Friday, May 7, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

After Saturday's election, At-Large "B" City of Brownsville Commissioner Rose Gowen was interviewed by a local television station as she glowed in the victory over local gadfly Erasmo Castro and political unknown Yuri Peña.

Gowen won 52.56 percent of the 5,089 ballots cast, or 2,675 votes. Gowen defeated her opponents Erasmo Castro and Yuri Pena, getting the required 50 percent plus one vote necessary to avoid a run-off election.

Castro received 26 percent of the vote, while Pena received 21 percent.

Gowen, who hasn't paid a penny in city, county, college or port taxes for years says she is ready to sink millions more of taxpayers' money into her pet projects to benefit the city's "elite," interpreted that win as a mandate to continue to raid the city coffers.

In the 12 years she's been in office, she has single-handedly steered some $7 million into her bike trails which she claims has lowered the diabetes levels in the city from one in four to one in three. Forget about truth-in-advertising. 

She recently voted to limit commissioners and the mayor to two terms, even though her reelection means she is ready to start a fourth term. Limits? Not for a Gowen or a Zavaletta. They're "special" people who 
care more about their egos and not for the spirit of the law.

She told Channel 5 that she's ready for the work that comes after running a campaign.

"That all needs to be put in a drawer now," Gowen said. "Now we have to do it. And so I'm very anxious to get back to work on the west rail, on the cannery market, all the things that I'm so passionate about. And learning more and more about the new things coming down the pipe so that I can make great decisions and build a better Brownsville."

But was it really a mandate?

The Cameron County Elections Office lists 96,459 registered voters in the At-Large "A" and "B" positions. Of those registered voters, a total of 5,089 voted for the three candidates, a whooping 5.7 percent. And Gowen's 2,675 votes of the 96,459 registered voter amount to 2.77 percent of the registered voters in Place "B." 

Mandate to raid the city coffers and spend taxpayers' money? Hardly. Think about it this way. 93,784 of the 96,459 registered didn't vote for Gowen, and 91,370 didn't vote for anyone. 

Gowen – a tax-dodging freeloader – will consider this expression of mass apathy as a "mandate" to fund her pet projects with Other People's Money (OPM). Do people go to school for this convoluted type of thinking? Or do they feel entitled to spend the tax money of the commoners to ride around their empty multi-million dollar bike trails?


Anonymous said...

Based on the vote, it is definitely a mandate, Montoya.

Your bitch should be aimed at those who do not vote, not Gowen.

Brownsville just may not care about the cost or use of the Bike Trails, or at the least not as much as you seem to. Be fair & honest. She won against pitiful opposition, but she won.

Rose Gowen gets to have her say for four more years.

Go Vote.

Anonymous said...


If you see Republican Rep. Mo Brooks hiding in a bush or a broom closet, maybe this could help explain why. According to a lawyer for Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), the Alabama Republican keeps dodging efforts to serve him with a lawsuit that accuses him of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

PunchBowl reports that Swalwell’s legal team has successfully managed to serve the complaint to its three other defendants—Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Rudy Giuliani—but Brooks has avoided all attempts so far. PunchBowl reports that Swalwell’s team even hired private investigators to help track down Brooks and serve him the legal papers, but he evaded those efforts too.

The congressman appeared at the pro-Trump rally before the Jan. 6 insurrection and ordered the crowd to “start taking down names and kicking ass!” Swalwell’s lawyer, Philip Andonian, accused Brooks of making a “political stunt” out the “formality” of being served. The congressman didn’t comment on the PunchBowl report.


FUCK UNITY! Arrest those Republicans!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan really, what about the fiasco at PUB with the Tanaska-canasta project where $$$ MILLIONS were stolen from the poorfor years and mo attention or focus on that Issue Commissioner Gowen? BIG FRAUD just like those bike trails, Juan follow the money and see who gets awarded all those projects? Are they her friends or compadres? just asking and that really is the ticket.

Anonymous said...

...And here come the bullpens!!!

Anonymous said...

So are you saying she is ignoring the spirit of the law because she is starting a fourth term while advocating term limits? So, she should not have run even though she did not know term limits would be the wish of the electorate? Or are you saying that she should resign her position, in the spirit of the law. Come on. When you go after them for stuff like this it makes me think she must not be too bad if this is all you got, no matter how much you hate her.

Anonymous said...


As opposition to Texas Republicans’ proposed voting restrictions continues to intensify, state lawmakers’ deliberations over the GOP priority legislation could soon go behind closed doors.

The House early Friday voted 81-64 to advance a pared down version of Senate Bill 7, leaving out various far-reaching voting restrictions that have prompted widespread outcry from voting rights advocates, advocates for people with disabilities, and local officials in the state’s biggest counties.

DEMOCRATS in Congress and White House should go full-force on these racist/bigoted yokels.



Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry has stopped using his nickname on Carlos Elizondo. He owns it now.

Paya Jerry is back to dissing Tetreau, using a photo of himself (the dumbass ostrich) to make fun of her.

Give it up, Paya McHale. YOU DA PAYA, bro!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same patriot Swalwell who was screwing a Chinese spy?

Anonymous said...

Rank has it's privledges.

Anonymous said...

Mendez tapped for network; NewDEAL think tank recognizes rising leaders

He was picked so he could not be nominated as a rising official just like that idiota city commissioner obsessed on wasting monies that are not hers. No mandate here...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville PD turns to automated phone system
are they going to retire some phone operators or just another gimmick

Anonymous said...

Soy Hondureña y amo su blog, amo su corazon, amo sus sentimientos y amo todo su ser. Eres unico:*:*


Anonymous said...

2.77% is not a mandate.
But what she is claiming is a mandate is even less than that.
Her margin of victory over those who chose her opponents and those who voted by not voting, was only 3 tenths of one percent.

Anonymous said...

Must be nice to be able to waste taxpayers monies on pet projects when she doesn't contribute a penny on property taxes. Only in Brownsville, pathetic.

Anonymous said...

pinche bruja she needs to be re-call

Anonymous said...

recount, its a lie, she did not win, fake count remember she's a three "t" last name, mamona.

Anonymous said...

I am neither a hiker nor a biker so her trails are useless to me. That said, leave the woman alone. At least, she isn't diverting millions into the pockets of herself, her family or her friends, like most of our politicos.

Anonymous said...

And pays zero property taxes? Leaders lead by example, something nonexistent in Brownsville municipal government. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

May 8, 2021 at 1:02 PM

Who knows nobody has investigated the contracts and other dealings. It needs to be done. City is in desperate attention in other areas AND YOU KNOW WHTAT THEY ARE. Don't kiss her just yet, there might be more to this.

Anonymous said...

Prime deliveries: Amazon cargo flights appear at VIA
-May 10, 2021
HARLINGEN — Yet another airline is now flying into Valley International Airport.

Y aqui que? The city needs an airport director and of course a vending machine with cheetos.
Fire this huevon he's making 190k a year FOR WHAT?

Anonymous said...

Can't compare Harlingen or McAllen airports with Brownsville's. Those are real airports with far more flights and airlines. A reflection of local municipal management.

Anonymous said...

McAllen coco town, Harlingen hick town, SPI redneck island, Sanbene cenote town, Boca Chica next Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Juan you need to focus on the PUB/ Tensaka deal, i am sure some folks made millions off of that on the backs of the rate payers of brownsville, that is wrong and laws were broken, you can blame the CEO Bruciak all you want, who wouldnt, but at the end of the day he was not alone, there is the PUB Board and the former mayor and City commission. Accountability is the name of the game here and that is why needs to be brought out, just like the ERCOT head honchos. Hey if People broke the law then they need to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. My opinion.
