Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The revelations that the City of Brownsville top management echelon is commanding six-figure salaries while the mass of city employees lag far behind in other cities has fueled an exodus from municipal employment, some workers city have asserted.

In one department, there have been at least three departures by longtime employees who have been cross-trained to fill most positions there to go to Cameron County and State of Texas positions.

"City manager (Noel) Bernal talks a lot  about his Total Alignment," said a mid-level administrator, "but all the benefits seem to go to department heads and his staff. Some employees who have been with the city for years get discouraged because there doesn't deem to be any hopes for advancement in the future."

The top-heavy salaries at the city manager's office – ranging from 82,000 for the lowest assistant city manager to $225,000 for Bernal and another $195,000 for Helen Ramirez – are but one example of the salary disparities. Other department heads say that the "total alignment" concept pays lip service to one of its strategic goals, the improvement of working conditions and improvement in the remuneration of the average municipal employee.

Ramirez – a graduate of the Bernal School of Consultanship – also has a penchant for spending lavish sums on outside consultants. Asked to encourage space-related industries, she quickly fund one, for almost a half-million dollars.
Bernal posted his version of Total Alignment as a concept under the Professional Development Program to "Develop, implement, and support programs and processes that add value to the organization’s most valuable resource – our PEOPLE."
"This may look good as a graphic," said a department supervisor when asked about his opinion of the concept pushed by Bernal and his coterie of consultants, "but on the ground, workers can see that their paychecks remain the same while the top department heads rake in the gravy. It's very discouraging to them and it doesn't give the an incentive to stay with us and aspire to be more productive to provide citizens with services." 

The administrator pointed out that the spending by the city manager's office to on consultants to amend the city charter, update the city code, and provide guidance on Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones has zoomed under Bernal and the city commission, almost topping $1 million in the last year.  
"That's more than some departments have for their entire salary budgets," he said. "City workers look at that spending and then look at their paychecks, and we've lost some workers who we trained to be able to cover for their fellow workers if the call sick," he said. "We end up being the training ground for the county and the state because they're not getting better salaries at the middle and bottom."

Below is a partial list of the salaries in the various city departments:

ZACCHINI, PATRICK J 131 - Internal Auditor's Office $112,999.95 (highest)
AVILA, BRYAN S 131 - Internal Auditor's Office                   $47,022.98 (lowest)

CARREJO, RENE I 140 - Municipal Court   (Police officers          $67,749.76
SALINAS, JOSE 140 - Municipal Court        on court budget)      $67,749.76

MORIN, ERICKA C 140 - Municipal Court                               $24,056.86
GARCIA, ERICA 140 - Municipal Court                                       $24,056.86
GARCIA, ERIK 140 - Municipal Court                                       $24,056.86

GRANADO, GUADALUPE III 211 - Financial Services               $99,999.95
TAPIA, NANCY 211 - Financial Services                                       $24,056.86

CEPEDA, PERLA G 231 - Org Developmnt & Human Resources $107,800.16
RUVALCABA, MIRANDA O 231 - Org Developmnt & Human Resources $17,784.00

BRUCIAK, GAIL M 241 - Enterprise Applications                          $91,999.86
ROMERO, CARLOS I 241 - Enterprise Applications                          $29,240.85

MORGAN, LAURE A 251 - City Secretary                                  $99,999.95
BATTLES, MARCY L 251 - City Secretary                                  $24,056.86

Active LEAL, ODILIA A 303 - Emergency Management          $78,132.70
TABAREZ, RENE Jr 303 - Emergency Management                  $39,186.16

SAUCEDA, FELIX Jr 310 - Police Administration                          $119,999.98
AGUIRRE, BLANCA E 320 - Fire Administration                            $25,251.20
ALVAREZ, JUAN A Jr 310 - Police Administration                            $10,505.66

PASCHALL, JAMES C 311 - Police Operations                                      $98,918.35
DIETRICH, WILLIAM G 311 - Police Operations                              $98,918.35
ARTEAGA, ABEL 311 - Police Operations                                               $34,946.91

SHELDON, JARRETT V 320 - Fire Administration                       $99,999.95
AGUIRRE, BLANCA E 320 - Fire Administration                               $25,251.20

One could go down by department and notice the disparities, but that would take us forever. And so on, and so on. This is Total Alignment? More like Total Misalignment.


Anonymous said...

You hire a guy to be city manager and he goes about being city manager. And, hey, isn't your pal Ben Neece on the city commission? He's not "aligning" with you, Montoya. Neither is Galonsky, or Mayor-Minor Mendez. You might court Tetreau; she wants an Anglo as CM.

Anonymous said...


Yes the males show up to work

Where is the BUS administration salary table?

Anonymous said...

Those are graphics used by larger cities ESTE GUEY ES PURO COPY-CAT, le pico los ojos a los estupidos comisionados el que puede se lleva el premio. He carries NOTHING original PURA RAQUETA este guey, but Who gets to pay este guey?
TIME FOR THESE IDIOTS TO GO now, including the city manager and all his girl-friends!

Anonymous said...

Bernal peaked in Falfurrias. This dog & pony show is just for show, a sham acquired from online sites showing how Big Cities do it. Noel Bernal is a minor leaguer at best.

To prove they are for the people, Bernal should okay a date with Juan Montoya for Helen Ramirez. Four-day weekend on the island.

That would be giving back to the citizenry.


Anonymous said...

...y todos son hijos o amigos de gente


78 vs 34..k gachos.

Anonymous said...

Falfurrias where did he learn to run a large city oooooh we're still like san bene! No need to hire a person with experiance of running a large city but the salary can be the same as a larger city and he can bring all his girl friends at large city salaries - pinches pendejos


Anonymous said...

How ironic that the city never accepted college degrees from Mexico from it's employees. We currently have bus drivers and janitors with Mexican college degrees yet Bernal hired the current HR director with a college degree from Mexico. He probably knew her beforehand, another example of " Total Misalignment "

Anonymous said...

Juan, really? La Gail Bruciak, wife of Mr. PUB Bruciak, earnign $91,000.00 and still at the city after all these years and a lawsuit back in the 1980's No Pos WOW, talk about alignment,

Anonymous said...

What the hell over $90,000 grand for city secretary and Brusicak what the hell does she do for $100,000 grand!plus 4 or 5 city managers for over $850,000 something is definitely wrong with picture.

Anonymous said...

$107,000 for the HR director with a Mexican college degree? We have plenty of qualified individuals here who go heavily on debt to pay for college degrees and they don't earn half of that salary. Definitely something is wrong with these people getting those huge salaries at taxpayers expense for a city the size of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Anglos are well-paid! Why do they bitch?

Underlings getting peanuts!!!

Pos, porque?

Anonymous said...

Juan sounds more like Total MIs-alignment.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how much Roberto Baez is making. He screwed over Municipal Court employees with their title change, he was basically fired from there, was placed in a different department and now is making good money. Because of that stupid “raise” he worked out with HR for the clerks, the clerks didn’t qualify for any compensation from the study that was made. Employees that have worked 10+ years are making the same as new employees. How in the hell is that possible? Must be nice to get a $19k raise (Bernal), with less than 5 years with the city, and still tell employees they are trying to work on something.

Anonymous said...

The City is in total Misalignment...Terrible job Bernal is doing...No leadership skills what so ever.. Everything this guy does he read in some book and expects it to work by having his Department heads read the same book then has a meeting to talk about what they learned... THIS is what they do in a book club!!!
Bernal hires people from outside the city pays them outrageous salaries.
He had a female do some training for all departments when she could not communicate in English she gave the whole training in Spanish... Wtf is wrong with the City Of Brownsville...Let's get rid of this Thief Bernal and get an experienced leader..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this included the monthly $400 some monthly car allowance?

Anonymous said...

Can we also talk about how the HR Director cannot speak proper English but they require their employees to have a college education in order to be promoted and will not hire without one as well. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Why do they get a car allowance? Just to go to lunch? The city has plenty of cars on the fleet, to save taxpayers money, let them use one of them instead of the city (taxpayers) footing the bill for their personal cars. Another great example if "Total Misalignment". Lower ranks employees can't get a pay raise but these bozos get overinflated salaries and to top it off, car allowances. Very pathetic.

Anonymous said...

So that PUB family is getting paid half a MILLION dollars and ALL TAX PAYERS MONIES NO TIENE VERGUENZA fire all of them enough is enough and they're from Harlingen the KKK city...

Anonymous said...

The Engineering and Public Works department is being ran by a want to be director (Susana Guzman), who we recently found out was a theft. She doesn’t know how to do any thing. Her staff knows more then she does but she mean and abusive with them. She gets promoted and paid more but has no education or common sense or skills. A director who doesn’t know what is going on in his own department since he sets in his office and watches TikTok all day. Oh wait that’s right he is teleworking right now but doesn’t reply to emails or calls. He holds a 30 min weekly meeting with a background picture of his office to make people think he’s in his office. He’s going to leave the city in just as bad shape as he did Corpus and Port Arthur. Someone call Corpus and ask about the lawsuit he filed against them. Call Port Arthur and ask about the state fine for $50,000. Good luck if we get any storms this year. Everyone get your boats and kayaks ready.

Anonymous said...

Reliable sources say that the Engineering and Public Works new administrationhave worked arduously to end the corruption previously existed for 12 years in that department. While doing so, the corrupted personnel still employed are determined to damage the reputation of the of the hard working, ethical, responsible, non-corrupted employees! They have teamed to bad mouth the non-corrupted employees! The consequences the new administration phase are false allegations, malicious gossip to damage people's reputation. Regardless of the false and malicious rumors and allegations this new administration will not desist! They will continue with their mission of improving the city's infrastructure so much neglected for 12 years due to the corruption. Statistics show that in the last year the city has paved more streets than the corrupted ever did in 5 years! Truth is their pockets must be hurting tremendously! No more kickbacks, theft, fictitious purchases, fictitious invoices, tampering with employees time etc. etc. HR should investigate the racial discriminations occurring in that department and the City Auditor do an audit!

Anonymous said...

@6:23 We know it's you Susanna Guzman from public works that wrote that comment! Ni vergueza tienes ratera shoplifter! Why don't you tell everyone how you would on your own borrow city money from cash box, and pay it back later!

Anonymous said...

You're set for the rest of 2021 Juanito. Good for you and the citizens

Anonymous said...

@2:18 pm april 30, so who is this? Jackie Montes, who doesn't have the mental capacity to even make a memo? Your only skills are malicious gossip and "dating" old men. Carol Vasquez, who can't manage to get a director position in spite of all the degrees you have? It must irk you that there are better candidates out there. Gina Montes? No more fictitious po's or invoices? Is it really hurting your pocket? Elizabeth Echartea, who can't manage to make a correct payroll entry? Your envy toward Mrs. Guzman is in plain view. What is your special skill? Having children with different fathers? You are all envious, corrupt cowards who are angry because you can't cheat employees and the city anymore.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:07. Funny how she only targeted women in the rant. No one envious of her ugly ass.
