Sunday, May 23, 2021



Anonymous said...

Always the Brown faces. Okay, mostly.

Anonymous said...

Being the Grammar Nazi now, Montoya - you the King of Typos?

Spare me.

Anonymous said...

Reckless driving = Everybody in town.


Anonymous said...

Can they note whether these arrestees are Americans?

Would help.

Most who make this lineup are Mex (Browns).

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s Much-Touted Blog Pretty Much A Flop As Interest Fades

But did he get more "hits" than Bobby, or Trump-lover El Paya Jerry McHale (who likely still follows it)?

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Most overheard in Brownsville restaurants and taquerias:

"I'll be right back, watch my plate."

Oyeme, no!

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since we saw Robert "Nipple Head" Sanchez featured like these guys. Se esta portando bien, el guey.

Anonymous said...

He's werkin' it yeah?

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2021 at 10:03 AM

Idiota go up norht its ALL white faces puros pinches hillbillys and racist republicans and forget about line up pics ALL WHITES

Anonymous said...

ese pendejo won't be laughing soon after ramonson finishes with him verdad hillbilly?

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2021 at 11:04 AM y May 23, 2021 at 10:03 AM

Tenia que salir un lambiscon coco pinche pendejo vete para el norte a ver que ves y a ver que te pasa estupido. pinche coco

Anonymous said... won’t be smiling very long puto. You are in for a ride like never before; will daddy bail you out? Ten grand, probation, classes, drug and alcohol tests, suspension of license. Are you still smiling Snowflake bitch?!

Anonymous said...

Y los machos de Brownsville
Afamados por entrones
Para eso traen pantalones

Los hombres son muy aventados, no tienen miedo, para ellos es una experiencia de la vida. Los abuelos eran iguales, los bisabuelos igual, etc

Pobres madres, novias, esposas, hijas etc

Anonymous said...

Did you get an invite?

Anonymous said...

RECKLESS vs. Wreckless Just one more reason why Mexicans will never rule the world.

Anonymous said...

May 26, 2021 at 3:37 PM
Idiota it was a gringo hillbilly that wrote "wreckless", pendejo
