Monday, May 17, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

The talk among the retirees at the Whataburger on Boca Chica was animated.

"They put Abel Gomez in jail," said one of the coffee-swilling octogenarians excitedly, finding himself to be the center of attraction over the chisme caliente.

"Andaba pedo, compadre?," said another old guy who was well into his third free cup of coffee. "Fue anoche?"

"Creo que si. Pus es lo que les pasa por andar agarrando la peda en las cantinas," said another, looking for a moral lesson to be drawn from the event. 

Before the talk made its way down to the end of the third table, Gomez had been drunk, picked a fight, and then was thrown in jail.

"But you won't get anyone to talk about it because they were trying to keep it hush-hush," the first assured his buddy with a knowing wink. 

At least that was what was conveyed in a local blog managed by supporters of Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza, a sworn enemy of Cameron County Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez.

We heard about it from a former constable eager to spread the chisme. He just knew all along that Gomez imbibed fermented beverages, he said.

"He always says no, but I knew it all along," he asserted.

Well, we looked into it and found out that something had happened but that the story been somewhat embellished in the retelling. But why let the facts get in the way of a deliciously good story?

The case – State of Texas vs. Nerio, Albert Refugio – will be assigned to a District Court and was filed with the district clerk's office. Records indicate that the case was filed back in February 20, 2021, almost three months ago.

Reports indicate that Nerio, apparently irate over having to wait in line to enter Doghouse Pub and Grill, 568 Springmart Blvd #700, in Brownsville, was getting in a shouting match with the bouncer at the door and threatening him with bodily harm. He is said to have told the doorman that he had served time in the penitentiary and that he was going to ponerle en la madre if he didn't let him jump line and go into the bar. 

The manager overheard the combative drunk and stepped int to try to calm the situation down. He told Nerio that it would be best if he just left. Gomez, who along with other three officers, was providing security to the club, came upon the scene and tried to diffuse the situation and calm the man down.

At one time, according to a patron who witnessed the fray, Gomez stood between Nerio and the manager and the man appeared to be walking away after hurling a few choice barrio epithets at the man having to do with his mother and other close relatives.

"The man seemed to have turned away as if he was leaving and suddenly he took two sucker punches at the constable," she said. "He hit Gomez once full flush in the face and Abel and the other officers got him down on the ground and arrested him and led him in cuffs to one of the units. He managed to hit him a good one him in the face. He didn't even see it coming."

Nerio, 36, is charged with assault on a peace officer and a date has not been been set for trial.

When asked about the event, Gomez said he was not able to comment on cases in litigation, but did confirm that the suspect had caught him unaware.

"I thought the guy was walking away and he suddenly took a swing at me. I got a fat lip out of it before we could subdue him. But he was charged and bonded out. This happened months ago. I don't know why it suddenly appeared on the blogs."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the defendant knows that Erin Garcia has real close ties with Abel Gomez. Sounds like he's gonna get screwed. Pobre vato..

Anonymous said...

Erin Garcia is not his legal counsel. She was the judge who arraigned him at Carrizales.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Erin Garcia is totally useless as an attorney. She can't survive in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

Even worse the magistrate judge that anything for her buddy Abel Gomez.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans at play.

Anonymous said...

Cantinflas y Tin Tan...

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez for Sheriff 2024!!!

Anonymous said...

He makes his reserves work the club and he keeps the cash!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who the witness was probably one of Gomez’s puppets 😂

Anonymous said...

Abel se la come c/s!

Anonymous said...

Another Cameron County LEO with no commen sense. Get rid of these idiots!

Former RGV LEO said...

@8:12, you must be full of shit! We already had one crooked sheriff in that animo cantu POS! Its bad enough that this county is full of very questionable politicians and you want this POS as sheriff? Impeach eric garza!

Anonymous said...

impeach, fire, recall and/or kick-out whatever its call but DO IT getting rid of erica should be NO problema...

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION new texas state law: all persons running for a political office, living or deceased, must pass a poly graph test at minimum a 5% true, will be admissible, majority 100% of racist republicans agree
