Saturday, May 15, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Is what is happening at the Cameron County Sheriff's Department a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black, or is it "do as I say and not as I do?"

Inside sources say that a jailer – who is not covered under the county insurance – crashed a brand new patrol unit that is s assigned to a Patrol Supervisor. Those units, like all others in the department, were repainted when the new sheriff's administration took over the department. That was in addition to buying and issuing department staff and sheriff deputies new uniforms to replace the ones they wore during the Omar Lucio administration.  

To make matters worse, there were two inmates inside the unit when it crashed. One can just imagine the lawyers licking their lips and the lawsuits that could be filed  against  Cameron County for the acts of that jailer endangering the well-being of the two inmates.

During the campaign for sheriff, former Cameron County District Clerk – and now Sheriff – Eric Garza complained that Lucio's administration were not arresting for D.W.I, and stated that was the reason he made his deputies undergo an intense D.W.I. training, and for what?

Up to now, going on five months into his administration, there has been not a single DWI arrest.

Then, on the  evening of May 13, a jailer showed up (driving) intoxicated at the Rucker- Carrizales Corrections complex What did Garza do? According to inside sources, Sheriff Garza ordered he be given the opportunity for a family member to pick him up.

Garza is caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he has leaned backwards trying to keep the inmates happy because he doesn't want any riots and now he is afraid of the jailers quitting so he prefers to have a family member pick them up when they show up intoxicated. What's going to happen when a deputy sheriff pulls someone over for D.W.I ?

Previous reports indicate that Garza ordered that no disciplinary action be taken against the inmates who perpetrated the riot that resulted in damage to the inside of the jail, and that no reports be written on the incident.


Anonymous said...

As everyone knows Captain Javier Reyna covered a vehicle accident to several of his favorites including his brother and Robert Mata. We still don't know what happened in this incident. All we know is that someone is paying you alot of money to post information that is not true.

Anonymous said...

I'm moving to the county jail tomorrow, imagine free meals, no rent, can walk out any time, taxi me to my home or place of leisure (la catorce) and bring me back of course. Can I request office space during the day????

If he's around for the next election I will make sure I will vote for him gracias mi cherife.

Anonymous said...

Cheney wishes she could take back her vote for president
So do about 70 million voters except ese pendejo snowfake hillbilly coco wana be white IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

Can you report on Abel Gomez getting his ass kicked at the Dog House and please explain that while on civilian clothes and drinking he made an unlawful arrest. And his friend Magistrate Judge Erin Garcia signed that paperwork without reading facts. She should be reprimanded for covering for her buddy. What a shame. Oh wait.. you will not report on it because he is your buddy.

Anonymous said...

Crisis and loss in the House of Windsor

Talk about welfare, freebees, hand outs. They've done it all their life and look down on other people. Bunch of hippocrates.

Anonymous said...

Why was a jailer driving a supervisor's unit? This is what happens when you have overworked employees. Not a good combination. Prayers all are ok. Eric and his unexperienced falsifying new employees should go work 14 hours in the jail and then go do out-of-town transport. Eric's priorities are all messed up. Before you decided to retailiate on your employees that supported sheriff Omar Lucio, and fighting with to gain control of courthouse security you should have started with helping the jail fill 20 vacancies back in January now your incompetence as a Sheriff shows and you now have 80+ vacancies in the jail. Looks like you are more concerned filling your ego than keeping the actual hard workers safe. Hope to see your DWI task force pull you over cause we all know you have the same problem like Gus Reyna. RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN,
And take all your idiotas with you.

Anonymous said...

Wth the S.O dept is a total laughing stock of law enforcement this Sherriff and dumb dumb staff needs to be removed the liability to the county is to much already.

Anonymous said...

You all voted for Eric Garza. That’s what happens when only 10 percent of the population vote.

Anonymous said...

Another great idea of Abraham Rodriguez, take away a supervisor's unit to give it a jailer for an out of town trip.... Way to go! Shouldn't even be call Captain, or please enlight us with your test score............

Anonymous said...

What do you guys expect
Garza holds a BASIC peace officer license and Gracia 3 months ago was impersonating a peace officer so only God knows what type of license he holds.

Anonymous said...

Del Bosque ratted out one of his swat members just to stay in the office... disgrace

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Huh Montoya, you have to have enough deputies to patrol the county and I mean enough to cover areas when an SO deputy makes a DWI arrest! To those who have never conducted a DWI examination, written the reports, take to hospital for blood test, etc... It is a time consuming process, period. Its even more time consuming when its someone who hasn't done one in years! I knew that this would happen with an inexperienced Reserve LEO who is politically motivated to enhance their resume! Oh well, only in CC where the lame brain numb vote for the very wrong candidate! But that' Brownsville for you when they don't want anyone running the county other than a Brownsville puppet!

Anonymous said...

Have we forgotten the previous administration!! How many times did they cover up all the drunk accidents from chief Reyna ????!! How many ?

Anonymous said...

Abel got his ass kicked

Anonymous said...

"No mas pá sonsear"


Anonymous said...

Show of Respect

Back in the day, men were taught to remove their hats as soon as they crossed the threshold of a house or public building, and ladies were to remove theirs if they obstructed someone's view. It's nice to show respect for people who still follow it.

MANNERS, how can you be a cop if you don't have any MANNERS?
But if el pendejo your boss does it well he may not be there long and so do the people that don't have any RESPECT. guarantee !!!

Anonymous said...

If you want the county jail to run smoothly without inmate crap, then hire guards from Mexico. Give them temporary worker visas and let's see how tough our prisoners really are!

No valen sebo. Por eso los captaron!


Anonymous said...

@6:39pm Who cares what the previous admin did or didn't do. The true story here was Eric Garza used a platform during his campaign to make a change. He has done the complete opposite. This guy has done nothing to make the department better. All we have seen and heard are his people taking advantage of having specific authority over people who actually know their job. As a voter and a citizen am tired of people trying to bring up what the previous admin did. We don't care!!! If Eric had just followed his platform, we would be in this mess. He should not have lied to the voters. His platform should have been transparent. Example 1. Retaliate on all Sheriff Lucio supporters 2. Give my friends jobs( jailer slot jobs) 3. Take courthouse security 4. Not run proper background checks on all new employees 5. Not be available 6. Security detail for Osiel Cardenas son, the list goes on. Had he been truthful and transparent, the voters would not have Voted for him.

Anonymous said...

Just because Eric got his TCOLE license and can call himself a law enforcement officer, doesn’t make him qualified to be Sheriff. That’s like saying a 17 year old kid who has his pilot’s license and can call himself a pilot can fly a 757 jumbo jet. People in this county are just plain stupid. The Sheriff’s office is in a tailspin and Eric is still trying to figure out what those pedals on the floor are for.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting back smiling at this whole mess. You folks had a choice and you chose an incompetent politically connected Mexican Democrat over a competent Gringo Republican. Of course everybody knew, who would be elected, before the first ballot was cast.

Your voters remorse is very funny to watch. Will you learn from this? Hell no, you will keep voting the Democrat party line and get corrupt and incompetent people in office. There are some families that have a lock on this county and you keep voting the string.

Anonymous said...

@1:34 you know you sound like an idiot, right?

Anonymous said...

Cameron County would be better off if Harlingen becomes the county seat. They'd probably do a better job running it. Nothing good has come out of Brownsville for the county.

Anonymous said...

The Lucio/Reyna continue to make political chaos but using compadres such as Judge Eddie Treviño to vote and manipulate his position in there favor for political gain and control. That's why you are getting paid for the biased one-sided blogging. Very obvious. Jail staff has always had issues in retaining staff due to the pay as Deputies slots. Lucio/Reynas could have fixed the issues except they chose to give themselves raises from a fund where they did not have to go by the Judge or Commissioner's court. Before they year began the lifted empty. Vote against the evil that the Compadres manipulated and continue to want to keep. Vote Carlos Cascos!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Put Harlingen as the county seat and revert back to the Ku Klux Klan and go back to the Reconstruction Era sounds like a good idea, right?

Anonymous said...

Hoping everyone was safe after the car accident and is doing ok. Reynas administration had 20 years to pay jailers a competitive wage and jailer morale has always been low. Eric has 6 months on the job and he's trying to correct 20 years of authoritarian rule.Will Eric make mistakes, will it time time? Yes but we voted for him to modernize the department and bring change by getting the Reynas out. Now we have the Reynas complaining and trying to sabotage the department because they lost. Commmissioners are not helping the situation by picking sides and playing politics. They hate that a new force is at play in cameron county politics and they fear him. We're here with you Eric, echale ganas! Keep fighting the good fight, no one said it would be easy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sale the Tahoe to Brownsville Police Department. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal will buy it from you.. He likes buying crap for his Patrol Division..

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit he'll get a raise, the the tax payers will foot the cost of repairs and the pay raise ANY QUESTION?
