Thursday, April 29, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Law and Order Correspondent

You be the Judge.

How'd all this attention get focused on Brownsville Police Department?

Chief Felix Sauceda is correct, but it's not his fault he had never really been a true supervisor at any level. 

As a sergeant he wasn't on the streets for very long and was then moved to evidence room and the city jail on Jackson Street. 

He was then moved over to the Special Investigations Unit where he really messed things up, comprised himself and the Police Department, and probably would be sitting in jail somewhere if it wasn't for the kindness of the former Chief Orlando Rodriguez. 

Sauceda was removed immediately than allowed to promote where he became a Lieutenant and spent his time as the commander's secretary where most of his time was spent sending out emails. Now for the rest of the story:  Then the commander he worked for became entangled in a power struggle with Commissioner Jessica Tetreau over guess who? Of course, Diane Martinez. 

The fight was over Diane's scheduling because she refused to work late and did not want to work weekends so she involved her good friend Commissioner Tetreau in the dray who then called the commander at the time and told him to change Diane's schedule immediately and threatened to end his career if she didn't get her wish. 

Well here is where it all got crazy. Ex-Chief Orlando Rodriguez had already put in for retirement so he left the most senior commander in charge, who was James Paschal. 

Then, Lt. Sauceda saw the opportunity to advance and made friends with Tetreau promising that if he was made chief of police he would take care of the commissioners best friend Diane. So the story unfolded; At the order of Tetreau, acting chief Paschall then demotes Commander David Dale and makes  Sauceda Acting Commander – a position he holds very briefly – and a short period later, to everyone's surprise, he is named chief over some very qualified individuals. 

So whoever said that Chief Felix Sauceda is not at fault for Diane's actions that's not totally true but  Sauceda sure played a major role. Diane was given a special work schedule that no one knew about or even where she was assigned to work. 

Now back to her arrest. It is common practice that minor thefts are given a citation and released. But if an officer is involved, those decisions to arrest come from the commander and chief. So with Tetreau and Diane no longer friends this was the chief's time to get revenge on Diane. 

Unbeknownst to all of PD there were several more thefts pending. 

Now Chief Sauceda is in the processes of hiring of rehiring Diane along with another Officer, Rey Rios, who was fired after a hit and run accident and fleeing on foot from troopers of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). 

Great Going Chief Sauceda-city manager Noel Bernal. Y'all have now made yourself look like the total idiots you truly are!


Anonymous said...

Terrible Chief!!

Anonymous said...

That guy is just a puppet for City Manager Bernal!

Anonymous said...

I was once a huge supporter of Chief Sauceda but he has proven to be a huge disappointment. Sauceda has surrounded himself with liars and kiss asses..He has been a incompetent chief..

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about Hispanic lives..This is Bullshit!! Brownsville Police tased someone to Death in a hotel room, another was shot to death by a white Brownsville Police Officer as he was attempting to surrender...Call the Chief of Police Saucedo I guarante you will not find him..
It's all captured on body cam and avaliable to the public at your request...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Free Puppet Show in the City of Brownsville... As El Rata Bernal The City Manager for the City of Brownsville shows his skills with Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal a local Brown-Town Pupet.
With City Manager Bernal's hand so far up Chief Sauceda-Bernal a** he will preform a spectacular dance and is ready and willing to do what Bernal desires!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PUB annouces the building of a new Downtown sewer treatment plant..
PUB has announced it will name the new sewer treatment plant after a local leader. After overwhelming votes the new plant will be named after Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal. THE VOTERS ALL Choose Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as the face of the new sewer treatment plant because he is full of shit just like the new sewerage plant!!!

Anonymous said...

Both officers should not be rehired back period what kind of message are you sending the citizens of Brownsville who pay there salaries that crime doesn't pay and that officers can get away with crime.What a cluster fuCk you all have at BPD.AS per the Chief a change of direction is in order.

Anonymous said...

Hey Don't forget that Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda also covered up for a Swat Lieutenant that was involved in a on duty sex scandal with a civilian employee in which Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda forced the female to resign and just moved the Lieutenant to the Patrol Division with no disciplinary action..With the Blessing of City Manager "El Rata" Bernal..
Yet El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal was quick to suspend an Officer for an at Fault minor accident with no previous history..
Sauceda-Bernal dishes out disciplinary action based on his mood and if you are in his inner circle or swat you have nothing to worry about!

Anonymous said...

City Manager El Rata Bernal continues to steal from the citizens of Brownsville. As his partner in crime Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda continues to steal from the departments retirement plan. Officers have attempted to report all the illegal activities occurring with in the department but El Rata Bernal has turned the other way. CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN the City of Brownsville.

Former RGV LEO said...

Wow! How sad that BPD is just as fucked up as the CCSO! Again, the politics in Brownsville dictating an agency that IS supposed to use common sense and discretion in doing their job! But then again, no one is to blame other than the voters of Brownsville who put this assaulting hook nose into office, who obviously has a power hungry mongrel attitude! Thanks CCDA for (I'm guessing) dropping the charges on hook nose since we haven't seen anything in the media? Oh well, its Brownsville and Cameron County!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda has more ky jelly in his hair than a prostitute has up her ****!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau is the root of all the problems within the City of Brownsville. Jessica persuaded the City Commissioners to hire a unqualified City Manager Bernal then Jessica is the only Commissioner in the History of Brownsville to have a high ranking Commander Dale demoted just because she couldn't get her way and the first to have a Police Officer Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda promoted to the rank of ACTING Commander and later made him Chief of Police because he promised to bend over and take it in the Rear. Great going Jessica T you have single handly made a mess of the City Of Brownsville and The Police Department! Good Riddance you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda days are numbered with a vote of no confidence coming and a department on the brink of total disaster a new Chief is coming. CHIEF Bill Dietrich!! Let's Go!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Department has gone out of control if the City Government doesn't see it as a huge liability the better open there eyes. Officers will do as the top dog does, monkey see monkey do. Chief Sauceda has no Integrity, he is liar,a giant manipulator, two face piece of shit!
Citizens of Brownsville wipe this piece of shit off your shoes and move on. Make Brownsville Police Department great again!!

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, a cop gets arrested for stealing at a local store, then gets fired and now BPD is offering employment to the same thief? If true, what kind of professional standard do BPD has? This same cop (if employed back) goes out to a call to arrest a thief, what kind of professional standards do we have?

Anonymous said...

City commission and Mayor need to get rid of Sauceda. Guy is only happy and puts on a show In front of cameras. The department is in disarray. It’s an embarrassment to work for BPD. No integrity nor leadership from this chief and his command staff. Experienced and veteran officers left the department because they wouldn’t want this piece of shit as their chief. This man made changes immediately when he became chief and positioned all those that backed him for chief in favorable positions, while ousting way more tenured and knowledgeable officers and sending them back to patrol . You’ll see many lawsuits coming up, new guys upstairs can’t even solve a case nor follow procedures. Then this double dipping patrol officer making the schedules for all of patrol while also working for another certain company. You’ve got his buddy operating the cameras seeing what he can hear and runs back to the chief with information.. the list goes on with all the shady shit this chief is doing and allowing ..come on Chief set your personal agenda aside and let your officers do their job . Send all your incompetent cronies back where they belong and bring some Morale back to the department...#worstchiefever

Anonymous said...

The carrizales jail center offers a course in how to run for a elected position and how to get re-hired after serving time.
All these people must have taken that course

Anonymous said...

Matamoros PD has a better Chief than Brownsville Police Department Chief Sauceda..At least Mexico knows what they have, Brownsville city commission have no clue they hired the DEVIL in a High School Cheerleading outfit!!
The Department is in chaos and it's showing with the split of the BPOA since Chief Sauceda removed all the BPOA union members off patrol and have them in day time jobs Monday-Friday. The President of BPOA was given a made up position and is never seen around the Department. Veteran Officer's have left the department anyone Chief Sauceda feels is a threat he attempts to go after them. Sauceda has no trust in his Officers he has Police Dispatchers check on the location of every police unit two to three times a shift even though the units all have GPS on them.. Favoritism is Chief Sauceda's total alignment, does not care about Officer safety as some shifts have only ten people working for the entire City. This is one messed up Department...

Anonymous said...

Sauceda is the worst chief in the history of the Brownsville Police Department. Bad management backed up by local politicians to weak and transient to fix the mess, created by the hiring of this incompetent chief. The department is a hot mess. Vote of no confidence coming soon, your days are numbered Chapo.

Anonymous said...

One rata rehiring another, what did you expect? The rata Diana resigned because she was caught red-handed. What message are you sending to the community chief? As for the other officer Rey, another pendejo and one of Saucedas boy. Rey is a drunk loser and will get caught again as will Diana. Get rid of them all beginning with the chief.

Anonymous said...

Really re-hire them back juan whats happening here in brownsville PD???? LOL

Anonymous said...

They refer to her as JLo at the PD cuz she has a nice big asssssss. She was a good lay but damn she’s toxicA!

Anonymous said...

Bill Dietrich now that's funny then why not hire Lenny "chicken without a head" perez lol

Anonymous said...

Yup its all true, Chief Sauceda has tarnished the Badge and that's no joke!
At least the Sheriff won his job outright..Chief Sauceda begged, stole and cried and got the job under the table by accepting a huge pay cut and with the promise that he would defund his own department by cutting manpower and putting as little as 8 to 11 patrol Officers on the streets at one time. Then having the Union President have the Officers sign one of the worst contracts in the History of the Department.
CHIEF SAUCEDA IS THE WORST Chief Brownsville has ever had..No Integrity...No Leadership..No Shame.... ..No Skills..#worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Chief Sauceda has sold his soul to City Manager Bernal and sold out his Brother's in Blue..Chief Sauceda-Bernal can no longer call himself a cop.. The moment he compromised the safety of his Officers he lost total respect of his troops by placing ten to 11 officers on the streets. It has now become common practice to ask for help from the Cameron County Sheriff's Department and Texas Department of Public Safety. It's now normal to have a call for Police service pending over 30 to 40 minutes. Police Dispatcher have been trained to refer citizens to online reporting..Poor service to his community..#worstchiefever.

Anonymous said...

YES I agree Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has lost the respect of all Patrol!
When you purchase old used Crown Victoria police cars that have over 100,000 miles to save a dollar...
When a citizen needs help or another Officer is screaming for Back up and that car can't get you there!
Wtf are you thinking...I can tell you Sauceda-Bernal only thinks about himself...terrible Chief!!! #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

YES I agree Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has lost the respect of all Patrol!
When you purchase old used Crown Victoria police cars that have over 100,000 miles to save a dollar...
When a citizen needs help or another Officer is screaming for Back up and that car can't get you there!
Wtf are you thinking...I can tell you Sauceda-Bernal only thinks about himself...terrible Chief!!! #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Crazy move! Setting the bar high for our community it’s ok to break the law! Idiots!

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever..

Anonymous said...

No wonder nobody responds to my letters or phone calls to HELP regarding the criminal aspects in my neighborhood. Maybe because I refuse to use my name for fear of the criminals involved, that no one listens to me, including the city commission responsible for the neighborhood well-being. If the police department is fighting within themselves, what do they care about what is going on around them?

Shame on those law enforcement personnel who promise you the stars and the skies when they are running for office or reelection. What has happened to the good ole fashion pride and common sense?

Anonymous said...

Let the sheriff take over BPD and he don't need to change uniforms that look like welders. QUE MAS QUIEREN? CHETOOS?

Anonymous said...

Law and Order Correspondent from Rancho Viejo:

You all can have our Chief and take him back to the BPD. YOU all created him. I know you all were glad to see him go, but please, take him back. He is fleecing the citizens of Rancho Viejo. Getting paid to do a job he is not qualified for. What is Chief Tyler good for? Riding around in parades and taking pictures. Our beloved city leaders wanted a friend in charge so they could get their way. They put a “yes man” in charge so there would be no opposition to whatever they wanted to do. Plus, they could get away with speeding and any other infractions because they have their buddy in place.
Well, Chief Tyler's first "emergency" at Rancho Viejo went as expected. He didn't do anything. The great freeze of 2021 will always show the ineptitude of Chief Tyler. The best he could come up with was to have the generators going at the police station so that people could come in and charge their phones.
Now, obviously no one could have predicted the freeze, but you would think that he would have some type of emergency plans in place to protect our citizens. Proactive instead of reactive!!!
Did he get his officers to check on the elderly citizens of Rancho who had no power and most likely do not have the ability to check social media and know to get down to the police station to charge their phones? Nope.

Did he check on our citizens to see who might need help? No.

Was their a plan in place to provide help for our vulnerable citizens? No.

What exactly did he do during this time beside make sure that people could charge their electronics? Nothing.
That is the only thing he could think up to assist the citizens of Rancho Viejo. Really? That is all you could come up with? Four days without electricity and heat and you couldn't even check up on our citizens? Now, he wants everyone to get training for disasters. But is his dept. going to do it? No, it is our responsibility to get the training. Why? To make his job easier.
This is what we wanted from our chief of police? He's real good about ceremonies at city hall, he's real good about riding around in a golf cart during special events, but he's not real good about the public servant part.
Listening to the stories about his "career" in the Brownsville Police Dept., we should have known. But these back door deals come back to bite us in the rear every time. But at least we have a police chief that can ride around in a golf cart during our parades. Apparently that is all we were looking for because that is all this joker can do.
I guess 28 years of being a police officer qualifies you to be a Chief.
Good thing he was a supervisor at the BPD, (he never was), good thing he managed a division at the BPD, (he never did), good thing he worked his butt off at the BPD and earned his promotions (never happened).

He wanted a job where he could just sit there and collect a paycheck, kind of like he did the entire time at BPD. And that's all he's doing, sitting at a desk, riding around in a golf cart waving at the residents while he collects a paycheck, he doesn't even work for. We should expect more from our Chief. I mean seriously......all he could come up with is a place to charge our cell phones? When are we going to get a real Chief, not someone who flunked out of Texas A&M and really couldn't make it as a police officer. Talking to people that know him, he failed as a college student, he failed as a police officer, and now his incompetence has him failing as our chief. Pretty good record huh?

So, Chief Tyler, when are you going to be the Chief of Police we were promised. You should be ashamed that you are getting paid to be a socialite. But then again, are you really a police officer or just pretending to be one to collect a paycheck. Thank God for the real police officers protecting our streets, because even with your lack of leadership, they are still protecting us.

Anonymous said...

Bro settle down and go cuddle with your red headed bimbo. Did you already forget that the patrol division did not respect you or that Orly had to spend time in the hospital because the job stressed him out. You and orly cannot handle your own lives and families * much less a large departament. Ride off into the sunset like your idol Orly who had to settle for a job as a security guard.

#dalesucks #olryisawimp #daleisanidiot

Anonymous said...

CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL is a disgrace to the Badge and has tarnished the Image of The Brownsville Police Department and The Office of the Chief of Police..
He Has lost the respect of the men and women of the Brownsville Police Department..

At Least the Cameron County Sheriff was elected the Brownsville Police CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL was forced down our throats after
CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL got the position through some under handed back door action by lying, undermining and getting a Commissioner Tetreau demote a Commander and then having Tetreau threaten the acting Chief to promote him to acting Commander then behind closed doors with City Manager El Rata Bernal
CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL Emerges as Chief of POLICE with absolutely no experience in management and with his competition who had far more experience and were proven succesful leaders.
But the truth was revealed as he agreed to take a pay cut in order to get the job.. Brownsville will never move forward when we allow corruption and liars to run the City.
CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL will leave a huge stain in the history books of the Brownsville Police Department and the City of Brownsville. His legacy will be that of corruption, liars and lack of Integrity and accountability..

Anonymous said...

CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is a fu***** idiot..Here is your proof..

1. Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal re-hires a Lieutenant and Sergeant that had been fired by the previous administration for being liars.
A. Then placing that Lieutenant in charge of the training division..Laugh my Fuc**** A** Off!
To teach Officers Ethics!! OMG..
B. THEN Places that Sergeant to head the Narcotics unit and you guessed it, The Sergeant is again caught Lying and is transferred out.

2. Then allows the promotion of an Officer to the Rank of Sergeant after that same officer had been involved in a DWI accident. WOW..

3. Does absolutely nothing to a Lieutenant that is caught doing the Wild Thing with A female civilian employee. WAIT I take that back he does force the Female to resign. WTF.. OH... BUT HE DOES GIVE HER JOB away TO A FEMALE THAT WOULD COVER UP FOR HIM when he Supervised her in City jail.

4. Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal makes a patrolman with a long history of erratic behavior his right hand man and gives him more power than his Commanders. All just because this individual petitioned the City Commissioners for thier support when he was trying to become Chief.

5. A second individual a Patrol Officer with very little experience, who was also out Campaigning for him is allowed to double dip by working for a private computer company at the same time while working for the police department...Everyone knows even the City Manager Bernal.
I'm sure they will all act like they don't know once the Fed's get involved.

6. FELIX SAUCEDA-BERNAL Takes a female Officers off Patrol to make him baked goods and hot chocolate. Some Female Officers haven't been seen around PD since last year. Other female Police Officers are allowed to just to work dispatch as there regular assignment at Police Officer Pay and leaving Patrol short handed.

7. Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has no concern for the safety of his Officers Or the Citizens of Brownsville as He purchases used 2008 Ford crown Victoria police cars and 2012 Tahoe from a small police department that has put them out of service because of milage and safety issues..How does Sauceda-Bernal expect Officers to get to calls for service and help the Citizens of Brownsville and other Officers if they can not arrive safely..
But yet Sauceda-Bernal buys himself a Brand New
Then Sauceda-Bernal has the balls to throw stones at the previous administration who were the last administration to buy NEW CARS...All this Just so he can look good in front of the City Commission and allowing his Lover City Manager El Rata Bernal to give himself a pay raise to almost $250,000..

8. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" BERNAL-Sauceda then transfers a female who had just got out of the Field training program to transfer to the Narcotics unit.. And not giving experienced Officers the opportunity to apply.

9. Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal also transfers a young Officer that just happens to be his ex-partners (from the motorcycle division) son in law and assigns him to a Federal Task force. Once again not allowing other very qualified Officers to apply..

10. Places his friends to positions that they would never be able to get due to their work history and other issues.
Bernal-Sauceda has become known for his Mock Interviews for positions...LMFAO...
Part 2 coming...

Anonymous said...

CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal proves to be Brownsville Police Department's worst Chief Ever..
Part 2...
11. Has allowed Officers to get away with serious violations of Department Rules
And Regulations with the promise that they will be loyal to him.

12. REHIRED AN OFFICER THAT WAS INVOLVED IN A DWI and Evading Arrest and was arrested on a warrant The Texas Department of Public Safety DPS.
13. Has Officer's drive to out of town Trainings but yet he Flys first class.
14. A female Officer is caught in Austin using a Police Department unmarked Vehicle to Transport her family around..Then allows the same Female to transfer to the Training Division and continues to send her to more Training! All with the Blessing of Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and with the blessing of the City Manager himself El Rata Bernal. SMFH!!!

15. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda Bernal has ordered no overtime even if there is no manpower on the streets.. 10 to 14 officers on the streets is the lowest amount of Officers allowed on the streets since the late 80's...even though the City has Doubled in size..Unbelievable...

16. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal then gets in Bed with the BPOA Union President and gives him a Phantom job just as long he doesn't fight for the Officers or Oppose him in anyway..
Chief Sauceda then removes all BPOA board members off Patrol gives them Office jobs..
The Union President then pressures the young Officers to vote for one of the worst Contracts in the History of the Brownsville Police Department.
All This causes a split in the Union as Officers upset with no representation and the Chief's moves start another Union.
17. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal combines forces with City Manager El Rata Bernal to rip off the Officers as he gets rid of their Nationwide Retirement accounts and forces them to use a company of El Rata Bernal's choice. KICK BACKS???Wtf..

18.CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL now makes another troubled employee who was also caught lying the face of Brownsville Police Department as the spoke person.

makes another Officer who was arrested by Texas Highway Patrol DPS for DWI his Internal Affairs Investigator..LMAO

20. This could keep going but I'm tired of typing... CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL has surrounded himself with Liars that have Integrity issues and no morales.
why because this is what he has done his entire career.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has gone all out and out now by placing a department misfit and a proven liar as the face and spoke person for his administration..To make matters worse Chief Sauceda-Bernal has placed another misfit who has also been arrested for DWI in his Internal Affairs Department!
Great Going Chief Sauceda-Bernal you have now Officially have Become the Biggest Idiot of the RGV...You are truly the worst Chief Ever...
Oh by the way Cornado Cantu is out of Prison you should reach out to him and make him Assistant Chief!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Department needs to do get rid of this clown Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal.

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda se la come!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! y el cherife que?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brownsville PD Chief Felix "El CHapo" Sauceda-Bernal should just go back to what he did best, writing traffic and parking tickets!!

Anonymous said...

A total Misalignment with The Brownsville Police Department..

Anonymous said...

I believe in 2nd chances but Chief Felix Sauceda has really compromised himself, his office and more importantly the Badge!

Anonymous said...

Bill Dietrich for Chief!

Anonymous said...

You moved Jerry X's son in law! Really Felix you didn't think any of your people would

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda told everyone that he was tired of the past administration's(from Chief's Victor Rodriguez, Ben Reyna, Carlos Garcia and of course Orlando Rodriguez) and the way they operated pointing out all what he believed were their short comings and Deficiencies. Felix Sauceda claimed Team Sauceda
would make PD a better place.
Boy was that a lie..Huge disappointment, Felix Sauceda has been a terrible Chief..

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that moving 90 percent of Union members of The Brownsville Police Officers Association,off patrol is a violation of the Texas Government Code..You all should reach out to Attorney Willis...Look what happened to the Edinburg Police Chief..

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit...Sounds like Brownsville Police Department is a time bomb that's about to Explode..I sure hope the City of Brownsville has deep pockets...I smell lawsuits!!!

Anonymous said...

This Blog is the Bomb!!
Is this shit for real...How does the City of Brownsville let this go on?
Why would the City Of Brownsville hire such a Chief?
How long has this guy been Chief?
Have any lawsuits been filed?
Is this Department under Federal Review?
With so many issues in Law Enforcement happening around the Country and your City does absolutely nothing..Sounds like Big Trouble ahead for the City of Brownsville Texas..

Anonymous said...

A que pinche jotoron! Ahorra si que nos cayó el veinte y sabemos que eres tu Orlandita. Solo estás estas con tus pucheros porque tu títere no quedo como jefe y que un patrullero te dio una verguiza y terminó como jefe en rancho.
Pinche sebo mandilon. En lugar de estar aqui ponte a trabajar putito! Ya sabes que tu esposa no llena de dinero y te tiene en las ruinas. Así que date prisa y ve a hacer tus horas como guardia de seguridad.  No andes de deprimido por aqui porque nadie te da trabajo. Pinche pelado llorón! Como dices tu, esto podría continuar, pero estoy cansado de escribir. Pero supongo que podría haber una segunda parte y tal vez una tercera. Hay tantas historias a lo largo de los años que contar sobre tu, tu esposa y el excomandante títere. Corre y se va!

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda es Puro pinche rata de dos patas!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO same freaking person commenting over and over. Get a freaking life. Oh and chief we are greatful for our units and the changes you are making. Don't know where this guy is getting 200,000 miles when they are not even near 100,000. Best chief ever. Atleast no one is walking on eggshells and scared that we will get an orange folder for looking the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

The Chief of Brownsville looks like a Hood Rat!!!

Anonymous said...

Bill Dietrich Chief ? You mean Bill Dietrich-Sauceda. No Balls, a Sauceda Puppet !!!

Anonymous said...

A que pinche jotoron! Ahorra si que nos cayó el veinte y sabemos que eres tu Orlandita. Solo estás estas con tus pucheros porque tu títere no quedo como jefe y que un patrullero te dio una verguiza y terminó como jefe en rancho.
Pinche sebo mandilon. En lugar de estar aqui ponte a trabajar putito! Ya sabes que tu esposa no llena de dinero y te tiene en las ruinas. Así que date prisa y ve a hacer tus horas como guardia de seguridad.  No andes de deprimido por aqui porque nadie te da trabajo. Pinche pelado llorón! Como dices tu, esto podría continuar, pero estoy cansado de escribir. Pero supongo que podría haber una segunda parte y tal vez una tercera. Hay tantas historias a lo largo de los años que contar sobre tu, tu esposa y el excomandante títere. Corre y se va!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree Felix Sauceda is a good Chief.. A good for Nothing Chief!!!
If you think those cars are good
Then you should trade in your truck and Your Daddy Felix his Brand New SUV..and drive them for around for 10 hours..You and Chief Sauceda are a disgrace!!! R

Anonymous said...

Uh I do have one. I rather each of us have our own and greaful that we had them when covid was at its worst. But no one will change your negative views so too bad. I choose to be happy. Bah bye.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ufff..sounds like Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal sucks ba**'s!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda Sauceda-Bernal and El Rata Bernal STAR on Broke Back Mountain???

Anonymous said...

That Mother F***** has no shame, morales
or a drop of Integrity!

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has been absolutely worthless, has done nothing for the Police Department but embarrass himself and the Department. He has lost all the respect of his Department.

Anonymous said...

The Guy is a bust!!!

Anonymous said...

Oralè Montoya! You get some off the wall customers. Not only does your correspondent suffer from obsessive and compulsive disorders but he is also majorly butthurt.  Maybe Mchale can hook him up with Dr Polyphemus Pangloss.

Anonymous said...

Rey Rios never got fired.... he's working right now LMAOOOOO

Anonymous said...

San Benito has newer cars than Brownsville!! LMAO...Sorry your Chief Sucks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey was that a recent pic of Chief Felix" El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal? Just wondering if that's the Ring City Manager El Rata Bernal gave them after they Consummated their Union???

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda looks like a low class prostitute.

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda looks like a low class prostitute.

Anonymous said...

Worthless Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal...


Anonymous said...

Hey that dress that Jessica Tetreau is wearing in the pic above is the sameone Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal wore for his Job interview with City Manager "El Rata" Bernal for the Chief of Police Job..Damn, Now we know the Rest of the Story!

Anonymous said...

More pics of jessica not this freaking idiot!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope they include City Manager El Rata Bernal in those indictments as he has knowledge of The double dipping that Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has allowed by allowing an individual to work for a private computer company making well over $250,000 while he also gets paid by the citizens of Brownsville another $80,000 plus Insurance with unlimited overtime. Hangman is coming for these clowns! CORRUPTION, Corruption. CORRUPTION!!

Anonymous said...

No I am not a cop and no I do not know your boss, so don't get your panties in a wad. I really want to know more about your complaint and all your comments. So I keep wondering if there is proof to back up what you are saying and if you have taken the proof to the commissioners, mayor, district attorney?  I think you have some proof because you talk about there being alot of bad illegal stuff. So as a cop, wouldnt you have to expose that?  Also, do you have experience running a big department, did you apply to be the Brownsville chief and what ideas do you have to change your department that you say is doing everything wrong?

Anonymous said...

Secret recordings of Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal's job interview have been discovered; recordings clearly indicate that Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda clearly "tossed "El Rata" Bernal Salad".. El Rata is heard yelling out in joy "you got the Job Felix"!!! And Do it again an I'll give you a pay cut!!!!

Anonymous said...

How will Officers remember Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal.. a A legacy of corruption,liars and a sell out!

Anonymous said...

Pos correle and go work for San Benito cabron! You think the city is gonna collapse because you're not around? No es como si fueras superman o batman. Suenas mas como handiman de los wayans brothers.

Anonymous said...

Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is a f****g Puppet!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup...that's what Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has done ran off talent, all he wants is to surround himself with incompetent idiots. ANYONE he fears he tries to run off...Felix Sauceda-Bernal is the Biggest Loser...#worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

31. Felix El Chapo Sauceda protects only those in his inner circle.
a. Lt. Zamorano allowed to fuck around with Ricardo's (Restaurant) daughter on city time before he has to go home to his wife. #paidtofuck
b. Allows Mario to work for Dell Computer (his second job) on city time.  Someone call TCOLE.   #doubledipping #tcole
c. Louie Deleon ordered to do all the spying.
d. Lt. Mascorro looks like a blood filled tick. #garapata
e. I.A. supervisor looks the other way and has no integrity. #thesweeper
f. Martin Sandoval, suspended for falsifying overtime cards, offered the Public Information Officer position by Felix El Chapo Sauceda in return for being a mole in TMPA Union.  #worstchiefever #paranoid
g. Fernando Flores sworn to do his dirty work.  #the sweeper #worstchiefever

32. The Only thing Felix El Chapo Sauceda has done right is slap some fresh paint in the front Parking lot in preparation for the Police Memorial Ceremony.  Come hear him speak, oh wait he can't, he didn't earn a Masters Degree on his own merit. #youbigdummy #worstchiefever


Anonymous said...

DAMN..Brownsville Police Department Chief Sucks B***S!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is use to sucking BA**'S...How do you think He got the job!

Anonymous said...

Parece india la mujer. Si quiera las de jlo son de deberas. toxica de a madre. cuantos polecias se echo? casados tambien? pobre vato que tiene.
