Thursday, May 13, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As if it wasn't bad enough It's bad enough that Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza and his Chief Deputy Robert Gracia have been named in two federal lawsuits charging that they have retaliated against political supporters of former Sheriff Omar Lucio, now they are facing open rebellion from overworked jailers.

Currently, according to reports from some jailers, there are 86 jailer vacancies unfilled, and with more than 800 inmates in Carrizales alone, it opens the door to prison gangs to control the jail. Three of the jailers are said to have resigned Wednesday.

Several reports indicate that this past weekend prisoners rioted, broke through a heavy plate glass barrier, and left their cells.

"The inmates rioted this weekend and began destroying property and made it through a thick glass leaving their cells," wrote one. "Nothing was done to the inmates. They were not charged with a crime and no discipline was ordered even though the discipline officer protested to Joe Elizardi. These were orders from Carlos Martinez as per Eric Garza. Guess who is running the jail? The Valluco Gang. Everyone wants to quit."

In fact, the writer continued, there was not even a report done on the riot or on the perpetrators for the destruction inside Carrizales. 

It has gotten to the point, said another, that this past Wednesday the day shift was threatening to walk out and the night shift came in more than an hour late and Garza had to convince them for over two hours to remain on the job. 

"There were a few of them showing up and Garza had to talk to them not to quit," reported one. "The day shift had to stay on duty for at least two hours. It's a mess."

It's gotten so bad, they say, that administrators had to call people n their days off and whoever they could get, they managed to make it through Wednesday night.

On top of that, Sheriff Deputy Association members say that the group had met at 7 p.m. Wednesday and passed around a letter of no confidence against Garza and Gracia which was said to have been signed by a majority of its members. 

"Sheriff Garza showed up tonight to campaign with the incoming 6 p.m. jailer shift and spoke with them for almost two hours," states another report. "He had no regard whatsoever for the outgoing shift that had to stay for an extra two hours working from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.! A 14-hour shift messing up our family plans and having to pay extra for our babysitter! Not to mention we have to come back at 5:30 a.m. for work."

The conditions inside the jail are dangerous to jailers, said another, and all indications are that the jail already failed the pre-inspections by the state and could face sanctions as a result.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there an opening job at the jail to sell tacos and beer? Just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Undocumented immigrants are doing the backbreaking farm work that keeps the US food system running but struggle to feed their families -

Something's wrong there.

Anonymous said...

Disgruntled Mexicans being asked to work. They are abusing the legal system, and you should also note that, Montoya.

Is Republican loser sheriff John Chambers still paying you?

Anonymous said...

Ésta es la gente trabajadora, gente de campo. Apoya al mexicano!!

Anonymous said...

Garza's Facebook post:

"It's Budget Preparation Time in Cameron County. I am working on a proposal for Commissioners' Court to increase the salary of our Detention Officers that will reduce our turnover, improve performance and productivity, and boost employee moral"

If Eric wants to give a raise to the jailers, he should start by firing the 4 clerks he didn't need and use that money for a start in getting jailers more pay.... What about the deputies?

He'll probably not show up to commissioners court meeting for that either.

Anonymous said...

I’m a concern citizen, never post or get involved but it’s getting down right dangerous to us all. Where are our county commissioners, DA, county attorneys, Jail Commission, reporters, media. All this MUST be investigated & we the citizen must be known & given the truth, we pay their salaries. Media & News Reporters/ Investigator do your jobs, no cover ups!!! Why is this being covered up by the 2 UNFIT, so call Sheriff Garza & Chief Gracia ( what a joke) they DO NOT DESERVE the Titles. You 2 & your unqualified financial supporters followers are a disgrace to Cameron County. Do yourselves & us a HUGE favor RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN. Being a Sheriff, Eric Garza & a Chief Deputy, Gracia, is NOT a on the job training position. You will going down with disgrace, oh you both are already a disgrace. You are a laughing stock to us. Stinky $$ got you ur positions & of course citizens that you both & ur minions con & manipulated for votes. Which I can assure you have many regrets & probably feel, I’’m sorry but stupid. Commissioners, Judge, DA etc, do ur job, do NOT make this political to save your own future vote, cause we surely will remember you did nothings to protect us citizens.

Anonymous said...

Jailers: "We do not have any confidence in our leadership!"

Sheriff: "Oh? Ok, I will resign."

Is that really what they expect? Get real!

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio did not support collective bargaining, remember that.

Anonymous said...

Juan folks wanted change, they got it and now they dont like it, NO POS WOW. Thats why they say-becareful what you wish for, you might just get it. Got it?

Anonymous said...

Eric who are you going to send to the commissioners court hearing to discuss the raise for the jailers... Mark treviño?? LmFAO

Anonymous said...

Protect the prisoners. They need strong discipline and a routine. They can kill each other.

Good to raise the salaries of the deputies, guards, staff. They need the days off to relax and control their brain.

Call the staff that used to work there and offer them better benefits, more money. That should solve this problem.

Sheriff needs to keep a low profile. The sheriff is on Yahoo news !!! tracking a youtuber that got into Space X property to record .....

Anonymous said...

The four clerks Eric hired are all his sidekicks from the District Clerk office. Those positions were not needed. He created them to pay back political favors. That was first on his agenda. Getting rid of 4 jailer positions to do it. He didn't give a SHIT about the jailers. And now he wants to give us a raise? How stupid does he think we are? He has 6 jail positions at the Sheriff Department that should be working at the jail. And don't forget about Jailer Carlos Martinez that picked his own schedule on a daily basis and comes to work when he wants to and bosses around Elizardi.

Anonymous said...

No te dejes Éric, estamos contigo. Tú sígale ! Old guard upset and hurting the county by making your depr loook bad. You took out a political machine that has leeched for a long time. In that time they have gained power and have used it for their own gain. Keep the good fight, we’re with you!

Anonymous said...

The voters had a clear choice. Vote for an experienced, competent gringo Republican or vote for an inexperienced, incompetent Mexican Democrat. You made your choice....."Paga lo que debe"

Anonymous said...

May 13, 2021 at 11:07 AM

Are you at the SO if so get to work NOW where's the DA on this? County roads are getting dangerous to drive, speeders everywhere GO AND PATROL the roads, do it now get to work huevones... CALL THE DA AND REPORT ALL THESE PEOPLE ON THE COMPUTERS NOT WORKING.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a HOBO.

Anonymous said...


Again Commissioners Court is forced to table the mess with Eric Garza because he refuses to participate in the meetings. Why is Eric Garza running from Commissioners Court?
In reviewing all pleadings it is clear to me things Eric can do he is not doing. Yesterday someone called me to tell me an attorney they hired in a criminal case is screwing them over with the court. I asked "do you owe him money?" Well there you go, attorneys are only your advocate when you pay them.

No one is going to work for free for Eric Garza.

So I am compelled to ask, is his financial situation making it impossible for Eric to exercise all his options in court because he cannot pay his attorney for the work?

Anonymous said...

The Reynas and Abel Gomez continue to bash Sheriff Garza to get their way along with our crooked County Judge Eddie Treviño who continues to be part of the corrupt Compadrismo. I hope the Federals are in on Eddie Treviños side deals. Elect Carlos Cascos for County Judge to end all the bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Why is Eric Garza running from Commissioners Court? Simple, he knows there is a criminal case against him, and they are going to ask him about that..... Eric you can use that Justice RGV page all you want... your photo is going to be there soon wearing orange.

Anonymous said...

Viva SHERIFF Eric Garza..
Arasando!el county y vermits!

Les guste o no les guste.

Anonymous said...

May 13, 2021 at 11:07 AM

eres puro mamon y lambiscon idiota pendejo

Anonymous said...

This guy really screwed everybody in cameron county he needs pay back

Anonymous said...

Former sheriff Omar Lucio and his chief deputy to serve as reserve deputy constables

First step to regaining HIS position

Anonymous said...

This is all just disgruntled employees like Javier crying like a lil bitch... How come no one sued ur fat ass when u would do what's being done to you lol... And Montoya yea i know ur not gna publish this but worth a try hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

802 from highway 48 backed up all the way to express 83 all day today but wait there are 1000's of bike trails use them! ooooh no bikes? So soooooory la bruja coco don't care she wants more bike trails mandate she says..

Anonymous said...

I have a good job, but I will apply to go help at the jail as a detention officer. I know its a hard job and I hope I learn fast. I will be honest to admin if I get hired, I am joining the dept. to help in the time of need. PEOPLE this is happening everywhere, no one wants to work due to them making more by collecting unemployment. If that stops, the CCSD will have a line of officers wanting to return to work. I give credit to the officers that are staying loyal to the job, they are only asking for support and if this is the way they are going to be heard, so be it. I'm applying asap.
I will tell some of my friends to apply too.
This is similar to when the hospitals had to get help from out of state nurses, and other medical personnel being bussed here during COVID. Or all the out of town DPS officers that came to support Texas borders during the immigrant influx. Custom agents call for National Guard when they need the support. We the people of Cameron County need to support the detention officers and apply to go work.
I think our sheriff will resolve this matter just like all others.
On another NOTE*** Javier or Almanza this is good opportunity for you guys to show everyone and the dept. what you can do, step up and ask to be in charge of the Jailors and solve the issue with the strong ability you have. I bet if you do, Mr. Garza will see that you are in deed needed and willing to work positively for the dept, maybe not for him but for a common goal, the dept. BUT YOU WON'T, you will continue to cry about what you lost (la chiche). Prove all of us wrong and take charge of this, lets see what the jailors think about you taking over. LOL.
Why don't you volunteer to go work some shifts in the jail.

Anonymous said...

Garza you think we stupid or what, promising that in 2 weeks you're going to give us a raise plan, put your reserve badge on again, we know the game boy.... you should of tought of that before giving up those jailer positions just to hire your buddies... FUCK YOU!

Anonymous said...

May 13, 2021 at 3:36 PM

Don't you people work? Bola de mamones y LAMBISCONES. Get to work huevones go patrol do something get off that computer pendejos go patrol los callejones or the city dump O algo...

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Dumb, who are you going to send to the commissioners court to ask for the raises....Mark Treviño?????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:36 well said sir or ma'am well said..... Hope they read it....

Anonymous said...

We all knew Joe wasn’t the man for the job and everyone knows who needs to be there!

Anonymous said...

Eric you just screwed your self federally. You let a civilian clerk use a take home vehicle that was bought with a federal grant “Operation Stone Garden.” Dumbass those vehicle are only for federal operations. You just violated the grant. Just so you know it was LT Diaz who reported you. They have all the information they need now to charge you. Please let go of those morons who are helping you. Especially silver and your boyfriend Eddie Guerra. Who brags that he talks to every night like his side chick or something. “ 101 doesn’t want me uniform, 101 wants me to be permanent back office, 101 says I’m doing a great job, 101 takes me to lunch, 101 buys me things I need for work.” Looks to mee like he is buttering you up for something else Eddie aka la “Blow-pop”

Anonymous said...

According to Del Bosque, Sheriff Garza went all crazy and spent all the money buying uniforms but forgot to budget for the boots... Jesus Christ this guy cant do shit right!

Anonymous said...

Garza who are you sending to the commissioners court next????
Abraham Rodriguez? LmFAO!

Anonymous said...

May 13, 2021 at 7:55 PM and at 3:36

Otro lambiscon or must be the same idiota patting his back

Anonymous said...

All of Eric Garza’s right-hand men are the biggest losers ever

Silver- you can't win the constable race. Walk away now before you get smeared and tainted
Carlos Martinez- DWI. Fired from Port Isabel, let go from BISD, and now falsifying on his timesheets. Someone needs to audit his timesheets
Mark Trevino- alcoholic. Major liability. When he comes to work all under the influence, let's see if you remember everyone that warned you.
Chuck Hoskins- family violence
Elizarde- falsifying timesheets
Cornejo- pendejo

The list goes on. Eric, you made many promises. Stop corruption!! You have started the corruption that was cleaned when Conrado was caught. Continue listening to the guys who don't have the experience or brains. They are your biggest downfall. Can anyone find out what happened to Mendieta? He knows all the corruption that went in during Eric’s campaign. How much was he paid to leave?

Anonymous said...

Too funny Sheriff Garza promising raises... the budge for this current year was approved since September 2020! Who are you planning to ask the Judge and Commission?? You can't even make yourself available for questions when you place items on the agenda.
County lost revenue due to COVID; county will not have extra money for any employees across the board. The last time any County Employee received any money was in 2018.
Sheriff you are an IDIOT! you will be finding yourself in court with all the law suites that are coming you way. You have shown us that you are definitely not the right person for the job! The UNION did the right thing a submit the letter of "No Confidence".
No one is arguing that the previous administration was bad! We get it....county needed change. But if it was that bad then why didn't we see the law suits and all this shit come out! It's clear that Eric Garza(not going to refer to him as Sheriff) since he isn't worthy or have any honor in wearing the BADGE!
He needs to do everyone a favor and RESIGN!!!!
Judge, Commissioners, DA and everyone else .... how much more shit is needed to get him out of OFFICE and replace him with someone who can do the JOB!

Anonymous said...

Make sure you vote out the County Judge Eddie Treviño and his compadres out of county government. They continue with malice and political ties to the compadres who evidently tell the County Judge what they want. The citizens of the county are ultimately paying the price. In the previous administration they kept the many lawsuits hush hush to protect the compadres. Vote Carlos Cascos for county Judge! To end the compadrismo!

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe this pendejo got voted in as the sheriff A PAPER PUSHER AND A HOUSE MOUSE "UNBELIEVABLE"

Former RGV LEO said...

No need to worry CC! Lucio & Reyna are on the way to save the day! Now, that they are going to be (hahahahahahahahahahaha) reserve deputies for that very suspicious constable, abel gomez. Maybe they can share their years of experience (hahahahahahahahahaha) with the current sheriff, eric (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha) garza on how to run a sheriff department and jail? Abel, when do you really need help with decision making? Does your office do anything other than funerals?
The other question, ARE you going to commit perjury and falsify documents to cover lucio' and reyna' MANDATORY hours as REQUIRED by the TX Commission on Law Enforcement? I believe they have to put in 24 hours a month? Are you going to make adult diapers available for lucio and assign him a specific unit? Huh, are you going to conduct alcoholic and substance abuse examinations on reyna?
Oh well, only in CC!

Anonymous said...

I'm the 3:36, Not a Lambiscon at all, I have spoken the the Sheriff like twice and it was during his campaigning. It just makes sense to me, this two individuals say they want responsibility, the Jailors need support right now, why not be a good leader and go offer some shifts of work at the jail. Maybe the Sheriff will give you that responsibility if you fix it. But you prefer to see the problem and talk about it. I'm military, and I earned my rank fast in the ARMY using what my father taught me, TAKE INITIATIVE, DON'T BITCH, GET IT DONE, GET IT DONE RIGHT, my superiors noticed and I got RANK ahead of others with more time. Some complained but they were the same ones who never helped when our Sargant needed for us to break track, or never volunteered to go the the field on an exercise with another TEAM that needed a FISTER, Or never stepped up on a challenge in PT. But wanted RANK, LOL.
Mr. Garza is not stupid, if you are the key to get the jail running right, he will keep you there and in charge. It seems to me that you think you are better than everyone else there, WALK THE WALK. I have submitted my application. Again if hired its as my second job. I earn more right now in my current job. But a group of good people (Jailors) need help. I can easily work swing shift no problem for a while until the dept hires more. Hope I get hired, I should pass the test, and background no problem. I hope to see you there putting in work. I don't know Alamanza I do know Javier a little. Two other buddies of mine are considering applying too. Not to fix it, just to support, WE hope you decide to step up and help the DEPT. not the Sheriff, the DEPT. you should be proud of because you have been supporting your families with County job for long time. If you still think I'm a Lambiscon, pos ni pex.

Anonymous said...

All federal grant units got used by all employees under the Lucio/Reyna reign. Mata has nothing to do at Contables office.

Anonymous said...

And again with so much ignorance people blame a handful of people. Javier Reyna, Robert Mata, Rodrigo Almanza, Abel Gomez..... wow can't believe that these men have do much influence in all that is happening at the SO and Jail.
If that's the case why does county just place them there,give them rank and let them do the job!
People are so blind. We the voters are to blame for what's happening in there. We voted for this idiot and his ass kissing cronies. Eric lies and continues to lie. If he and his current administration are so well adverse and know how to run the office why is there so much shit occurring in just 5 months of him taking office. Come on now. We the people aren't that stupid!
The Vallucos are running the show inside the jail right now. Is Eric not pressing charges on the instigators at the jail because he's protecting them.? Is Eric on their payroll. Now let's not forget Mendieta who resigned from the SO after he was caught giving drinks on a Sheriff Organized function and SO Deputies providing security while Osiel Cardenas Jr. Was at the function! I guess Mendieta is on Cardenas payroll now.
The shit happening is far worse and way beyond a handful of current or previous deputies that supported Lucio. And Eric must seem to think nothing will happen him since he feels protected by his curandera that he sees regularly!
juente Habra los OJOS!

Anonymous said...

May 14, 2021 at 3:51 PM y May 13, 2021 at 3:36 PM

What time do you work, at NIGHT? Get off the computer and go patrol or go count the jail keys or SOMETHING.

In the military if you kiss ass they sent you to the stockade or the latrine.

Whistle-blowers, leaks, cover-ups “traitors,” rats, or stool pigeons are all treated the same.

Were you a E-1? You wirte as if you were. Is the Sheriff still looking for more E-1s sounds like he is

Anonymous said...

Pct2 looks like those companies ...... call centers jajajaja
There’s NO social distance ( COVID -19) there on LEvee Building.

Anonymous said...

May 15 3:31
I don't believe the person at 3:36 said he kissed a.. he said he got the job done. I was in the ARMY too and like he says, there are a lot of soldiers that just like to stand around doing nothing. It is always the same group of guys doing the work. But when that soldier gets promoted they talk sh.. like you.
Not to mention, he wrote his comment in paragraph form, You wrote in fraction sentences. Just because you seen a few Clint Eastwood Military movies and can write the Military Slang/Lingo does not make you a better writer.
You a funny gay, I mean guy.
Vete A los platones guey. se te va enojar el capataz y te va a dar un hot golden shower.

Anonymous said...

Until you served in a combat zone Shut the Fuck up.

Anonymous said...

7:41 PM
Where did you serve, what war did you fight that makes you think you can say S.T.F.U. to Americans. Lower those ARMS, bring down that CHEST, we are back in the States Soldier. At Ease, and you are dismissed.
Camina normal, not like you have hot plates under your arms. Calmado, salvando al soldado Perez.

Anonymous said...

@3:46 PM who da fuk EVER EVER I MEAN EVER saw LIL BIATCH Garza put his 24 hrs??? Shit wish he would’ve back then and he wouldn’t be that much of an IDIOT!
