By Juan Montoya
It was on or about 1986 when a county commissioner and I were as
ked to attend the funeral of a matriarch of a large Southmost family.

As a precinct supervisor, I normally disliked this most unenviable political task. Not only do I dislike funeral homes in general, but I disliked the political aspect of this task in particular.
I did not know the lady, although I did know some of her brood. They were our political supporters and one of them called the precinct office to tell us when the rosary and the visitation hours were.
The funeral was held at Treviño's Funeral Home on Old Port Isabel Rd.
When we got there, we small-talked for a while after we had paid our respects to the family on the front pew and congregated, as funeral goers are wont to do, outside the building where some of the sons smoked and others remembered their mom.
While we were there, the elected official I worked for asked one of the brothers casually whether their brother – a convicted felon serving a lengthy federal sentence in a prison near El Paso – had learned of his mother's death.
His face changed expression suddenly and he pulled us both aside.
"The federal authorities didn't allow him to attend the funeral, but they let me talk to him on the phone to tell him she had died the previous night," he said slowly. "When my brother picked up the phone, I told him I had some bad news for him.
"'Se murio la jefa, verdad?" (Mom died. Right?)'" he asked, before I had a chance to tell him."
"How did you know? I asked him."
'She came to say goodbye last night," my brother answered."
The elected official and I looked at the brother straight in the eye and saw that he was serious. I felt a cold wave go though my body, even though it was a balmy early South Texas evening with the temperatures hovering in the 70s or low 80s.
But it also made me fell good to realize that the bonds between a mother and her offspring are stronger than we think and stretch beyond the enclave of this mortal plane.
This Mother's Day, if you have her still, show her you appreciate her. If you don't, reach out in your thoughts to her. She'll be listening.
Saludos a todos los hermanos Mexicanos de parte de un Cubano.
Hermoso sentimiento que me regresa muchos años atrás cuando mi madre envolvia todo en el amor. Saludos de Querétaro México.
If they don't read this at my funeral: I am not going.
Punto final.
I know the feeling it feels like our mothers are always watching.
Mami, please forgive for the damage I did to you calling names that you don’t deserve and most of all they are not true. I won’t do it again because
I love you very much. I don’t want to ever hurt you again.
Feliz Dia de las Madres!
Good mornin, afternoon, evening to everyone from New Brunswick, Canada. I’m Ann.
Annette Parisot
Jim Crow Ballot ‘Purity’ Phrase Yanked From Texas Vote Suppression Bill At Last Minute
REPUBLICAN lawmakers ultimately decided not to advertise the segregationist nature of the voting measure.
Remember way back when I was in an HEB, I asked the girl in register #9 if she wanted to hang out sometime with me in the movies or go to a restaurant or whatever, cause I really liked her and she had the most beautiful eyes and smile I have ever seen; she told me that she was sorry she could not cause she did not know me at all, but the following week I asked her again......and the following one.....and the following one....and the one after that until she finally she said yes.
Now this is the girl I call my wife...... memories.
Thanks for the story Juanito pega muy serquita gracias...
Juan, are you wishing a good Mother's Day for Linda Salazar and Jessica Tetreau and Minnie Pena and the rest of the women you hate?
Read your Bible, Montoya.
La popularidad de este tema es gracias a la difusión que tuvo en México en los escenarios teatrales durante el imperio de Maximiliano y Carlota.
Cómo Mexicano es imposible no sentir ese nudo en tu garganta y sentir un orgasmo auditivo al leer un reporte escrito por un Mexicano! VIVA MÉXICO 🇲🇽 ¡ VIVA EL AMOR Y PAZ EN NUESTROS olviden cantar en vez de llorar que de esta forma nos alegramos nuestros corazones cuando sentimos tristeza por dentro....
Feliz Dia De Las Madres!
El PAYA JERRY posted photo of his ex and his kid, but, man, the son looks nothing like McHale! Something's up with that, bro. El Paya has roundish face, like his ex and the kid has a longish one.
Pos que pasaria?
Ja ja ja
Reading from Brazil 🇧🇷. Like 👍👍
I love this parable. Don’t have to be n a jail cell. Many estranged are looking for ways to reconcile. Every family knows estrangement at point through the journey. Everyone knows this call is in their future. Posting this on Mother’s Day is exactly where this needs to be.
Thanks Mr. Juan Montoya.
I love this parable. Don’t have to be n a jail cell. Many estranged are looking for ways to reconcile. Every family knows estrangement at point through the journey. Everyone knows this call is in their future. Posting this on Mother’s Day is exactly where this needs to be.
Thanks Mr. Juan Montoya.
Than you Juanito.
This story is better than roses, diamonds, food, cake etc.
May 18 Charlie, judgment is coming, Puñetas !
Hello from Russia. Girls Out West my favorite ))))))
Mr. Montoya,
Thank for this story. Its hard to not want to cry. This situation hits home, one to many times. Many dont realize how many ppl go through this. Gracias Sir, Feliz dia de las Madres para su Madersita donde quiera que se encuentre🌹🙏
Y para toda la bola de mamones/as que always gotta talk shit and cant ever stay on track the right way for at least 1 time or for at least 1 post that dont involve chingaderas....mejor vayan a visitar asus madres y tengan respeto por uno pinche dia de perdido !!!!!!
May 9, 2021 at 10:27 AM
Is that person in the local riot jail?
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