Thursday, April 22, 2021



Anonymous said...

EARTH DAY, 2021:...Look, Ma, we're rotting away. What's that? Yes, our trees and lawn and flowers look healthy, but, well, for how long? The celebrated cosmologist Stephen Hawking wrote he believed this world had, at best, 100 good years left without any sort of world response to Global Warming. Unique Earth is billions of years old (Psssst, don't tell the creationists), as is the mysterious universe, but serious, existential damage has been fast & furious during the last 100/150 years.

Mars as the next home for humans, you say? Really, good luck with that much-ballyhooed pipedream. Yes, Dear Virginia, scientists will tell you the only hope for survival for the Human species is a spacecraft off Earth. Mars is doable, apparently, only the first luckless colonizing bastards will have it rougher than the settlers who moved across the American West. They had air and water and bison and a destination.

Mars will rid itself of its early pioneers from here. I'd not want to be among the first landers, and maybe not even the first 50 missions.

When they asked Hawking about planting thousands of trees on Mars for oxygen and doing other things to create a compatible atmosphere for wandering humans, he succinctly said it would be a better idea to do that here, to Earth, a breath-takingly, beautiful planet that has done its utmost to please us ungrateful fuckers.

We are still saving the doomed whales, the still-burning Amazon rain forest and fast-cleaning our waterways of plastic containers. There is no massive, well-funded effort underway to cap what is basically a monstrous, ever-growing, all-international pipeline of moving crap. Unabated pollution keeps choking us all. The amount of garbage generated daily by Humans across the world is astonishing.

Mars? Fuck Mars. Dead Mars? Earth is still beautiful, the absolute jewel of the desolate Solar System and maybe even the entire universe. The former is a known fact; the latter would get great odds from Las Vegas bookies...

Anonymous said...

El sol y la luna
Hablan de la Tierra,
La ven muy cansada
Y parece enferma.
Su cielo esta gris,
Su mar esta sucio.
Los campos muy secos.
Muy callado un nino
Los escucha hablar.
El quiere ayudar.
Promete cuidar de la tierra,
Ahorrar, reciclar
Siempre protegerla.

Poeta: Marisa Alonso Santamaria

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PUB annouces the building of a new Downtown sewer treatment plant..
PUB has announced it will name the new sewer treatment plant after a local leader. After overwhelming votes the new plant will be named after Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal. THE VOTERS ALL Choose Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as the face of the new sewer treatment plant because he is full of shit just like the new sewerage plant!!!

Anonymous said...

Fewer than 800 people have cast their ballot in Brownsville
That means only ONE family has voted they are giving out chicken plates for you NOT to vote...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville mayor says $10m donation will speed revitalization
It only means one thing MORE BIKE TRAILS... MAMONES

Anonymous said...

McAllen, Mexican airline officials celebrate start of new Monterrey route
Y aqui they don't even have a candy slot machine GIVE HIM A PAY RAISE MAKE IT 250K A YEAR remember he's a gringo, gringos always make more money and are protected by the cops...

Anonymous said...

How did things get so bad at the office? Patrol shifts with no supervisor, investigators being sent to patrol, clerks driving unmarked police units bought with seized money, rookies in charge of patrol shifts, deputies and jailers quitting left and right, federal inmates with only one deputy at the hospital because of lack of manpower (wondering what the US Marshals have to say about this), lawsuits, restraining orders against the sheriff, administrators drinking and protecting Osiel Cardenas Jr at events, there is a no confidence letter against Abraham Rodriguez being signed by deputies..... the only credit Garza is taking is the new laptops in the patrol units and the body cameras, and even that was bought by the Lucio's administration.... it's sad

If you are interested in playing Cop and are a civilian, you are a perfect candidate to work for Eric Garza.
No experience is needed.
Radio and unmarked unit will be assigned to you

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2021 at 9:16 AM

But you need to be photograph with his political sign in front of your belly panza gueyes a must requirement NOW for "ALL" cmaeron county employees...

Anonymous said...

crooks wanna be cops? come to cameron county easy money.
