Saturday, April 24, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: Just how ludicrous has the Sheriff Eric Garza vs. the Cameron County Commissioners Court tug-of-war become? Following Garza's power grab to force the 15 deputies from under the supervision of Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez he was rebuffed by the court which filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent him from forcibly and unilaterally rescind a Memorandum Of Understanding with the former sheriff on courthouse security. Meanwhile, the 15 deputies remain in bureaucratic limbo and now alternate wearing their old uniform one day and the new uniform of the sheriff's department another. In short, a kind of musical uniforms game. So depending on what day it is, expect them to be wearing one or the other.)

Brownsville Herald

Judge Gloria Rincones, of the 445th state District Court, ruled Friday that a Temporary Restraining Order petition filed against Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza will remain in place at least until Tuesday.

Rincones issued the ruling during an emergency hearing Friday requested by Garza. He had also requested the TRO against him be dissolved.

Rincones said the TRO will remain in place with the provision number three vacated because it clearly prevented either side from coming to the table and try to fix the problem. 

(That provision stated that Garza or his agents were prohibited them from contacting the commissioners or county staff pending the hearing scheduled for April 27. But the transportation of prisoners mandated that sheriff personnel communicate with courthouse security deputies to enter the building and take the inmates to court appointments.)

"The two sides need to communicate and get this ball going, you need to make this work. Everybody knows on both sides what the problem is, everybody knows on both sides what needs to be done to fix the problem, let's fix the problem," the judge said.

Rincones also said there are procedures to follow to make sure that everything is done right. She will decide whether or not the TRO will remain in place at the next hearing, which is scheduled to take place Tuesday at 4 p.m.

"There is no reason why Commissioner's Court thinks that its got power over the sheriff or the sheriff thinks that he can't do what he did, without having to go to Commissioner's Court to change the classifications and budget, we can't think that (way,) we have to follow procedures to make sure everything is done right," she said.


Anonymous said...

A guy wearing a cowboy hat with a bluetooth earpiece wants to take over the courthouse security? go figure.

Anonymous said...

Garza can't even control his own people, clerks like Ricardo Cornejo for example, driving an unmarked police unit bought with seized money, walking in an out of the office with a portable radio strictly use for lawenforcement only and a jacket with the Sheriff's Office logo on it.... ain't that a crime?

Deputies ordered by Luis Mendieta to do security for Osiel Cardenas Jr.

Patrol shifts unsupervised.

Ohhh but during an interview, Garza said " We are ready to take over the courthouse security" LMFAO..... he can't even control Gracia...

Anonymous said...

Another Fed lawsuit going your way Garza and Gracia

Anonymous said...

That's quite a collection of out-of-shape, uniformed Mexicans.

How about a little PT!

Anonymous said...

No whites?

Why not?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a TSC welding class.


Anonymous said...

The essence of the Judge’s Order, “I don’t need this shit in my Court. Quit acting like children and y’all better get this worked out or neither of you might like my decision if you make me rule on this. Now get out of here.” Great call Gloria. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person embarrassed to live in Cameron County and Brownsville? I am praying for the opportunity to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Eric, can’t call someone with zero law enforcement like you Sheriff. At least you are not as stupid as the people that voted for you. I guess as long as the majority of people in the Valley keep getting their government checks, things will never change. At least I can get past the border patrol check point.

Anonymous said...

Go away reynas ... stop harassment.. you had your time .. you LOST go away the voters have spoken

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, good question? Where is the former alcoholic and substance abuser? Is he still getting a check for "really" doing nothing now? Just wondering?

Anonymous said...

April 24, 2021 at 12:17 PM

Hahahahahaha so true

Anonymous said...

At least I can get past the border patrol check point.

Must make you proud as a green card holder idiota

Anonymous said...

Those are used unoforms from charlie clark's mechanic shop

Anonymous said...

TSC Welding Technology students show off skills at competition
and their new uniforms hahahahahaaaaaa. good luck the codunty jail is looking for new welders
