Thursday, May 6, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Sad to say that we Elected Eric Garza for Cameron County Sheriff because we saw that change was needed. 

Now that Garza is in office you have been a great disappointment! 

You have 80 vacancies in 4 months of office. Your patrol shifts are short handed.  Your jailers are out numbered. Not only are you risking the lives of your deputies and jailers, you are risking lives of other agencies since now they have to back up your deputies. 

Your are risking the lives of the citizens. Have you or your Chief Deputy Robert Gracia ever been out and about during any shift to see what your guys do? 

Have you helped during an actual investigation to see the process? 

Have you even written a report? 

Do you see what your jailers do on a daily basis? Do you have enough deputies to cover the hospital while an inmate is there? 

Do you know the process of your Dispatch Department and what each call sign stands for?

Of course you don't because you haven't learned the job. Instead of having your head up your ass you are too busy retaliating and threatening your current employees instead of learning each of the positions so you can get a better understanding what each of them do. 

Unless things change immediately one of your own will be getting hurt. You are a liability. Because at the end of the day Sheriff Garza, you will be on those law suits. This is beyond ridiculous that you are such a liar and narcissist that you just can't see it. 

You have your civilian employees trying to play cop as well by driving unmarked units with lights. I'm ashamed that I voted for you. I was robbed of my vote because I really thought you would of done the right thing. 

I can't trust you: you are placing my family in danger! Judge Eddie Trevino, commissioners and Legal Department hurry up and get this Sheriff out of office because he is placing us in danger!


Anonymous said...

One department YOU NEVER MESS with is law enforcement we the voter learned the hard way. He never had and will never have laws enforcement experience. Not even if you have a DEA or whatever by your side.


Anonymous said...

Please Do not print. Please do a story on how much the COB lost on the Crossroads festival. They are already planning for next year. It is a Ramiro Gonzalez project. It was a total disaster and cost the citizens thousands. Why is the COB in the business of producing events when they know nothing about it ?

Anonymous said...

Must ask: Is John Chambers, the guy Garza beat for sheriff, funding all of your attacks on Eric Garza?

You should come clean, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Too, too much intellectualizing there, sport. Sounds very much like sour grapes from some former SO deputy who slaved for Lucio. Give this guy a chance, assholes.

All this bluster yields not one violation of any law.

If anything, the only criticism I'd have is that Robert Gracia seems bent on something that may not be good for the county. Who is this clown? And what are his motives for acting if he's Big Shit.

Something tells me Gracia will be the first domino to fall if, indeed, the Eric Garza administration blows it. And it will in time. Now, however, is the time to sit and watch the whole circus tent implode.

Gracia is the weal link, boys.


Anonymous said...

De Guatemala a Guate-Peor !!

Anonymous said...

La cagas Reyna, la cagas. You think you can win JP in 2022? No one like you puñetas.

Anonymous said...

CHEETO county cops! Cheeto Jesus sheriff of cameron county.

Anonymous said...

Cheeto Jesus snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white brand new name from now on till he starts working which will never happen. idiota

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Garza needs to combine the shifts already. That's the only way we'll ever have manpower, easy fix.

Anonymous said...

Garza is a reflection of Carlos Elizondo's failure of leadership and management shills!!! These two are simply pigmented outcast inbreds lacking ability to bring about practical/reasonable judgement, inability to execute chore of duty, inadequacy of leadership/authority...and both Garza and Carlos chose their second in command to pay them off for personal favors. Carlos picked Estrada, a none ranking BFD Ranking Officer!!! Garza picked Gracia a none commissioned Peace Officer!!! Carlos within three months of being Fire Chief was making headlines for mischiefs and wrongdoings to fire personal and there soon after the criminal activity, silent private ambulance infringement, etc, etc... Now Garza's is executing mischiefs and wrongdoings to Sheriff's departmental personal, has already numerous lawsuits against him, numerous civil service violations, etc. etc... Do you see the mirror reflection of these two?

Anonymous said...

Whos that SHERIFF riding to town
On the prairie sun..

Lighten up guys..his not going down

Puro Eric Garza..

Still got you All Talking..

Anonymous said...

No,John Chamber's is not funding this attacks like you call them. Find out from the employees what is going on at the Sheriff office and the jail. Your eyes will get wide open to the fact that Eric is out for blood instead of making thing right at the Sheriff office.

Anonymous said...

Your current employees that are walking on egg shells every day are those that are speaking! Sheriff and Chief don't get mad because your employees are talking... get mad at yourselves for the actions that you have shown.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Dumb is so dumb he is going to google the word narcissist

Anonymous said...

Worse occurred under the Reynas. This sounds like Reynas narcissistic writing. He will not run for office because he knows he will not win. Go work with your buddy Abel Gomez! Keeps paying the blogs.

Anonymous said...

Since when do deputies wear ear rings, exposure of tattoos, unshaven, taking over two hours to respond to calls? Rookies being left in complete charge of a shift. Can you imagine, absolutely no supervisor on duty! It all happened when Garza became Sheriff. The change you wanted the protection you're getting.

Anonymous said...

Quit posting while working go patrol or maybe you don't know how to drive an SUV pendejos...
