Thursday, May 6, 2021


XII.B.20. Recommend approval for the proposed non-renewal of a term contract professional (F.S.) at the end of the 2020-2021 School Year.

XII.B.22. Discussion regarding the non-renewal for non-chapter 21 contract professionals (M.A and M.S.) at the end of the 2020-2021 School Year.

XII.B.23. Discussion regarding the non-renewal for non-chapter 21 contract professional (L.V.) at the end 2020-2021 School Year

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Trying to decipher the actions of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District when they emerge from executive session and make sense of the motions to "proceed as discussed in closed session", is like trying to read a fog-filled crystal ball.

Unless you are well versed in cryptology, it is a seemly confusing endeavor as the board members vote to approve or disapprove of items by their place on the agenda.
But this much we have been able to gather from the board's meeting last Tuesday.

1. On the first item above (X11.B.20.), the board made no mention of it. That item referred to Frank Sauceda, a Supervisor in the Department of Pupil Services at the Central Administration Building of the BISD, who was reportedly found drinking in the parking lot by Sams Stadium, who some callers reported that he was "related" to current and former district administrators.

Sauceda is the husband of Dr. Dora E. Sauceda, currently Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability.

You remember Dora.

She was rehired by the BISD after she went up north and ran into a little trouble up in Dallas ISD in 2012.

The Dallas Morning News reported that Dr. Dora had submitted a $4,082 invoice for moving expenses from C&W Moving to move her and Frank, to Dallas in July.

The company wasn't registered with the Texas Secretary of State, nor was it registered with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, as state law requires. The address for the moving company was to a home registered to Frank and Dr. Noe Sauceda, Frank’s brother.

Noe, if you will remember, Noe Sauceda was the BISD superintendent.

The scuttlebutt in the district is that these ties that bind have allowed Frank Sauceda to indulge in a life-long bacchanal while being paid handsomely to fill a position in name only. Reports indicate that this is not the first time that Frank had indulged while on the job. The reports also assert that this is not the first that the BISD police have responded to calls involving Frank and his alcohol-related issues.

The reason the item wasn't discussed in the Tuesday meeting was that before the meeting, Frank Sauceda resigned his top-paying position. Turn out the lights...the party is over.

The next item (XII.B.22.) refers to an M.A. and M.S. and is a vote for non-renewal. We can verify that the M.A. refers to former Records Management and Warehouse director Martin Arambula, a former Brownsville Navigation District trustee who also ran for Cameron County Judge.

We have been unable to learn the name of the M.S., only that she was Arambula's secretary at Records Management. (We stand corrected. It refers to Melissa Saenz, not Myrna Saldivar Zertuche as we had been informed. Our apologies.) 

An investigation by the BISD Police Dept. apparently revealed that the pair had been performing some outside work for personal profit with other school districts, particularly with Edcouch-Elsa CISD. The department was also in charge of recycling for the BISD. Now, apparently, these two will have to try to recycle their carers instead.

And last, but not least,we have (XII.B.23.), which refers to Food and Nutrition Services Director Laura-Zelda S. Villarreal for alleged abusive behavior toward department employees. 

Some hint that involved abusive and rough language bordering on sexual harassment toward department employees and that many have considered leaving their job for a kindlier, gentler location. 
If you remember, FNS is known as the Siberia of BISD because that's where naughty administrators are sent until things cooled off. 

It's also the department where the director committed suicide as U.S. Dept. of Agriculture investigators were targeting the department over the rotten barbacoa purchased from a vendor who prepared the meat in a meat processing plant in Mexico, a no-no under federal guidelines.

If you remember, Villareal is one of BISD Superintendent's Dr. Rene Gutierrez's imports from Hidalgo County who was brought in to show the local yokels what top professional leadership is all about. Leadership by example? We fear not.

The non-renewed individuals will remain on the job until the end of this school year in the beginning of June.
We ran into BISD Board President Eddie Garcia who – in discussing personnel matters in general – said that the board now had an eye on what he called unnecessary and "redundant" top-paying positions in the various district departments inserted there by previous administrations and boards.

He said that with the elimination of some of these "parcaidista" positions, the district stood to shave about $1 million in salaries which could go to other personnel instead. Classroom teachers, perhaps?

"We've told you that this board is very different than previous boards," Garcia said. "We're going to trim some of the unnecessary fat that was there from before. We have no one to be accountable to than to the taxpayers and parents of the district. And we are going to be transparent about it, too."


Anonymous said...

BISD: Left to ride on the perpetual see-saw, education as lame as it gets.


Anonymous said...


Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs Georgia-style voter suppression bill #SB90 restricting mail ballot drop boxes, making it harder to vote by mail, criminalizing giving food/water to voters in line & expanding partisan challenges to vote counting. Only Fox was allowed to cover signing.

Unity, you say?

Fuck you, GOP!

Fuck you down.

Anonymous said...

Que orgullo ser mexicano. Tenemos muchos politicos buenos 🔥🔥🔥

Anonymous said...

And the 3 million for that tax company was that fake?

Anonymous said...

The party is over for Frank Sauceda. Dora Sauceda is begging San Benito to hire him. Too many filler positions because BISD has many employees that are unwanted. FNS is no longer a dumping ground. The Central Administration Building is now such place. Drinking, movidas, sleeping, and taking off to UTRGV to study is a known practice. People cook there and many go to the gym next door to work out during hours. The new security guy is just flirting with everyone. CAB is the new FNS Dump. Can Eddie Garcia fix that dump?

Anonymous said...

Al que esté leyendo este mensaje, Que Dios los colme de bendiciones y derrame Esperanza en sus hogares.

Saludos de Mexico!

Anonymous said...

Well, they can start from the real top which is very, very heavy, two deputy supers and 6 assistant area administrators.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s Adult Children Are Still Costing Taxpayers Thousands Of Dollars A Day

Ivanka, Don. Jr and Eric spent more than $140,000 on travel and hotels for their Secret Service protection in the first month of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Grifters! Losers!!

Anonymous said...

50 corrupt gringo politico and a few ethnics hahahaaaaa cheeeto pendejo

Anonymous said...

Dora Sauceda given her job back after committing fraud up in Dallas is bullshit. Don’t understand why you would want a “no personality”piece of shit like her representing your district. And know her alcoholic husband being rewarded high paying jobs for years even though he’s worthless. That’s bisd!!!

Anonymous said...

@ May 6, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Not letting Dumbocrats cheat at the ballot box, is considered voter suppression.


No one is buying your bullshit anymore mijo.

Anonymous said...

Viva Aerobus’ arrival marks first international flight at VIA since 1996

Y aqui NADA is there an airport director? doesn't look like there is one. He needs to go to where ever he came from. He ain't doing his job besides there is no vending machine and no cheetos.. HE NEEDS TO GO....

Anonymous said...

Tell us something we don’t know about FNS.

Anonymous said...

..and here comes another Charter.

Anonymous said...

Koko the Gorilla should go first. That dude is making 400,000 plus!
Talk about out of control.
2 Deputies, and all those Area Administrators.
Why do we need this Dude?

Anonymous said...

May 6, 2021 at 10:03 PM

In reality it is the F^&* and Screw Department of BISD so I hear.

Anonymous said...

Now if the city of Brownsvilles city manager can get his head out his ass he can cut the unneccessary positions at city hall for the tax payers.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? he needs 5 Deputy/assistant city managers to run a workforce of 1200 city employees plus numerous outside consultants (friends) to get the job half-done. Total waste of taxpayers monies.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to get your info correct, who was MA Asst? She was moved to a different Dept. pending an investigation. Myrna Zertuche is still working at the Records Dept. The person that was moved is Melissa Saenz!

Anonymous said...

M.S. does not stand Myrna Zertuche... who ever your source is needs to put the crack pipe down. It’s Melissa Saenz... she’s the one that was Arambula’s secretary and moved to BLA....

Anonymous said...

How did BISD re-hire Dora Sauceda back after the Dallas ISD kicked her out? This lady sucks! Horrible personality and no one likes her except certain vendors that wine and dine her. The Tango vendor is always in her office and others for easy contracts. Money talks in BISD. Just ask Minnie Pena whose campaign was funded by vendors.

Anonymous said...

Minnie Pena was funded by God! She preaches and tries to instill her values according to the Word of God and Words from her father, yet, her actions show that she does not practice what she preaches. Or so I think, since I was taught a long time ago that one of the ten commandments was "thou shall not lie!" Her vocabulary is not that saintly either and if she would learn to keep her mouth shut and give others a chance to talk at meetings, maybe someone would pay more attention to her. She talks her head off with non-sense.

If someone is caught doing something wrong, or at least when I was a kid, we got a punishment. Unos fajasos y para tu cuarto. You were not rewarded with another chance for messing up on the first one. We learned quick to do the right thing o nos daban una chingisa! Fire all those idiots who do wrong but then, it may take all of BISD.

Anonymous said...

How come no one is making a fuzz with all the movements? If Zendejas moved someone, the world caved in, but since she fired or moved them for doing wrong
she was stepping on someone's brother, sister or relative and they made a big deal about it.

Anonymous said...

Juan so if BISD is getting $185 million from the feds read in the brownsville herald, or is that fake news, anyway do we still have to pay our property taxes? just wondering?

Anonymous said...

PLEASE! Most people knew of changes thanks to Gracie Rodriguez at FNS. She told everyone that “Board President Garcia” told her the secrets and strategies. Just because she and her husband are best friends with Garcia and his wife, he shouldn’t be spilling the beans.

Anonymous said...

Ask God for your check every pay day idiota maybe the taxpayers will have enough to buy groceries bola de mamones y mamonas
