Friday, April 30, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

 XII.B.22. Discussion regarding the non-renewal for non-chapter 21 contract professionals (M.A and M.S.) at the end of the 2020-2021 School Year. 

XII.B.23. Discussion regarding the non-renewal for non-chapter 21 contract professional (L.V.) at the end of the 2020-2021 school year 
Brownsville Independent School District board agenda for Tuesday, May 4

Come the new school year, there will be two openings for two department heads at the Brownsville Independent School District.

One will the Records Management Department head (M.A.), Martin Arambula. Sources say that a BISD Police Dept. investigation revealed that he was doing business with Edcouch-Elsa ISD dealing with their record management and using BISD assets and equipment to profit personally from the scheme.

Rather than pursue criminal charges as a result of the investigation, the BISD has opted to recommend that his contract not be renewed and seek a replacement. Arambula's fortunes have dimmed significantly with this non-renewal. At one time, Arambula was a candidate for Cameron County Judge. 

(In the photo at right, he is is seen addressing supporters in front of the Cameron County Judicial wing on Harrison after being introduced by former City of Brownsville commissioner Rick Longoria.)

The other is Hidalgo County import (L.V.) Laura-Zelda S. Villarreal, the Food and Nutrition Services Director. 

Villarreal had been suspended from her FNS Director position after BISD received numerous complaints for alleged abusive behavior toward department employees. And it wasn't just one disgruntled employee who complained about her behavior. 

We are told that all of the supervisors and staff at FNS signed the complaint filed with Human Resources and made its way up the feeding chain to Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez's administration.

Some hint that the complaints involved abusive and rough language bordering on sexual harassment toward department employees and that many have considered leaving their job for a kindlier, gentler location. If you remember, FNS is known as the Siberia of BISD because that's where naughty administrators are sent until things cool of. 

It's also the department where the director committed suicide as U.S. Dept. of Agriculture investigators were targeting the department over the rotten barbacoa purchased from a vendor who prepared the meat in a plant in Mexico, a no-no under federal guidelines. 

When the story broke about her suspension, so did rumors that she had told co-workers she had an ace up her sleeve because she knew of an alleged inappropriate relationship that she claimed existed between a BISD employee and a board member. Apparently, it turned up to be a joker card.  

What a tangled web we weave...

Both of these individuals commanded near $100,000-plus salaries. Avoid the rush. Apply now.


Anonymous said...

Someone should look into the thousands of dollars of missing fertilizer at bisd warehouse hmmmm!

Anonymous said...

They can save on retirement pay-outs seems the only way out of BISD is to get caught, get indicted, get drunk and Suicide hard to say but its true.

Anonymous said...

The corruption in BISD never ends. The only reason Frank Sauceda got caught was because HR was exposed for covering up for him for years. Now it's the hiding and sleeping on the job next. go to The Central CAB Second floor ghost town. The custodians don't need to clean because there is no one there but big pay check collections.

Anonymous said...

Ese pinche Arambula es un inutil. He never could make it in the private sector! Most of those BISD administrators would never survive in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

What else is new with BISD? So, Gutierrez recommended the firing of his pet project he brought from Edinburg? Hum? Makes you wonder! Arambula has always been crooked alongside his buddy who also committed suicide just right after he announced he was running for county commission. Was it really suicide? We never found out the final investigation results for the two guys.

As for the missing fertilizer, it was spread in the board room and that is why all actions by the board do not pass the smell test.

Anonymous said...

April 30, 2021 at 11:14 AM

fertilizer for what? at BISD?

Anonymous said...

Just like the city commissioners THEY ALL HAVE TO GO jail maybe

Anonymous said...

Martini Arámbula had a good BISD run and now $$$$$ as a termination package. The Food Services Department is a big dump where failed BISD Administrators go to because all the FNS supervisors do the work. The hardworking people are the ones in the Cafeteria, not the Administrators. Remember BISD had demoted a big goofy Gringo to FNS and he was running it for awhile. That big goofy gringo got FNS in a lot of trouble too and then booted out. Also that gringo was getting a lot of food to go. Does anyone remember that gringo, what was his name?????? Erasmo?
