Friday, May 21, 2021


AUSTIN-- HB 1802 by Representative Alex Dominguez (D-Brownsville) was voted out of the Committee on Veteran Affairs and Border Security this week, with unanimous approval. 

With sponsorship by Chairwoman Campbell (R-New Braunfels), the bipartisan push for a study on the use of psychedelic therapy to treat PTSD in veterans will now advance to the Senate floor.

"For the veterans across our state who suffer from PTSD, I am proud to say we are one step closer to offering new hope and relief with HB 1802. HB 1802 will study the use of psilocybin therapy as a treatment for veterans with PTSD – early research shows great promise, and my colleagues' work today gets Texas closer to adding to that research,” said Dominguez.

Marcus Capone, a retired United States Navy SEAL and co-founder of the nonprofit VETS, underwent psychedelic therapy outside of the United States to treat his PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI), and has supported HB 1802 from day one.

“I know firsthand that psychedelic therapy is the next breakthrough in mental healthcare,” Capone shared.
“Research suggests that these therapies are more effective than conventional treatments. The study directed by HB 1802 will save veteran lives. On behalf of all veterans, I encourage our lawmakers to pass this bill.”

Amber Capone, Marcus' wife and co-founder of VETS, shares in his support of the bill. 

"This generation of veterans is coming home from decades of combat," Amber explained. "When they attempt to transition home, they struggle to deal with the challenges of trauma-related mental health conditions. Texas now has a real opportunity to lead the way in finding a new approach. We know that Texas takes care of its veterans, and I applaud Rep. Dominguez and Texas for leading the way with this critical bipartisan legislation." 

"For decades, our veterans have been struggling to overcome the trauma of combat, and Texas leaders recognize that. I extend my gratitude to Chairwoman Campbell, to the Capones, and to all of my colleagues who have come together to support this crucial piece of legislation."

Senator Donna Campbell, who chairs the Committee on Veteran Affairs and Border Security, sponsored the bill in the Senate.

"I am pleased to have carried this bill," said Senator Campbell. "It holds great potential promise for treating our veterans with PTSD".

"The progress we have made with HB 1802 is a reflection of its importance and of the commitment of our partner, VETS," added Dominguez. "VETS has assisted hundreds of veterans in receiving life-saving therapy and HB 1802 is the next phase of their mission; to bring these treatments to the United States, so our heroes no longer have to go abroad for this lifesaving therapy."

Founded in 2019, Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions (VETS, Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides resources, research, and advocacy to improve the quality of life for U.S.
combat veterans and their families. VETS intends to change the landscape of veteran healthcare and end the veteran suicide epidemic by finding meaningful alternative solutions for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS).

HB 1802 now heads to the full Senate on the Local and Uncontested Calendar.


Anonymous said...

Most everything for "veterans" is generally approved. That's an easy demographic to endorse.

What about voting restrictions, Alex?

What are you saying (not saying) about that one?

Anonymous said...

Meine Frau zeigt ihre Muschi für euch alle. Hallo zusammen. Wir sind wieder da. Diesmal nicht ganz nackt. Dafür in sexy Posen. Ich hoffe es gefällt Euch wieder und Ihr meldet Euch mit schmutzigen Kommentaren.

Greetings from Berlin!

Anonymous said...

veteran suicide epidemic?


Not in the RGV.


Anonymous said...

Im filipino and these stories make me smile and cry at the same time. i have adopted the hispanic culture in me and im happy reading your blog. i love all my mexican friends and family.

Greetings from Manila.

Anonymous said...

Israel's missile attack on media offices in Gaza City last weekend was successful. A gratifying response came quickly from the head of The Associated Press, which had a bureau in the building for 15 years: "The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today."

For people who care about truth, that's outrageous. For the Israeli government, that's terrific.

The Jews hate to see reporting that has them killing children.

Anonymous said...

The Evictions Surprised Trailer Park Residents. The Protest Stunned Officials.

The removal of citizens living by the airport were evicted by the city with no remorse of any kind. FOR WHAT? There are NO flights to speak of no business to talk about JUST ONE DIRECTOR MAKING OVER 150K A YEAR. Mcallan and Harlingen are reaping the benefits that the local airport is NOT taking.


Anonymous said...

Saludos Alex,
Exelente imagen! Felicidades 🙂👍

Desde La Feria, Texas

Anonymous said...

What’s Behind the New York Attorney General’s Criminal Probe of the Trump Organization

There’s a strong likelihood that evidence has been established of intent to commit fraud.

Jail for Cheeto!

ja ja

Anonymous said...

Dominguez is doing well and should state in Texas and not seek the congressional House of Reps. seat held by Fil Vela.

Alex is way better than would be someone such as Bob "Nipple Head" Sanchez.


Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez should start thinking outside the box. This is a start for his career in state politics, but why not go long, as they say in football? Dare to float a bill that would give Texas cash (and the state has plenty of it) to its citizens, as California is doing by sending a $600 check to its citizens.

Or maybe Alex should get a bit louder and actually express anger at the way Republicans are tearing into voting rights.

Helping vets is okay, but hardly earth-shattering news.

Anonymous said...

Se me antoja la Carnita Asada ,🤪

Nos llego el fin de semana y, pos, alli esta la carne!

Anonymous said...

Alex Dominguez is a genius. He disguises a methodical deconstruction of the state legislature as a running, doomed joke. But everything he says was entirely calculated and scarily true.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enough of this free money stuff. Get to work, you lazy people. Enough is Enough. Have some pride for a change.

Anonymous said...

What about border security Alex .. voting laws Alex ..

Anonymous said...

a bone with a string the gringo guey "vente paca papi"

Anonymous said...

Make it a state law that toilet paper should be sold by the government ONLY new slogan "KEEP IT CLEAN". You'll be a hero

Anonymous said...

@8:11 Welcome from Manila! Home of the Ladyboys! Ese guey half Coco transgender puta would feel at home overthere! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2021 at 10:35 AM

I D I O T A !
