Friday, April 30, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Run

Recently, a half page ad promoting three San Benito CISD candidates, and two city commission
candidates was conveniently placed in the San Benito News directly under a half page of photos of the San Benito CISD Greyhound baseball team, thereby giving the appearance of a full-page political ad.

Worse, the placement of the ad directly under photos of San Benito student athletes gave the false impression that the candidates were being endorsed by the School District. Who is responsible for the ad is a good question? An inscription at the bottom of the ad claims that the advertisement was “paid for by the candidates." Is this a form of subtle sublime persuasion?

 However, a review of the campaign finance reports from Victor Rosas and Pedro Galvan fail to disclose any payments to the San Benito News for the ad. 

Interestingly, Victor Rosas’ two biggest contributors both appear to be related to the insurance industry. Rosas reported receiving the sum of $1,750.00 from “Salazar Insurance” in Harlingen, and another $1,000.00 from Jefferey Wayne Everitt whose address is 901 South Texas Boulevard, Weslaco, Texas. 

Jefferey Wayne Everitt is the President of Jeff Everitt and Associates, Inc, a commercial insurance company from Hidalgo County.

We are unsure why Rosas and Galvan are claiming to have paid for an ad themselves when neither of their most recent campaign finance reports reflect that they did so. We find it curious that Victor Rosas has accepted almost three thousand dollars in monies from insurance companies which are either located in Hidalgo County, or outside the City of San Benito. 

Rosas previously lost his seat on the San Benito CISD in the last election. Are those concealed political forces at San Benito CISD attempting to take over San Benito City Politics too? We will be watching to see what happens on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is election day, don't elect anyone who does not pay their fair share of property taxes. Is PATHETIC that they want to continue being elected official without paying taxes just like their constituents. Vote them out for good. said...

We have to continue to push back Hidalgo politics back to Hidalgo County.

Rosalinda g. Garcia, Candidate
School Board Place 2

Anonymous said...

Nothing new...Leader of the pack is Orlando Papas Lopez. Ties to Hidalgo County and kickbacks are all his cronies are after. Victor is no longer part of his pack so he went to the city side to see how he can gain from foreclosures and other short term investments at the expense of the poor taxpayers. Pete Galvan is following in their footsteps as well. Promises to attorney friends that will undoubtedly fail is a reason for his candidacy. Rudy Corona is another sidekick who can’t recognize whether he’s coming or going. He has no clue what he’s even doing on the school board. Reminds me of the show about the dude that threw his name in for mayor and won. Watch his reactions and participation or lack thereof at every school board meeting that may be found on the SBCISD FB page. Dumb and Dumber aka (Sonia & Janie Silva) don’t fall too far behind. All a bunch of little puppets strung along by master puppeteer potato head, Papas Orlando Lopez. Saddest part of all this is these people really think we are stupid and downright ignorant. Guess what! We’re smarter than you think! Come Saturday all these strings will be cut and all the little puppets will no longer dance.

Anonymous said...

Wake up BISD, SBCISD, and WISD. SIG (SALAZAR INSURANCE GROUP) pulls all the strings for big insurance contracts. School district employees medical insurance coverage is not great at all getting worse every year. SIG also runs the prescription contracts with his cousin so he double dips with the medical and prescription contracts. Every prescription that school district employees fill this guy gets a cut from the Prescription Benefits Program also known as a PBM. He brags about having the VOTES, why? He pays to play easy money for pushing paper. Mega bucks with a swipe of the medical and prescription cards that are run on every visit to the drs office snd pharmacy visits. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

How about all the events they shared? poll workers they shared screaming all day? sample ballots they handed out with all of them on it? All the resources they shared is that being reported. They're basically leeching off the thousands and thousands of dollars from the school board and I guarantee that it isn't for free.
Funny how contractors from Hidalgo are suddenly buzzing about projects in the City of San Benito. One big name in particular P***** suddenly started making calls.

Anonymous said...

So what trumputo gave everybody a 1200 check and a 600 check does that mean he wants our vote si but he never got it IDIOTA PENDEJO racista republicanos hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

San BENITO is a dirt-poor town full of dust and cockroaches. No one is handsome or attractive ion that rotgut town! Not even newborns. Pobre gente. Puro reject, escrape.

San Benito blows.

Anonymous said...

You misuse the word "sublime":

Def - sublime
1a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner. b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth. c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence.

THERE is nothing sublime in San Benito.

Anonymous said...

San Benito is ripe for the taking. People there are genuinely stupid.

Their politics are the politics of handouts and bending over.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh Pinche San Benito Politics at its best!! Gotta love it! Every election you have the same people fighting with each other giving the same dam argument of who's more corrupt than the other! It's quite a spectical to see honestly! That is the main reason San Benito will never change! It's all about power to these people nothing more nothing less. Once in office every single person whether it be city, school board or county they all end up being the same way and that way folks is caring about themselves. Has anybody driven down downtown San Benito? It's a run down ghost town! Do city officials care? They post on Facebook every day that they do put they don't and everyone can see that but the same people keep getting voting in because of the pinche politica! Certain board members are pushing for 3 members while others board members are pushing for 3 different members. Is that a coincidence?? NO! It's all for control of the board and like I said for POWER! Not for the future of our kids it's for their own future and power trip. If new members go in they will retaliate against the ones who were against and vice versa. I have more respect for members that run by themselves, no bullshit just trying to make a difference but that's me. Politics are Politics and that will never change, that's why our country is the way it is..sad but true!

Anonymous said...

San Bene full of cocos wanna be white with names like jack, billy, walter, james WHITE NAMES DON'T MAKE YOU WHITE bola de babosos pendejos
makes you look stupid
