A complete investigation, according to law enforcement sources, revealed that there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the driver was a willing participant, they said. Was this a case of jumping the gun to make some PR points? And if it was, did the assumption of guilt of the driver before having sufficient evidence and sullying his reputation just collateral damage to get the sheriff some good publicity? Will an "I'm sorry" suffice?)
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
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WOW what a bust, here every other vehicle carries grass GO BUST EL GRIFO OVER AT SPACEX DO YOUR JOB AND QUICK BLOGPOSTING.
Must of been a tip ask the dea? He knows.
pull some strings and save his boss's job. that ain't gonna work!!!
Good Job S.O.!!! And thank you for cleaning up Brownsville since we have a incompetent Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal who has no clue WTF he is doing!!!!
The new Michel de Nostredame del valle a seer wrote in his "Les Prophéties", a collections of poetic quatrains predicting that cameron county will be consumed with 100's of lawsuits in future events coming from abuses by a law department. n'importe quel pari?
This is the seventh lawsuit and more coming!
Another one on the way EIGHTH COMING SOOOOOOON
It's a sad situation for both Department's But when a Large Department like Brownsville Police Department reaches out to the Sheriff's Department on several occasions for assistance cuz they don't have enough personnel, sad day!! Good Luck Brownsville and may God be with you all through these trying times..
Gracia wants to be fabricating cases to make Garza look good, apparently he has judges in his pocket that can sign the warrants without probable cause, what an idiot.... Garza you need to realize that Rodriguez and Gracia are your worst enemies.
Again, Gracia and Rodriguez showed up to a critical incident (jail riot) not knowing wtf to do, and because their stupid decisions 5 C.E.R.T members quit the team.... and 3 jailers resigned... total of 83 openings.
Didn't Garza always talked shit about the jail not passing the inspection? How come now he is so quiet knowing the jail under his command failed the inspection a month ago... Just like Sheriff Guerra from Hidalgo said: This kid has no idea what he got himself into
This is hilarious, first he sends Cornejo, a clerk driving a police unit, to the commissioners court to talk on his behalf, and NOW he sends Mark Treviño, a rookie deputy who was fired from the Sheriff's Office then from Pct.2 Constables for showing up drunk LMFAO...why are so afraid Garza, man up! find that reserve constable badge somewhere and grow some balls..... you cant make this shit up! Mr.Dumb and Dumber are making this a reality show
Garza, you need to stop taking credit for the shit we do on Facebook, what a fuck have you done for us? fuck you
Eric why did you shared the memorial service at Brownsville PD on your Facebook? You were not even there...Even Sheriff Guerra from Hidalgo was present, I guess they don't invite pendejos like you
Some weirdo that called himself Chief Deputy and his secretary came to talk to us at the jail, wondering why are some many of us quitting, promising raises HAHAHAHA
During the campaign Eric promised to end the compadrismo, but he is doing the complete opposite, he just promoted a deputy to sgt who falsified a report for Captain AB Rodriguez
Garza do you know why Atkinson hasnt been sentented? YES you know... start packing those white stocks Dumb
Everything in Browntown is partly truth and partly fiction.
No surprise there, maricones.
This is how it works fools. Driver must of cooperated and another agency, DEA followed up with MORE ARREST that cleared the driver. This does not fall on the CCSD. They did their job, which turned out in the arrest or higher indictments. You guys just don't want to leave the guy work. You just put this driver in danger by announcing here that he came out free.
I am a jailer that is very concerned on what is happening. The inmates rioted this weekend and began destroying property and made it through a thick glass leaving thier cells. Nothing was done to the inmates. They were not charged with a crime and no discipline was ordered. These were orders from Carlos Martinez as per Eric Garza. Guess who is running the jail. The Valluco Gang. Everyone wants to quit.
May 12, 2021 at 9:41 AM
Montoya so when people talk bout Abel or Eddie or Joey the comment never surfaces. Lol but u talk about compadrismo lmaoooo u have no shame
Garza came to talk to us at the jail, making all kinds of promises.... all I have to say: That boy is dumb asf
Despite some stations running out, there’s no fuel shortage in Texas
Pinches pendejos its NOT a hurricane nor a cold front nor running out of toilet paper bola de idiotas.
Sheriff Garza showed up tonight to campaign with the incoming 6pm shift and spoke with them for almost 2 hours. He had no regard whatsoever for the outgoing shift that had to stay for an extr 2 hours working from 6am to 8pm!!! A 14 hour shift messing up our family plans and having to pay extra for our babysitter! Not to mention we have to come back at 5:30 am for work! #worstsheriffever
Omar Lucio did not support collective bargaining, remember that.
I heard he showed up wearing his winter cowboy hat, blue coat looks more like grey and chanclas of course.
Why didnt my comment make the chat, Juanito. come on brother, be fair.
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