Monday, May 17, 2021


“Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth into battle—be Thou near them! With them—in spirit—we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it—

For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimmage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!

We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.
Mark Twain "The War Prayer"

By Hazem Balousha (Gaza) and
Oliver Holmes (Jerusalem)
The Guardian

A week of relentless Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip has destroyed power lines, smashed water pipes beneath roads and left human waste spilling out of the ground.

With 188 Palestinians having been killed, and families trapped under the rubble, fears are mounting of a deepening humanitarian crisis in the enclave, where 2 million people live under an Israeli-Egyptian blockade in place for 14 years.

Six of Gaza’s 10 electricity lines are down and supply has been more than halved, according to Mohammed Thabet, a spokesperson for the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company. “There are some border areas completely cut off from electricity,” he said. Repair crews were unable to fix the lines due to continued attacks.

Throughout its intense bombing campaign, Israel has blocked access to the territory, including for aid workers, and prevented fuel from entering, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Supplies of vital animal feed sitting in trucks are being held on the Israeli side of the frontier waiting to go in, OCHA said, adding that Gaza’s stockpiles would run out on Sunday. It said the Palestinian ministry of agriculture had warned that without deliveries, livestock and poultry farms would run out.

In turn, the strip’s main protein source would be affected.Israel has also prevented fishers from sailing off the Gaza coast and has bombed farms, OCHA said. A seawater desalination plant is out of action, leaving 250,000 people without proper supplies of drinking water. In the northern town of Beit Lahia, “sewage and solid waste are accumulating in the streets”, OCHA said.

Mamoud Awad, 47, a resident in Beit Lahia, said his family had been living Mahmoud Awad, 47, a resident in Beit Lahia, said his family had been living for “almost three days without virtually any electricity. Houses near our house were bombed, and the electricity went out after the bombing as a result of the cables being cut off.” Usually, Awad uses an external generator, but those lines were also destroyed, he said.

The municipality in Gaza City said Israeli forces had hit “main junctions in the city, exacerbating the humanitarian situation and making it difficult for ambulance and emergency crews to move.” With burst pipes, it was hard to move water trucks.

Hamas, the Islamist group that rules the strip, has stationed its militants in and fired rockets from civilian areas. In the latest bout of fighting, Israel says hundreds of militant-fired rockets have fallen short, and it has shared aerial footage of a misfire.

An official with Israel’s Civil Administration, the body tasked with running the occupation, said Hamas militants had “shot” power lines in the strip and said 230,000 residents were cut off from electricity.

The UN humanitarian coordinator Lynn Hastings appealed to “the Israeli authorities and Palestinian armed groups [to] immediately allow the United Nations and our humanitarian partners to bring in fuel, food, and medical supplies.” On Sunday there were unconfirmed reports that Egypt, which controls a southern frontier with Gaza, had opened its border.

According to the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, more than 17,000 people have fled their homes and are sheltering in roughly 40 schools. The agency warned of a secondary threat during the Covid pandemic, saying it had to consider “how to minimise the risk of people crowding in a very confined space and spreading the virus”.

Gisha, an Israeli rights group, said the decreasing supply of electricity had affected the production of oxygen needed for respirators. Israel, which has vaccinated most of its citizens, has said it is not responsible for giving inoculations to all Palestinians in the occupied territories, including the West Bank and Gaza. 

Oxfam, which supplies water and sanitation in Gaza, said this week’s hostilities would drive “further human rights violations, poverty and suffering, particularly for a lost generation of children and young Palestinians.”


Anonymous said...

The Jews can be as heavy-handed as were the Nazis.

They remember.

BobbyWC said...

This is beyond sad, and bad politics in the U.S., Israel and Palestine will insure this never ends.

It is long past time the world recognizes Palestine as a country so as to afford them special international protections.

But the need to win elections in the U.S. usurps justice every time. The first conversation we must have is Israel has nothing to do with being Jewish or the Holocaust. That ship has long sailed. We must learn to separate out the politics of Netanyahu and his supporters from the people of Israel.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Blimp has lost all of his readers. He could easily post the ridiculous comments he brings here on his blog - but that blog is DEAD.

Pobre vato. El mundo lo ignora.

ja ja

Anonymous said...

Oooof! A El Paya Jerry ya le pusieron barda para que los lectores sepan que McHale ofrece pornografia (vergas)!

El Paya Jerry sigue con sus pendejadas. Pinche vato apoya a Trump y al racismo. McHale, largate desgraciado. Eres el cancer de Brownsville!!!


Anonymous said...

Si estuvo fea la lluvia mi estimado un saludo desde Reynosa, MX!

Anonymous said...

I’m South African but I really want to explore Mexico because of their food and culture. My honeymoon is definitely in Mexico 🇲🇽😃

Anonymous said...

The hardest part about being Mexican is trying to lose weight, I mean how can you when you're surrounded by good food.

Greetings from San Anto.

Anonymous said...

Look, there is a real tendency, particularly in America, to both-sides this situation. And I am not saying that there aren’t some areas where that’s warranted, but it’s important to recognize there are also areas where it’s simply not. Both sides are firing rockets, but one side (Israel, the Jews) has one of the most advanced militaries in the world.

Both sides are suffering heartbreaking casualties, but one side is suffering them exponentially (Palestinians). And it’s not like the U.S. is operating from the moral high ground here. It’s obviously no stranger to drone striking weddings and saying, “We were just trying to target enemy combatants.” This country (USA) has blood on its hands too.

And look, if you believe Israel’s actions are warranted and proportionate this week, you’re welcome to try and make that argument.

Anonymous said...

Despite growing international pressure to seek a ceasefire, Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the offensive against Hamas would continue for some time as Israel sought to exact a “heavy price” on the group for rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. Israel will inevitably “win” this round of fighting once it has “mowed the grass,” killed some Hamas militants (and some more innocent bystanders), destroyed their infrastructure, and reduced their ability and/or willingness to launch more rockets.

This will be a hollow victory, however, as it will only return Israel to a status quo of ever-present tension and threat: in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and every Israeli town where Jews and Arabs live in close proximity. The only real winner here is the man who sold Israelis on the idea that this state of permanent war and occupation is acceptable: Netanyahu himself.

Anonymous said...

That wily ole atheist Sam Clemens was gaslighting way back then. He and his pals Ford and Edison all had opinions on the matter before the UN carved out the area in ‘48. Hamas riled up their youngsters much like we’re seeing here in the US and the citizens are paying a heavy price for their posturing. One thing for sure, there are now a lot of career advancements in Hamas due to attrition, compliments of the IDF.

Anonymous said...

Israel gets more than $3 billion in foreign aid from the USA. That would include its modern military weaponry. As always with these warring allies, it is our taxpayer money funding killings.


Anonymous said...

Un viaje a México es lo que pido para mi regalo de navidad🙏

Anonymous said...

Miss Mexico Andrea Meza was crowned Miss Universe at the 69th annual pageant, which was delayed last year due to Covid-19.

"MÉXICO ESTO ES PARA TI," Meza, 26, wrote in the caption of an Instagram post, which translates to "Mexico this is for you," alongside a video of her after the win was announced.

Anonymous said...

Both are largely unattractive peoples.

GGL said...

How do you win a fight? You win when you make sure the other guy does not get up. Then later the guy that did not get up, comes back for more. You fight him again till he does not get up. Later the guy that did not get up comes back for more. How many times do you do this till you understand that when you fight you fight to win. What does the word WIN mean in this day and time? Ask the German people or the people of Japan after WWII. You destroy your enemy that way they don't come back for more.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2021 at 6:32 AM

Typical gringo Moorwen.

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal/Marxist bull shit. Gaza is controlled by the Iranian backed terrorist group Hamas, who are sworn to drive the Jews into the sea and wipe any vestige of Israel off the map. Their tactic is to fire missiles into Israel to provoke a response. Hamas places their military targets in the middle of the civilian population and sits back and waits as their own civilians are killed. Then they howl about the horrid actions of the Jews and liberals and the United Nations cry about a humanitarian crisis with Israel as the bad guy. This has happened many times before with the same plan and results. It must work for them, or they would not do it. Folks why write such drivel are guilty of the slaughter, because their crocodile tears keeps the conflict going.

Former RGV LEO said...

The Palestinians started this shit! Now, they want to cry foul! Shouldn't have started a fight with the Israelis, if they can't finish it! I support the Israelis!

Anonymous said...

Shit's upside down. Israel is the only ally The U.S. has in the Middle East, and the only one we will ever have.

This conflict will be over when Hamas is disposed of.

The Biblical reasons of this conflict is easy to understand, the politics is what is difficult to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

Peace in the middle east for the last few years, at least orange man is not sending mean tweets...

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2021 at 5:35 PM

No seas guey its OUR tax dollars at work. And to stop this BS they want more DINERO. Next war will be when these idiotas run out of dollars.

Anonymous said...

Biden offers a school teacher solution to a srlf defense situation. If the Hamas supporters want a ceasefire, stop attacking the Israelis.

Anonymous said...

Call UNTO me and i will tell you of unsearchable things you dont know of.

Jeremiah 33:3

TO fight Israel is to fite GOD.


Anonymous said...

Raise taxas sponsor another war.
