Tuesday, May 25, 2021


AUSTIN-- HB 1802 by Representative Alex Dominguez (D-Brownsville) was approved by the Texas Senate this weekend, with a vote of 25-5. This bipartisan approval marks the latest success 
in the landmark psychedelic medicine effort in the Lone Star State.

"I am honored by the Senate's approval of this important bill and look forward to seeing the results of this study," said Dominguez. "Psychedelic medicine has the potential to completely change society's approach to mental health treatment, and research is the first step to realizing that transformation. It's said that 'as goes Texas, so goes the nation.' While states across the country consider how best to address the mental health crisis facing our nation, I hope they once again look to Texas for leadership."

Marcus Capone, a retired US Navy SEAL, and his wife Amber, co-founded VETS, Inc. in an effort to address the growing mental health crisis in our nation's veteran and military families. They have been champions of HB 1802 and played a key role in the effort to move the bill through the Texas Legislature.

"We are grateful for and encouraged by the Texas legislature's expediency in passing HB 1802. As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and continue experiencing losses of 20 or more veterans per day to suicide, we are compelled to act as quickly as possible in our advocacy efforts," said Amber and Marcus Capone. 

"We know firsthand the power of these therapies and feel certain they will save the lives of countless veterans. Thank you, Texas, for leading the way in allowing our veterans to heal within the borders of the nation they so bravely chose to defend."

Dr. Lynnette Averill, Ph.D. is a clinical neuroscientist and psychologist studying the potential Of psychedelic- and ketamine-assisted therapy to treat stress- and trauma-related mental health conditions. She has been a key advocate for HB 1802 and served as the primary scientific advisor
for the effort.

"It is incredibly exciting Texas is leading this landmark effort to investigate novel psychedelic medicine approaches to treating PTSD and suicidality in veterans. Mounting evidence suggests psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy will be the new frontier for psychiatry," said Dr. Averill. 

"These medicines work significantly more rapidly and more robustly than our traditionally available interventions for PTSD and when used appropriately, with medical and mental health oversight and support, are safe with limited side effects or potential for abuse."

HB 1802 now returns to the House for concurrence before moving to the Governor's desk for signing.


Anonymous said...

Its a good gesture BUT do something for the WHOLE community.

Anonymous said...

The recruiters have to do a better job when enlisting the young people.
Give them tests, ask questions (teachers, counselors, neighbors, friends).

Most of the time, the young soliders are not ready to face: violence, government's curruption, and the lack of support given to the military by their own staff. The government trains them to work for the USA but doesn't give them the skills to survive outside the military....

When the young soliders return home: most are accused of being violent, terrorists, agressors etc because they can not survive the civilian life.
