Thursday, May 13, 2021


From La Cebolla

Dateline: June 1, 2041 – Today, Judge Fernando Rodriguez, III, son of Judge Fernando Rodriguez, Jr., who followed in his father's footsteps, sentenced Dr. Sylvia Atkinson to 12 months internment at the South Padre Island Progressive Rehabilitation Institute for First Time Offenders. 

Atkinson, now in her late 70's had been free pending sentencing. The over 20 year delay in her sentencing was due to her cooperation in providing testimony against top elected and administrative officials in Cameron County. 

Her attorneys also cited clerical errors, judicial and prosecutorial negligence and just plain fear of general retributions by Atkinson who has a long reputation of getting even with those who cross her. 

"It's been a bitter hell for me these last 20 years," Atkinson bemoaned. "I have been unable to go the Vegas and the casinos in Louisiana and have been reduced to having to play high stakes poker on weekends with chumps in Rio Hondo and San Benito.." 

The facility where Atkinson is to serve her time includes tennis courts, indoor and out door massage therapy (which by the way is provided by an all female staff), once a week access to the golf course at Laguna Vista and Friday night bingo. 

"Our goal is to rehabilitate and not to punish the individual," stated the Director of the Institute. "We wish to get our visitors back to being productive in society as soon as possible", quoted the Director. 

"We hope to make Dr. Atkinson's stay at our all female facility as pleasurable as possible." Atkinson and her attorneys will be appealing the sentence.


Anonymous said...

For you alls note books/ipad.


Anonymous said...

You be the Judge How'd all this attention get focused on Chief Felix Sauceda well here is the true story.
Most of the people writing in say because of his poor leadership that is correct but not his fault he had never really been a true supervisor at any level as a Sergeant he wasn't on the streets for very long then moved to evidence room and jail. Then over to the Special Investigations Unit where he really messed things up, comprised himself and the Police Department and probably would be sitting in jail somewhere if it wasn't for the kindness of the former Chief Rodriguez. Chief Sauceda was removed immediately than allowed to promote where he became a Lieutenant and spent his time as the Commander's secretary where most of his time was spent sending out emails.
Now for the rest of the story, when the Commander he worked for became entangled in a power struggle with Commissioner Tetreau over guess who Diane Martinez. The fight was over Diane's scheduling Because Diana refused to work late and did not want to work weekend's so she involved her good friend Commissioner Tetreau who then called the Commander at the time and told him to change Diane's schedule immediately and threatened to end his career if she didn't get her wish.
Well here is where It all got crazy Ex- Chief Orlando Rodriguez had all ready put in for retirement so he left the most senior Commander in Charge James Paschal. Now Lieutenant Felix Sauceda seeing the opportunity to advance made friends with Commissioner Tetreau promising that if he was made Chief of Police he would take care of the commissioners best friend Diane.
So the story unfolds; At the order of Commissioner Tetreau
Acting Chief Jams Paschall then demotes Commander Dale and makes Lieutenant Felix Sauceda ACTING Commander a position he holds very briefly, a short period later to everyone's suprise he is named Chief of Police over some very qualified individuals. So whoever said that Chief Felix Sauceda is not at fault for Diane's actions well that's not totally true but Chief Sauceda sure played a major role. Diane was given a special work schedule that no one knew about or even where she was assigned to work.
Now back to her arrest it is common practice that minor thefts are given a citation and released but if an officer is involved those decisions to arrest come from the Commander and Chief. So with Commissioner Tetreau and Diane no longer friends this was the Chief's time to get revenge on Diane. Typical Felix Sauceda!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not true cacahuate she met Aunt Jamima and they got married and are a happy Polygyny marriage, seems like Aunt had a husband (Bubba) some where in Mississipppppppi. FIN

Anonymous said...

Why all the hate? She's one of your own!


Anonymous said...

Hola soy de bs as Argentina, quiero ir a Mexico y bailar sus canciones y bailar hasta el amanecer !! Saludos

Anonymous said...

Chinga toda tu madre Eduardo Paz Martínez.... viejito seco, tienes lombrices... culo!

Anonymous said...

Charlie, May 26 puñetas! Desde rancho viejo

Anonymous said...

Have a little empathy Montoya, Sylvia's oldest brother, disabled since birth, died several days ago.

Anonymous said...

lombrices? idiota

Anonymous said...

"Are you feelin' Yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin' muhself."

Anonymous said...

Nuestras raíces, nuestra gente, nuestra música, esto es lo que debemos DEFENDER, tenemos mucho tempo que estamos sufriendo una invasión violenta, BASTA!!! no podemos dejar que nuestra cultura se pierda.

Saludos desde Tampico!

Anonymous said...

Florida officials are preparing 'contingency plans' for a Trump indictment from New York, report says

Good Riddence and take that snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white with you bola de maricones

Former RGV LEO said...

Now, that was funny Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Pues como no hay otra forma lo hago desde el celular. Lo hago desde el celular pues como no hay otra forma.

Saludos desde Morelia, Mexico!

Anonymous said...

Every culture has its passion and every culture is linked by its miscreants.

Viva Mejico!


Anonymous said...

Silvia, Charlie y Ricardo alway come up with the sorry excuse that their mother has a heart condition, que Dios me Perdone, pero la madre is a bigger snake. Me da pena que se haya muerto el hermano, mi sentido pesame, but it is what it is Silvia still has 8 FBI reasons to be accounted for. Todo el dinero que se jambo y a todos /as las que se empino by backstabbing?

Anonymous said...

Viva México Señores...!!!
Que el poder de Dios permanezca con cada uno de ustedes, que les sane y le llene de paz sus corazones, así como ustedes dan paz a nuestros corazones.

Abrazos desde el desierto de México.

Anonymous said...

5 germen no te vallas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Start packin'

Anonymous said...

Y Pat?

Anonymous said...

Sylvia’s ratting others out thinking she will walk. Hope that bitch gets the maximum sentence.

Anonymous said...

Juanito you got the wrong pic that's Chisquis not sylvia but at that age they all look the same...

Anonymous said...

May 15, 2021 at 5:55 AM

Hahahahaha SO TRUE!

Anonymous said...

tik tok

Slang phrase used by someone when someone else is taking too long like in JAIL. Da judge gave the prisoner a sentence of tick tock.
