Saturday, May 1, 2021


The Commissioner At-Large B candidates are:

Rose M. Gowen
Yuri Peña
Erasmo Castro.

Candidates for District 3 are:

Jessica Puente Bradshaw
Roy de los Santos
Carlos A. Elizondo

For District 4 the candidates are:
Pedro Cardenas
Joe Valdez
Ben Neece
Alberto “Beto” Velez.

Also on the ballots are two amendments allowing Brownsville voters to decide whether there should be term limits for the mayor and commissioners.

According to the Cameron County Elections and Voter Registration Department, 3,198 early votes were cast in the Brownsville election. Seventeen polling places will be open in the city from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Dont elect or reelect anyone who does not pay their fair share of property taxes. Leaders lead by example, something lacking here in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

With any luck, this should be the political end of Erasmo "El Mil Mascaras" Castro and Carlos "El Piojo" Elizondo. They have hung on the city's shoulders like 50 lb. sacks of beans.

Que se vayan alla con los otros del Caldo Malo: Luci Longoria, Frankie "El Dick Pic" Olivo, Joel "El Mouldo" Munguia, Tim "El Perro Herido" Ramirez, Roman "El Chavo Del 8" Perez, William "Tu La Traes" Garza, Robert "El Flip-Flop" Sanchez, Joey "El Ojo" Lopez y el resto de la orquesta desafinada!

Arriba Mejico.


Anonymous said...

Political stability is apparently foreign to Brownsville. Keeping Gowen and Neece is a good thing. You only have to flip the tortilla every now and then as it cooks, not all the time.

Castro and Elizondo would be bad for the city's political diet.

Go Ben!

Ride, Rose!!

Anonymous said...

Voting in Browntown elections is a complete waste of time. This place will always be a shit hole.

Anonymous said...

TSC Welding Technology students show off skills at competition
and their new uniforms hahahahahaaaaaa. good luck the county jail is looking for new welders

Anonymous said...

Wow...look at those choices. As they say,"pick your poison".
A culture of inefficiency and incompetence perpetuated decade after decade and public pronouncements of gains and successes while mired in quicksand.
Brownsville candidates--a majority of which have actual mugshots. Collective IQ's would probably equal the unemployment rate of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Sad state in politics when the challengers come from a very questionable criminal past and background. Brownsville citizens that choose not to vote are pretty ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Texas Democrat Facing Calls to Resign after Calling Tim Scott an ‘Oreo’

Anonymous said...

@4:16 PM

Tim Scott is an Oreo and an idiot.

Black man defending the racist Republican Party. Perhaps he does not know he is BLACK. Happens with those unable to acknowledge their culture. Poor sap.


Anonymous said...

Oye! Bought a pinche panosonic nose hair trimmer from bozos three day garntee delivery promise. Put n the battery and started buzz'n through the forest in my nose. Hear a slow down in the motor and think maybe the trash collection portion is full. Standing over the toilet, I dissemble the blade clipper cover, and the pinche lawn mower blade chingadero fell right into the bowl and into that little hole in the bowl. I must be one vain ass M@#$&Fuc@#$ to think that eliminating nose hair would make me feel any different. Y’all gonna get older and hairs gonna pop up. No worries, let your freak flag fly and vote your conscience.


Anonymous said...

Nobody give a fuck about your sewer city.

Anonymous said...

May 1, 2021 at 10:27 PM

Neither do the citizens moron

Anonymous said...

May 1, 2021 at 6:38 PM
Brownsville is full of poor saps cocos galore

Anonymous said...

The I wanna be white RGV town SAN BENE poor saps

Anonymous said...

May 1, 2021 at 6:38 PM

There are no mirrors in his home and no lights pinche oreo just like a coco!
