "El Chapo" Sauceda for obvious reasons..The previous administration had attempted to hide him from the public by sticking him in the property room where there wasn't much to steal cuz it had already been inventoried.
SO the Chief must surround himself with people that blow smoke up his ass and tell him his the greatest Chief..Mean while the whole Department is collapsing around him with Officers getting hurt in record numbers due to lack of manpower on the streets, at times there maybe 4 units on each side of town under previous administration there was a minimum standard of at least 20..but to save money and look good this Chief will sacrifice anything to look good including Officer safety and safety of the community..Goodluck SO...I'm sure your New Sheriff can run circles around Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..
