Friday, May 28, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: In the last Brownsville Independent School District election held November 3, 2020, board member/candidate Minerva Peña was the recipient of two in-kind donations from board counsel Baltazar Salazar and one from his sister Liz Vera. Salazar paid for political advertising and mail outs to the tune of $6,950 and Vera chipped in another $300. Together, they contributed $7,250 of in-kind payments toward her campaign.

When Salazar was hired on April, 2013, he was selected even though he was vastly underqualified compared to the other 17 firms which submitted responses to the board's Request For Qualifications. His chief supporter on the board was Peña. At an average of $250,000 for the last eight years ($328,000 at last count), Salazar has collected more than $2 million in salary from the BISD.

In this year's ranking, Salazar tied with a distant fourth of seven firms who submitted RFQs.

Now, as the board is set to award the board counsel position to the second-ranked of seven legal firms, O'Hanlon, Demerath, & Castillo after number one ranked firm Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino Russo & Kyle, P.C. chose instead to withdraw its offer after Peña sought to push for an award for Salazar to take over only the special education services, a service and which was not stipulated as a separate contract in the initial RFQ.

Members Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton, Daniella Lopez-Valdez and board president Eddie Garcia, however, placed an item on the agenda to award the contract, including special education services, to the second-ranked firm, O'Hanlon, Demerath, & Castillo without separating the special needs legal services.

Are these the ties that bind Peña to Salazar? 

The board will decide whether to award O'Hanlon, Demerath, & Castillo the contract including special needs legal services or whether to award a separate  special needs legal services contract to Salazar, without allowing anyone else to submit proposals for the services.

Will transparency prevail this Tuesday? Or will Peña's subterfuge allow Salazar to remain at the BISD feeding trough without competing for the services?)


BobbyWC said...

The big question is, is Salazar paying her legal fees in the election contest? If the judge calls for a new election given this stunt she will have no chance of winning. Once Salazar loses his contract for special services, what incentive will he have to help Peña?

An appeal will be needed to stop the new election if one is ordered. That is a lot of money. Who is going to pay for it?

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Board Member Jessica Gonzalez savors the Olive Garden plates that Baltazar Salazar pays for her all the time. She's there with him every week. Minerva Pena is all about Chick-fil-A, extra large waffle fries and her vanilla cone. Food is the bond that Baltazar Salazar has with these two BISD Board Members. If he is not rehired, these ladies can't afford to dine out. Right now Jessica Gonzales has lunch covered by making a quick phone call to Baltazar Salazar.

Anonymous said...

Should stick to Walsh...they were #1.

Crazy board...being crazy...

Guy Fawks said...

To anon at 9:34 am...

This is why poor people shouldn't run for office. They are too easily bought and owned.

Anonymous said...

The munching duo can't afford to pay for their comida bola de mamonas, pidiches y gordiflonas. That super large size ropa that they wear is very expensive unless it comes from dee dees or they can inherit la gara from you know who. She won't need her expensive wardrobe where's she's going, not even the pantaletas y tangas!

Maybe JUST maybe they will meet at the same housing facility, I hope so, what you say FBI?

Anonymous said...

Minerva and company, are you caught in a trap and can't walk out? The other snakehead Baltazar can't let you breathe now? Largate de Brownsville Baltazar and take Minnie/comadres with you, since you have to be cahoots with each other.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:34
You hit the nail on the head when you said all he has to do is feed Minerva and Jessica Gonzales. Can you imagine the money that Minerva must spend to keep her in that body. She needs her SUGAR Daddy Baltazar to keep her in shape. And Jessica well she's getting her body in shape as well. LOL

Anonymous said...

You all are forgetting the big Board Meeting catering that Baltazar Salazar pays for those 5 hour long meetings. Jessica Gonzalez, Minerva Pena do seconds and thirds and of course to take home según los custodians. The BISD custodians don't even get to take a plate. Jessica Gonzalez always has her kids to feed dinner. Now you all know why she was a School Parent Volunteer free food and snacks from BISD. If Baltazar Salazar is not rehired, who will take these ladies out to eat? They can't afford to eat out every day. Baltazar even took Jessica on a shopping spree at Ross to find clothes for the Board Meetings. Guys these ladies have a lot to loose without Baltazar Salazar!

Anonymous said...

Vegetable Chinito Biden claims every single hospital bed will have an Alzheimer's patient in the next 15 years!!! Why is he so confident in saying that? Does he know something we don't know about the vaccine? Fuk everyone who voted for this POS vegetable! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Crooked ex cop

Anonymous said...

Maybe rosé Longoria can buy her lunch at all their secret hideouts! Rose Longoria has to stay loyal to la Minnie for getting her a job at the glass palace.

Anonymous said...

And the only ones to blame here are the stupid people that voted for them in the school board election. Les gusta la mala vida!

Anonymous said...

Fans’ controversial chant a big challenge for soccer federation

Mexican Soccer authorities continue their efforts to change fan behavior and stop the "Eh, puto" chant

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are so disappointed and we regret very much that we voted for Jessica Gonzalez. We thought that she stood for new leadership, ethics and accountability. The fact that she is siding with a board member with questionable integrity and showing favoritism in such a short time speaks volumes. What a betrayal to the community.

Anonymous said...

So Juanito, who is paying for this B.S. Is It Laura Pérez Reyes who is upset with Baltazar, because he gave Philip more in donation for his election than he gave her? Everyone knows Laura Perez Reyes is out to get everyone who doesn’t worship her and kiss her behind! Laura Perez Reyes is evil to the core. Pobrecita tontita!

Anonymous said...

Hey Erasmo, stop posting your crappy posts here. You sorry excuse for a pastor. Que lastima que eres un fraude con la palabra de Dios que predicas cada domingo en la iglesia. Lastima que la pobre gente que te escucha no realizan que eres un hombre bien malo.

Anonymous said...

Why do they want him in Special Ed? this piece of shit bragged during his 10 minutes presentation that he "beat them to pulp" referring the cases of special ed children against the district, what a condescending asshole not having any empathy for the special ed students, if the parents complained is because their kids were being abused or neglected, oh! my, New York, New York!

Anonymous said...

I regret voting for Jessica Gonzalez. She is another Erasmo Castro. She does not work and is easily bought with food. Jessica Gonzalez is in all of the BISD functions for pictures.
She was all over the BISD Golf Tournament with the family taking pictures with the Superintendent. Then, she went off to the island paid by Baltazar Salazar. Jessica Gonzalez is living the life on behalf of the tax payers and those she fooled. She had never stepped foot in a restaurant and now is hooked.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mine no mames cabrona! Has llegado a ser tan cula como el difuntito Joe Rodríguez! No puedes ser tan tonta que no puedas distinguir que tu propuesta apesta a favoritismo y cagada. En que mundo andas? Pensé que los zorrillos eran de alta ética. Pero supongo que te olvidaste de la moral y la ética una vez que te jubilaste. Ahora todo lo que puedes ser es nada más que por lo que los Pena son conocidos: hambre de dinero.

Anonymous said...

You eat like a pig usually in a greedy or disgusting manner. And the money, well that's the payoff for services and favors allowed. Self-serving greedy and power hungry pigs... that's BISD for you
Soon to be joined by IDEA!!!

Anonymous said...

TEA should step in and start new, fire everybody call in the FBI and investigate

Anonymous said...

Not only at BISD. She has her hands on all that has to do with little league and baseball children's teams. She ask for money to support youth baseball and uses monies to support her personal accounts. Balta has provided her with a monthly contribution that both have bragged about either receiving or being forced to give. Little league officials have turned a blind eye to her dealings. I have complained to officials but to no avail.

Anonymous said...

FBI needs to check those little league contributions WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO? Sounds something illegal here. FBI?

Anonymous said...

Minerva is not Little League only 3 Little leagues in Brownsville (West Brownsville, East Brownsville and Sports Park)
Minerva represents Pony League which is out of Morningside Park!!

2 separate organizations.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peña’s action just shows how el compadrismo works in Brownsville. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Y que los demás que se chingen. As far as Mr. Salazar’s competency... It is very questionable. Usually he deals with neophytes who just got out of law school. He is mean and arrogant. Not a good lawyer to represent BISD Special Ed. Students. Oops he represents the clueless Sp. Services Dept..
