Saturday, May 22, 2021


(Ed.'s note: As one can see, some of the counties which have fully vaccinated the most people out of their total 16+ population include some smaller counties such as Randall (Amarillo), Lubbock, Fort Bend (southwest of Houston), etc., but includes Cameron County as well. The station combined all city and county numbers for the graphic. Credit where credit is due. To all Cameron County medical providers – public and private – congrats!)


Anonymous said...

We went to them they did not come to us and they got a check, congrats to the citizens who got vaccinated y los demas flojos pues que les vaya bien!

Anonymous said...

Bueno, pos que bueno, Juan. Una vez mas somos ;ideres en lo gratis.

Pero como me enrabio cuando me di cuenta que nuestros politicos regalaban entrada a las vacunas. En eso tambien somos Numero 1. Algun dia se rayara todo es pincho disco y saldremos adelante.

Hasta ese dia tenemos a El Paya Jerry McHale como buen ejemplo de un peor-es-nada. Ese puto arrugado y seco brinco la linea para obtener su vacuna y el guey tiene arriba de 70 anos!

Vote for Pedro!

Anonymous said...

Es sabado!

El pozole en todas sus presentaciones es delicioso!! ๐Ÿคฉ Ya se me antojo ☹️
Saludos desde Aguascalientes. Bendiciones ๐Ÿ’ž

Viva Mexico! VIVA!!!

Anonymous said...

Time for Brownsville to celebrate beating Covid-19. Where is Ben Neece? Ese guey needs to schedule a downtown party! No masks! Love it.

Orale! Vamos a mover el bote.

Anonymous said...

Hola saludos desde Bogotรก Colombia, excelente reportaje, mi esposa es Mexicana, y asรญ he ido conociendo mas sobre la cultura mexicana que me encanta... ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

Anonymous said...

Bacano el detalle compadre, desde Cholula, Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville es un pueblo muy relajado, Brownsville construye su propio destino, Brownsville produce su propia historia.....Al estilo Mexicano.

Pero si vives aqui, pos lo sabes.

Anonymous said...

What population number for Brownsville/Cameron County did they use?

I know You know we have no idea how many people live here. That percentage may be skewed.

Anonymous said...

You show no DATE for this survey. Is it, like, recently, or from the outset of the vaccinations? That would help the reader with the "credibility of the news" angle, wouldn't you say, chap?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Your chart shows Cameron County "among: the Top 6, not 7.

ooooooooh, ya valio.

Anonymous said...

E-Bikes Can Provide a Good Workout for most gingos yes for meskin NO USE THE BIKE TRAILS IDIOTAS THEY COST YOU MILLIONS OF YOUR TAXES

Anonymous said...

Y que dice Robert "Nipple Head" Sanchez - se lanza para el congreso, o que? Es Republicano el guey y la batalla seria monumental si le diera catos a carlos Cascos por el privilegio.

Andale, andale.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing to be proud of! It's just shows Cameron county is full of vacas idiotas! How can people trust a vaccine that has not been tested long term and being pushed hard by the Government, Gates, and Dr. Feces! Oops, I meant Dr. Fauci! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Ese Brownsville - Wow que chulada de mujeres. ๐Ÿ‘

celoso en Mercedes, Texas

Anonymous said...

Despite all the improvements and vaccination rates , !ower deaths , hospitalization there are still government dictators that want to control people.

For example even though Cameron County has ordered in accordance to the governors order no mask mandate, there are chiefs of different Cameron county departments trying to go against that order and are looking for loopholes as we speak.

Employees have complained that they are been bullied to wear a mask.

Stand by for names and legal action and complaints against these dictatorial administrators

Anonymous said...

Belden Bike Trail WHO THE SHIT IS BELDEN???? Now they are naming gringos for bike trails!!!! Pinche coco wanna be white idiota.

Anonymous said...

Get your shot sheep...

Anonymous said...

Humane Society of celebrates one year as no-kill
Tell that to the cops and hillbillys up north pinches pendejos...

Anonymous said...

21 Runners Dead After Extreme Weather Hits Chinese Ultramarathon

They should have used "OUR" bike trails they have shelters, water, city mechanics on duty 24 hours and on weekends, security and of course BLANKETS...

Anonymous said...

Ex-Eagles coach Eugene Chung says NFL team told him he was 'not the right minority'

Sounds like brownsville texas: Sorry we don't want no body from mesco

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuuf! Se me paso. Cuando llegan las vacunas a la Southmost, bro?

No nos falten el respeto!

Somos chido.

Anonymous said...

May 22, 2021 at 2:30 PM

El gran I D I O T A de Brownsville TX.

Anonymous said...

@8:32 Los gran idiotas son Los que votaron por El mushy vegetable brain Biden and got vaccinated! CDC reported many young teens were having heart inflammation after taking the Covid-19 vaccines! Por pendejos! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

May 24, 2021 at 5:13 PM

I D I O T A !
