Tuesday, March 9, 2021


U.S. Attorney's Office
Southern District of Texas
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – A 40-year-old former Cameron County official has entered a guilty plea to interstate travel in aid of racketeering, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery.

Arnoldo Romeo Flores Jr., 40, Mission, was the director of Human Resources/Civil Service for Cameron County. As part of his plea, he admitted he used his personal cellular phone and email as well as the internet to further a bribery scheme.

In those communications, Flores discussed using his influence to help someone obtain two separate contracts from Cameron County in exchange for bribes.

Flores provided inside information, such as the amounts of other bids. In one instance, Flores told an individual to make sure the bid was under $8,900 to be successful. In return, Flores received $3,000. He accepted another $1,500 for his assistance in securing a second Cameron County bid.

According to the plea agreement, the use of his cell phone assisted and led to the bribe payments.

U.S. District Judge Fernando Rodriguez accepted the plea today and set sentencing for June 15. At that time, Flores faces up to five years in prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine. He has also agreed to pay restitution.

The FBI conducted the investigation with assistance from the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office and Brownsville Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jody Young, Robert S. Johnson and Israel Cano are prosecuting the case.


Anonymous said...

True: $3,000 will buy any Mexican in a bureaucratic position able to influence fraud.

Sad. When will it end?

The Mexican culture deserves better. These reptiles ought to be imprisoned for at the very least 10-15 years, with no time off for good behaviour. Basta!

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza you're next!

Anonymous said...

The FBI needs to investigate PUB and COB. When?

Anonymous said...

A just and proper response to what we have learned would be for the entire United Kingdom to come together, join hands in a great circle around the institution of the monarchy and burn it to the ground, while singing “Sweet Caroline,” to maintain a positive spirit.
They have never worked a day in their life never paid taxas volunteer for NOTHING, want everything free and its gotta be the best, and you pinche gringos complain about welfare well it comes from the royal families from europe.

Anonymous said...

So how does The Turd fit into this scheme? I bet he is right in the middle of it. Is this Arnold originally from Brownsville who's father was some kind of a law enforcement officer and his mom a central office BISD administrator?
What kind of people are we selecting to guide us? At least he pleaded guilty, knowing that he was actually guilty and not like our other elected official who keeps asking for postponement of her trial and even though already found guilty, continues to want "out." Oh, and it is the same judge in both cases - Fernando Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

TURD TURD TURD Is as DIRTY AS HIS DAD, PURA QUACHA. plus he is an attorney so what can we really expect?????

Anonymous said...

The Cameron county district attorney assistance says it all -COVER_UP,CONSEALMENT, Bribery of judicial system, agreed to pay restitutions. Slap on the ass is all this corrupt so called director of Human Resources will face. Even a lay person is aware of such corruption. Take our so called Governor Gregg Abbott, announcing to national TV, that Texas will NOT be accepting or allowing undocumented illegals into Texas, Yet Mcallen, Brownsville are the leaders into this corruption. Cameron County and Hildago county have preparations ready for these illegals, they have the covid vaccine ready for them and shelter and fried chicken and mash potatoes ready . Texas can not even take care of its own much less take on more. Check who our local congressman Filemon Vela, for Cameron county, Vicente Gonzalez for Hidalgo county, and Chuy Hinojosa covering their asses. Filemon Vela will kiss former convicted governor Thomas Yarrington ass before he tends to take care of our Veterans. This is my opinion and God help Texas

Anonymous said...

Who made the bribe? Is that individual being indicted for doing so?

Anonymous said...

City elections are around the corner
Don't vote for bike trails
Don't vote for commissioners that support PUB
Don't vote for commissioners that don't pay taxas
Don't vote for el enano
Don't vote for vaccine jumpers
Don't vote for voucher holders that gave them to their families, friends and their voing pals.
Don't vote for those that attended the secret meeting
Don't vote to re-elect any of them....

Anonymous said...

What is the update and this is why probably Why Sucio Lucios didn’t run again??!!!
