Monday, April 26, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: We originally published a purported text conversation between Robert Sanchez [Da Cap] and City of Brownsville Commissioner Ben Neece. However, one of the principals said the conversation had been truncated and only the parts favorable to Sanchez had been sent to us. In the interest of fairness, below is the true transcript of the conversation.)   

Da Cap: Quit texting Amanda. Go away. You got in my divorce and it is what it is. You forced her to do affidavit. Go away. Jackie Neece is a thug and so is Jack. You know it and I do to. Jackie dates thugs. Good thing you blocked all that. You can save your reelection or you can destroy it. Have them piss me off and I will be a thorn. Leave Amanda out of it. Ur groupies are shit bro. You have losers on your site. Block me all you want. 

Ben: You brought her into you stupid fuck because you're a drunken fuck up. You Dishonored her and your kid. Do you really think I'm worried about who's going to run against me ass? Bring it on you pussy. BenNeece

Ben: I'm not blocking you I let you back in. To show what a dumbass you are. You proved that tonight. BenNeece

Da Cap: Three offensive names towards me stupid fuck pussy dumbass. Wow I would think the commissioners and Mayor would not think lightly on those names towards a business man that brings sales tax revenue and PUB revenue for our city. Why you such a Commissioner Jerk Oh and Ass you call me. How do you know I can be Drunk

Ben: You're a fuck up...period. You have to borrow money to make your business work asshole. Bring all the assholes on you want. It'll be fun watching them lose money on me dumbass. BenNeece

Da Cap: 22 years in business. Surviving.

Ben: On loans pendejo. You wanted to fight you got one pussy. If you don't want me to fuck you over you better bow down and kiss the ring. BenNeece

Ben: Fuck that loser. BenNeece

Da Cap: Wow you are pissed cuz I weeded you out. Quit trying to be some philosophical Savior. After Cooke

Ben: You sef what I said. BenNeece

Da Cap: Good I pissed you off. Good Esso bendejo. Now go to your roof and smoke alone God Damn it Go to sleep

Ben: No ass. You kiss the ring or I take you out. BenNeece

Da Cap: Lol you kiss my ring for I send sales tax Pub revenue and County taxes. You kneel and kiss my ass

Ben: I'm glad you made that choice. I let you off easy the first time now you're going to feel some pain dumbass. BenNeece

Da Cap: You fix this in the morning or I go to Commissioner Jessica Space X to fix this. You have until 11a.m.

Ben: Fix what? BenNeece

Ben: You threatening me with Jessica I mean are you really that drunk? BenNeece

Da Cap: No I'm not. 

Ben: Dude. Consider us at war. No prisoners. BenNeece

Ben: If I was You I would stop and take a kneel. We see who bows pussy. BenNeece

Da Cap: Wow. How dare you.

Ben: Nobody is taking Dist 4 from me. You, your cousin, the Lucios, Roman or any of your loser buddies. BenNeece

Da Cap: We need change. You did nothing about your campaign promise about Tenaska. Pure lies to the voters. Just go away

Ben: Did you see what I sent? BenNeece

Da Cap: Yes I did...


Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment to have this piece of garbage Ben Neece on our commission. How sad for the citizens of Brownsville. If he loses I will throw a party.

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bub has a wildly-inflated imager of himself. He's a nobody, even in his own home. And if Ben is texting Amanda, why isn't Amanda complaining? I text Amanda, too, and am likely one of a hundred guys in town.

Bub is no captain; he's a political coolie.

Ben wins this war of words.


Anonymous said...

If Pedro Cardenas has the bozos of Arturo TreviƱo, Eliseo Davila and Robert Sanchez and Jessica helping him. I’m voting for Ben. Bye bye Pedro... go build a cake dude.

Anonymous said...

Seems like they can't remember shit, but my question is, DO YOU REMEMBER THE ALAMO, please hahahahaha payasos..

Anonymous said...

Wow! Neece is a real piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

I hope the same legals standards applied to Carlos Elizondo are applied to Ben Neece as well. I wonder how many more victims are out there.

Anonymous said...

Like a pancake taking on a waffle.

Weird shit.

Capt. Bob abandoned his wife and later said she came to him asking for anal sex. Not a good thing for any man to say. Pero este es pinche Bronsvil, y aqui todos son cagapalos.


Anonymous said...

Why is Sanchez's wife suing him for paternity on their daughter and child support? A complete deadbeat.

Truth slayer

Anonymous said...

Both of these dolts are freakin' bores. Now, if Robert Sanchez attacks Galonsky, well, then we'll see Neece's nostrils flare.

Pelearan cien rounds!

Anonymous said...

Tempest in a urinal.

Anonymous said...

Well people that's your commissioner "kiss the ring" ,"take a bow" kneel "I will take you out"wtf is this idiot talking about.

Anonymous said...

There’s proof of Ben Neece buying and smoking marijuana. They should have random drug tests on the commission.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Brownsville has declined to what it is today.
A public official using this alleged language is undignified.

Anonymous said...

If that’s the case, Robert Sanchez needs to report that to the state bar.

Anonymous said...

Just because he pays taxes, pub and sales taxes he thinks he's special well dumb ass there are over 150,000 people here that do the same, idiota as a matter of fact 350 million people in the USA do the same pinche pendejo

You qualify to run for any elected office menso

Anonymous said...

what is that shit on his wrist?

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreu is responsible for the above negative comments of Ben Neece. Shame on you Jezabel.... vieja jedionda... falsa... Neece ta bien chulo and you are jealous of his hippie looks...puta.... con toda el respeto que te mereces Jessica. Le voy 20 baros que un chango se chinga a la Jessica en checkers.... quien le entra?

Anonymous said...

Dumb and Dumber part 3, Coke head vs pot head!

Anonymous said...

Two old goats going at it. Boring.

Anonymous said...

What ring is he talkin' bout the one on the back?

Anonymous said...

The ring hanging from his glans.

Anonymous said...

We need a boxing promoter set up a date for the fight and give the proceeds to a charity the one that wins gets to chose.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Sanchez write some kind of come to Jesus letter confessing his sins and then terminate his parental rights to his children? Over the years Sanchez has proven to be pretty unstable. He actually, by his standards, seems to show some restraint in this alleged exchange. Still, the whole thing is pretty childish, including Neeces presidential language.

Anonymous said...

Puro caca estoy dos payasos! Ya estan como el vegetal Biden! Hahahaha!La pendeja Kamala said she ”wasn't playing political games”, when asked why she hasn't visited the border towns! WTF! If this was Trump, he would've been crucified and CNN would've been having a field day! Que mamones! Enjoy your blood clots pinche vacas retardados! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

fist fight using hankies

Anonymous said...

Jackie and Jackie thugs? Is that why you were asking Jackie out on dates and calling Jack everyday to hangout with you and you would call him to pick up Amanda when she was high on cocaine giving you problems. Robert your the biggest loser in Brownsville and everyone knows it. Stop talking shit on others. You cant even take care of your crackhead puta. She is always asking for money on go fund me cuz you cant to your job as a man . shes a begger always asking for donations. Jackie was married to Ben and dated Rene Olivera and I they are not thugs , they are respectful men not like you coke head deadbeat. A good thing Lori left your sorry ass . Amanda burns you on Facebook what a wife you have a price winner always showing off those saggy breast implants.

Anonymous said...

Please leave Chris "Meter Man" Valadez out of this.

Former RGV LEO said...

Whose the high maintenance b@#$% with the nice tits?

Anonymous said...

All of you groupie ass pussies talking behind screens when none of you know who the true Ben Neece is all of you look from the outside in making assumptions without personally knowing these people, and you just dick ride in these comments. Truly embarrassing. I bet all the people in these comments are well over 40+ years old. Focus on yourself you fucking drama fiends and maybe you clowns would be half ass successful or half of the man Ben Neece is. Straight buffoonery from you people calling yourself adults. Embarrassing how you all thrive off of drama go focus on your kids or grandchildren lame
fucks. Captain Bon is the laughing stock of the town, whereas Ben Neece is a respected, & kind man.

Ben Neece if you are reading this DO NOT CONTINUE TO ENTERTAIN any conflict with that fool. Continue to be the great man we all know you are. Do know where love exists there is also hate but you can choose to focus on the hate or focus on the love. Best of luck in your future endeavors ! To everyone else focused on this drama I hope you fix your life because it's truly sad if your life is focusing on the right between two egos.

Truly think, what these men are fighting about means absolutely nothing. It's all ego? Why can't they work together to feed the homeless or help the community? Oh wait... Ben Neece is already doing that.

Do better "Captain" Fuck Up. I can't imagine being laughed at all my life from high school till my late adult years. You call yourself a captain and you can't even handle a boat �� Clown more like
