Special to El Rrun-Rrun
...11. Has allowed Officers to get away with serious violations of Department Rules And Regulations with the promise that they will be loyal to him.
12. REHIRED AN OFFICER THAT WAS INVOLVED IN A DWI and Evading Arrest and was arrested on a warrant The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
13. Has Officer's drive to out-of-town trainings but yet he flies first class.
14. A female Officer is caught in Austin using a Police Department unmarked vehicle to transport her family around., then allows the same female to transfer to the Training Division and continues to send her to more training! All with the blessing of Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and with the blessing of the City Manager himself El Rata Bernal. SMFH!!!
15. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda Bernal has ordered no overtime even if there is no manpower on the streets. Ten to 14 officers on the streets is the lowest amount of officers allowed on the streets since the late 1980's, even though the city has doubled in size. Unbelievable...
16. FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal then gets in Bed with the BPOA Union President and gives him a phantom job just as long he doesn't fight for the officers or oppose him in anyway. Chief Sauceda then removes all BPOA board members off patrol gives them office jobs.. The Union President then pressures the young Officers to vote for one of the worst contracts in the history of the Brownsville Police Department. All This causes a split in the Union as officers upset with no representation and the Chief's moves start another Union.
17. CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal combines forces with City Manager El Rata Bernal to rip off the officers as he gets rid of their Nationwide Retirement accounts and forces them to use a company of El Rata Bernal's choice. KICK BACKS???WTF?.
18.CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL now makes another troubled employee who was also caught lying the face of Brownsville Police Department as the spokesperson.
19. CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL makes another Officer who was arrested by Texas Highway Patrol DPS for DWI his Internal Affairs Investigator..LMAO
20. This could keep going but I'm tired of typing... CHIEF FELIX "EL CHAPO" SAUCEDA-BERNAL has surrounded himself with Liars that have Integrity issues and no morals. Why? Because this is what he has done his entire career. #worstchiefever...
TODO LO QUE FALTA ES poner todos in bricicletas just to please that bike city commissioner with radios of course.
And that’s what the people get for voting the same ratas like Gowen in office because they protect him. What has this idiot done for the department? All he does is post pictures on Instagram all day smh
Get rid of him! Orlando was worthless too but bring someone good in.
The Mexicans here deserve better leadership all-around, only it may just be that they would not recognize it of they saw it.
Leading the illiterate is easy.
Felix is as corrupt as they come; a cheater, liar and unethical...Should have never been chosen as Chief...
No competent law enforcement in Brownsville and in Cameron County and I hear the jail has a pandemic problem. The city needs to know release the information make it public...
Divide and conquer that's what they teach them in those seminars at TML texas municipal league.Samething happened in the fire dept with Elizondo a bunch of brown nose union idiots sold there really thick knee pads to Carlitos and now they were or are all in the training division burning city time lol.BPD you all made your bed, the ones you trusted now you hate not sorry for you blame the training division lol
Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is soooo scared of anyone with Brains and people he can not intimidate that he has permanently placed the man he robbed his job from Lt. Dale and placed him on permanent night shift...
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda is a joke of a Chief and a loser of a person.
That's typical Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal surrounds himself with people who are intimidated by him or your disciplinary history is as bad as his....If your not well he will try to bury you...
City Manager El Rata Bernal continues to steal from the citizens of Brownsville. As his partner in crime Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda continues to steal from the departments retirement plan. Officers have attempted to report all the illegal activities occurring with in the department but El Rata Bernal has turned the other way. CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN the City of Brownsville.
Pinche mamon Felix Sauceda No TIENES VERGUENZA!
Jessica is the root of all the problems with the City of Brownsville. Jessica persuaded the City Commissioners to hire a unqualified City Manager Bernal then Jessica is the only Commissioner in the History of Brownsville to have a high ranking Commander Dale demoted just because she couldn't get her way and the first to have a Police Officer Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda promoted to the rank of ACTING Commander and later made him Chief of Police because he promised to bend over and take it in the Rear. Great going Jessica T you have single handly made a mess of the City Of Brownsville and The Police Department! Good Riddance you idiot!
Pura pinche rata de dos patas
What the Hell is that scumbag doing about all the homeless people? There is one on every major intersection in Brownsville! Its especially scary late at night there is two or three on the corners.
This is the absolutely the worst I have ever seen. Do something about it! Your Department Sucks or your a lousy as Chief!
Do all these people work for the city? How they'd fill out their application and write their resume. Shit they can't even write a second grade blog comment. Pendejos quit writing you are an embarrassment to this community.
Lawsuit is a Brewing against Chief of Police FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and his in competent Supervisor for a unlawful arrest:
Lawsuit is a Brewing against Chief of Police FELIX "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and his in competent Supervisor for a unlawful arrest:
I really want to know more about your posting. So I keep wondering if there is proof to back up what you are saying on this blog? Since you say the city manager is involved have you taken the proof to the commissioners, mayor, district attorney? You talk about there being alot of bad illegal stuff with both the chief and manager involved and i figure you have lots of proof, so as a cop, wouldnt you by law have to expose that? Because if you dont, arent you like an accomplice? Also, do you have experience running a big department and did you apply to be the Brownsville chief? What ideas do you have to change your department that you say is doing everything wrong? I hope everything turns out good with your department.
CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal surrounding his department with Criminals. Again keeping an Officer that had been arrested by the Federal Government..Brownsville Police Department is a joke!!!
Who is this union leader that landed the cushy job?
Just as management messed up the Fire department employee benefits, they will mess up BPD too. Just a matter of time.
@10:54 AM
LMAO! Dale? Really? Get the fuck out of here! Montoya, you got hired by a fucking lazy ass idiot who is as worthless as a knitted condom.
Bill Dietrich for Chief!!!
CORRUPTION runs deep in the ALL law enforcement in the Rio Grande Delta...city, county and state. DPS is the most corrupt in terms of protecting bad cops that should have been fired long ago.
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal throws a grand Retirement Event for an Officer that had a long troubled Disciplanary history!!
Only fitting from a Chief that lets good
Officers walk off without a word or Celebration..Way to got Chief Gelix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal your a f****** Idiot!
Great Blog!!!
CHIEF Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal purchases a $20,000 dollar mirror for his Office. He has been seen talking into it Saying "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall who's the greatest Chief of them All" when it gave the name of Several other Chief's and Told him He was the Worst Chief ever
It was IMMEDIATELY broken and thrown in the Trash! Sometimes the Truth Hurts!!
So why so much anger with Chief Felix Sauceda:
You be the Judge How'd all this attention get focused on Chief Felix Sauceda well here is the true story.
Most of the people writing in say because of his poor leadership that is correct but not his fault he had never really been a true supervisor at any level as a Sergeant he wasn't on the streets for very long then moved to evidence room and jail. Then over to the Special Investigations Unit where he really messed things up, comprised himself and the Police Department and probably would be sitting in jail somewhere if it wasn't for the kindness of the former Chief Rodriguez. Chief Sauceda was removed immediately than allowed to promote where he became a Lieutenant and spent his time as the Commander's secretary where most of his time was spent sending out emails.
Now for the rest of the story, when the Commander he worked for became entangled in a power struggle with Commissioner Tetreau over guess who Diane Martinez. The fight was over Diane's scheduling Because Diana refused to work late and did not want to work weekend's so she involved her good friend Commissioner Tetreau who then called the Commander at the time and told him to change Diane's schedule immediately and threatened to end his career if she didn't get her wish.
Well here is where It all got crazy Ex- Chief Orlando Rodriguez had all ready put in for retirement so he left the most senior Commander in Charge James Paschal. Now Lieutenant Felix Sauceda seeing the opportunity to advance made friends with Commissioner Tetreau promising that if he was made Chief of Police he would take care of the commissioners best friend Diane.
So the story unfolds; At the order of Commissioner Tetreau
Acting Chief Jams Paschall then demotes Commander Dale and makes Lieutenant Felix Sauceda ACTING Commander a position he holds very briefly, a short period later to everyone's suprise he is named Chief of Police over some very qualified individuals. So whoever said that Chief Felix Sauceda is not at fault for Diane's actions well that's not totally true but Chief Sauceda sure played a major role. Diane was given a special work schedule that no one knew about or even where she was assigned to work.
Now back to her arrest it is common practice that minor thefts are given a citation and released but if an officer is involved those decisions to arrest come from the Commander and Chief. So with Commissioner Tetreau and Diane no longer friends this was the Chief's time to get revenge on Diane. Typical Felix Sauceda!!
BEYOND A REASONABLE Doubt: Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has torn the department in half by surrounding himself with people that have longer records
The truth hurts and prsions are filled with prisoners claiming misinformation and hiccups in life..But go on and think everything is ok..if you would move The Chief's ball sack out of your face maybe you would see what's happening...
A LIEUTENANT WHO IS BRADY Damaged and who has been a Prick his whole Career now trying to make it right..Another Lieutenant who is caught doing the wild thing on duty with a civilan employee.
A narcotic Sergeant caught lying again..
These types of people you want around
You? You can cover up the smell and make it look pretty but in the end it's still gonna smell like shit!
As for the previous administration running circles around this clown Sauceda is Definitely True...no matter how you try to hide it...
Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda with his degree in his hand took a huge pay cut just to get the job...But as it shows you get what you pay for...
Low budget, low quality shit!
Come on, everyone at City Hall will tell you that Chief El Chapo Sauceda tries to mimic the City Manager El Rata Bernal that's why the Department is running like shit!
With moral at a ALL Time low at Brownsville Police Department Chief "Felix El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal plans on dusting off the Old High School Cheerleader Outfit and having dance off with Jessica Tetreau..
#worstchiefever ...
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is a fake a puppet and a loser..get the fu** out of the way and let someone with a pair of Balls who is a true leader take over and Make Brownsville Police Department great again..
Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal..it is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...
Brownsville Police Department
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal..
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal has proven to be a total failure. The Chief has no clue what he is doing trying to run the department like a department store not a police department.Maybe it's not his fault because if you surround yourself with idiots you to will become in this case a BIGGER Idiot!!!
CHIEF Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal has announced the New Leadership Model of the Brownsville Police Department; Corruption,favoritism and Ass kissing the new leadership model of the Brownsville Police Department.
ERASMO Castro for Chief of Police for Brownsville Police Department!!
I'm sure he would do a whole lot better than the piece of shit of police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal!!!
There are no do overs Chief Fleix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal your corrupt,dishonest,immoral career should be brought out in the light. Even the way you got on your knees and bent over to get the
Job (shameless). May you rot in hell You piece of Shit!
Montoya I remember when you used to do some good investigative reporting and I know you are just trying to make a buck, but now es puras pendejadas como este special ed correspondent who lost all credibility. Sounds like he is a really sourass cop. They make good dough and should be more concerned with putting in a good days worth of work y no con pendejadas de ninos. El patron es el patron guste o no teguste y si no te gusta, pos a chingar tu madre a otro trabajo. Pinche peladito lloron que se venga aqui en las platafornas adonde es chinga y aver si anda con las mismas mamadas sacando garra de todos. Shit they will kick his ass and then fire him.
The Truth hurts!
The Truth hurts!
Damn Good Blog!!
The Truth Hurts!
Felix Sauceda se la come!!!
To May 6, 2021 2:14 PM
So I read your comment over and over trying several times to try to understand and I guess from hashtag it seems you are the same person that has posted all the comments on articles about the chief of police. Some things that have me wondering from what I guess is allowed or legal. You said that he did some illegal stuff but that the other chief had a big heart and let it slide. So with that, didn't the last chief commit a crime too? I mean he did cover up. And then you say he was a secretary for another boss and there was stuff going on there. Why did that boss let him be a secretary? Shouldn't that boss also get in trouble for allowing him or using him as a secretary? For the female officer that got caught stealing and about her schedule don't cops need to punch in so there is a record of when she worked? So I asked in my last comment that shouldn't you take all your evidence of the stuff going on now that's illegal to the commissioners or mayors or the district attorney office or if they are all corrupted, to the FBI? Because I think as a cop and with all your evidence you could be doing a crime too by not arresting them or calling the other departments so things are investigated.
Oye tu por qué tan amargado? Se robaron a tu vieja, se picaron a tu mamá o te quitaron la chamba? A mí me parece que esto es más un asunto personal y simplemente buscas venganza. En fin el se la come, tu abuela se la traga, tu mama se la mete y tu la cagas. Pos que bien esta el asunto.
20. Louie has access of all data basis in the department and cameras in downtown tracks officer's movents at Chief El Chapo Sauceda orders, by getting their police car GPS coordinates and threaten officers with sending the coordinates to their wives, blackmailing the officers for loyalty. Talk about a misuse of information. #worstchiefever
21. Rewarded Louie for all his shady shit by moving Nancy to work at his side and to piss off a particular non loyal officer. Everyone remembers Louie's scandal when his wife found naked pictures of Nancy on his phone and posted them to Facebook. Search YouTube "Brownsville Police Officer caught up in risque photo scandal". #worstchiefever #nippynancy
22. Felix El Chapo Sauceda only likes thin female officers, he has screens shots from Facebook of Watson in her bra. What a f***ing loser. #desperado #cheapporn #worstchiefever
23. Demeaned a female sergeant "with a masters degree" so bad for the way she looked. Embarrassed by the way she looked in uniform, Felix El Chapo Sauceda assigned her to office duties keeping her out of the public’s eye, pushing her to resign. Felix El Chapo Sauceda was just jealous because she received a Masters Degree on her own merit. #worstchiefever #threatenedmuch
24. Felix El Chapo Sauceda reassigned the female public information officer, he used to live with, to patrol for moving on with her life and starting a family. The price for not being loyal. #worstchiefever
25. Fired his secretary for having a fling with a married lieutenant on duty and did nothing to him. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, Felix El Chapo Sauceda is screwing a trucker's wife while on duty. #worstchiefever
26. Felix El Chapo Sauceda's 24 year old girlfriend used to be a call girl in Vegas before moving back to Brownsville, something he's overlooked because she looks good on his arm. #worstchiefever
27. Felix El Chapo Sauceda paid child support to an ex detention officer for about six months because they thought they baby was his. Felix El Chapo Sauceda should have taken his own online college courses then he wouldn't have been so stupid. #worstchiefever #whosyourdaddy #refund?#worstchiefever
28. The only reason Felix El Chapo Sauceda has Masters Degree is because one of his Lieutenant's took is online courses. Lieutenant is sitting pretty in a cushy position. Good reason to oust Sgt. Alvarez. #threatenedmuch #twodummys
29. Felix El Chapo Sauceda places the public and his own officers lives at risk with historic manpower lows just to save a buck and the Union President Lt. Zamorano refuses to speak up for the membership demanding more officers on the street, demand officer safety. There were more officers on the streets in the 80's than now. The city is three times bigger and with less officers. Felix El Chapo Sauceda orders not to hire overtime and leaves the sergeants and officers to fend for themselves. #worstchiefever
30. Lt. Carlos Zamorano should be ashamed of himself. Carlos do you give a shit about anything else than becoming the next Commander at the expense of officer and public safety? #ElChaposBitch #worstchiefever
31. Felix El Chapo Sauceda protects only those in his inner circle.
a. Lt. Zamorano allowed to fuck around with Ricardo's (Restaurant) daughter on city time before he has to go home to his wife. #paidtofuck
b. Allows Mario to work for Dell Computer (his second job) on city time. Someone call TCOLE. #doubledipping #tcole
c. Louie Deleon ordered to do all the spying.
d. Lt. Mascorro looks like a blood filled tick. #garapata
e. I.A. supervisor looks the other way and has no integrity. #thesweeper
f. Martin Sandoval, suspended for falsifying overtime cards, offered the Public Information Officer position by Felix El Chapo Sauceda in return for being a mole in TMPA Union. #worstchiefever #paranoid
g. Fernando Flores sworn to do his dirty work. #the sweeper #worstchiefever
32. The Only thing Felix El Chapo Sauceda has done right is slap some fresh paint in the front Parking lot in preparation for the Police Memorial Ceremony. Come hear him speak, oh wait he can't, he didn't earn a Masters Degree on his own merit. #youbigdummy #worstchiefever
NO LIES HERE when I say that youre a wuss bro! Hiding behind a paid blog to spew shit about people. Why dont you grow a pair and confront any of the people you out here burning? Cuz you know they will kick your ass in a heartbeat.
Amigo tu rabia, tus celos y tus mentiras no te llevarán a ninguna parte. Es muy probable que tu obsesión ni molesta ni incomoda a quienes intentas insultar. Para muchos está claro que tienes mucho odio en tu corazón.
Law and Order Correspondent from Rancho Viejo: Looking at these comments about your Police Chief, I guess we'll keep ours.
Not that he's going anywhere anyway. The mayor had to rub his head the other day to calm him down and tell him he was doing a good job. I was lowballing our chief. He's doing a good job.
He's added another title to his name. Not only Chief of Police, but also now known as the Waterboy. He has since taken the advice of the citizens and has instructed his police officers to pass out water bottles to citizens walking through the neighborhoods. I guess you could call that being proactive. He wouldn't know what to do if for some reason a citizen collapsed on the street from dehydration. We've found something for our Chief to do besides sitting in at his desk all day playing games on his phone. He can now order Water!!!! He is really showing his skills, he can do TWO things now (riding around in his little golf cart and ordering Water). Maybe soon, we can get him up to THREE things. Again, not taking anything away from our real police officers, they're still doing a good job regardless of who their chief is. Next time our citizens sit down with the Chief for a cup of coffee, they will be able to tell him what he should do next. A couple more years of the citizens telling him how to do his job, he might actually figure things out on his own.
The time has come to get rid of this trash Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal before he gets someone seriously hurt. NO manpower on the streets..
No disciplinary action on SWAT team members1 even after serious violations and the list goes on...
Terrible Chief!!
DAMN..Brownsville Police Department Chief Sucks B***S!!!
Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal throws a huge RETIREMENT PARTY for an employee that had a terrible work history but let other employees with unblemished records just walk out the door without a word..You truly are an idiot Chief Sauceda-Bernal...
Give it up bro. You are trying to rile up people with lies, but only the few village idiots in your circle believe the shit you post. Stop being a whimp already and post your proof. You said you had proof that you took to manager Bernal. So pay Montoya a few extra bucks and have him post your proof. List your proof one by one just like you post your lies.
Chief Sauceda-Bernal should return to what he did best riding his motorcycle and writing tickets. Every thing else he has done has been a complete disaster. Get rid of the clown!!#worstchiefever
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal is nothing more than a liar, cheater and immoral individual. WHO has more demons in the closet than hell has down under...
Hey Chief Sauceda my grandmother is selling her 1998 Ford Crown Victoria only 68,000 miles...Intrested...??
Should go perfect with the other pieces of crap you all have..
Brownsville POLICE Department use to have the Best looking cars in the RGV not any more they look just like your Chief like shit!!!
Team of Liars:
New book coming Soon written by
Felix" El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal.
This book will teach you the art of deception..
Show you how to be unfaithful..
How to perform Fellatio on your boss to get the job you want!!!
How to spread your checks and take it up the A** and enjoy it!
How to get trash on your personnel and use it against them.
How to undermine your Boss to take his job..
How to view surveillance cameras all day long without your a** hurting.
How to Endanger your people.
How to get your partners to drop you off at your Moe's place while on duty and cover up for you then stab them in the back...
How tip off suspect's for your Sexual advantage..
So if your tired of being a good Cop..This Book is for you! Written by the the worst Chief Ever!
Wait there's more.. also included as a Bonus; 101 ways to use K-Y Jelly in your hair and A** to pleasure your City Manager and City Commissioners.
Get yours Soon..
Attention Rancho and Brownsville residents. The special reporter is as useless as botox on a trailer tramps lips or wearing a condom when hooking up with a red headed deputy. The alleged issues he reports on only exist in his severely limited brain. One can understand his bitterness when we see that all of his predecessors moved on to nice gigs when they retired and the best he could do was become a security guard.
Okay Louie! Mamon, grow a pair bitch.
Bill Dietrich for chief, LMAO
Chief Sauceda-Bernal knows how to pick winners.
Look at his commander Bill Dietrich: Women beater, bipolar, spineless and can’t even maintain a relationship with a female or male. Unstable guy.
No one talks about Chief Sauceda's improper relationship 's not only with several females within the department but also improper relationships with victims and suspects...The City of Brownsville has no clue what the hell they Hired! It's clear that they did not do a proper back ground investigation..Felix Sauceda did not earn the title of Chief so people stop calling him that!! He lied, begged, stole and cheated just like he has done his whole career. Vote of no Confidence for Felix Sauceda!
Get rid of Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal !!
@3:45 PM, do you have the balls to start the letter of no confidence?
Lol...Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal is the one who needs to grow a pair if he could just for a minute take El Rata Bernal D**k out of his A** and Stop trying to copy El Rata..
This Total Alignment crap doesn't f**king work and it doesn't help he is surrounding himself with idiots and liars!!
Anyone with any Pride, Dignity or that have a pair are not on his sinking ship!
Damn..Louie don't you get tired of sucking Balls...You have no Shame!!!
1. Chief Garcia
2. Orlando Rodriguez; who saved your job on several occasions.
3. Now #worstchiefever Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda...LMFAO!!!
Felix Sauceda se la come
Hiring back Officers with that have been terminated not a smart move especially in the Law Enforcement field..I take it your Chief not to smart...
Damn I would like to have my own parking in the fire lane and not have to fight for parking....Well we should all start parking in the fire lane since nobody tells the Chief's lover anything!
Very True...guy gets to park his truck whereever he wants even in the Chief's A**!!
It is so cute how the size Rodriguez's big big heart matches the spread of his gorillas legs.
Chief of Police Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal has lost total control of the Department. As two of His Commanders are jumping off the sinking ship..Sauceda- Bernal continues to rehire Officers that were terminated along with having female Officers work from home????
While manpower on the streets is at a all time low...
Brownsville Police Chief Felix" El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal is about to announce that he will be renaming His Executive Team as he's top Commander's jump ship. The new name will be "Team of Bandits " as he races to fill the spots with anyone who has been fired for stealing,cheating or has been Brady Damaged or done anything unethical then you stand a chance to be a top Commander within Brownsville Police Department..
Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal will by trying to find a match for his one remaining Bipolar
Commander Bill DIETRICH..
Brownsville Police Department begins to crumble as Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal forcing two of his top Commanders the only one's with unblemished records..
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