Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Not only did Jessica Puente-Bradshaw lose in the City of Brownsville Commissioner for District 3 runoff against Roy de Los Santos, but now she is also being investigated for violations of election law by the Texas Ethics Commission.

The Cameron County Elections Office said that the uncanvassed results of the voting showed that De los Santos beat Bradshaw by 141 votes. However, the complaint had been filed with the TEC June 21, two days after the June 19 election.

In a letter dated June 23, Bradshaw has been notified that she has been accused of various violations including failure to list the full name and addresses of her campaign  contributors for both the May 1 and June 19 runoff elections. 

The TEC also informed Bradshaw that she failed to list the addresses of vendors to where political expenditures were made, failed to timely file for June 19 runoff, and that she failed to disclose in-kind contributions for that election.

Bradshaw has 10 working days to respond to the complaint and if she fails, it will constitute a separate violation for which a separate civil penalty may be assessed. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Texas Ethics Commission:

BobbyWC said...

1:48 unfortunately this this the norm because all the Texas Ethics Commission does is give a slap on the hand. Once I have a county commissioner sanctioned $800.00. The real insult is they are allowed to have a fundraiser to pay the fine. It is all one big joke. I got tired of filing complaints to only have the candidate get a slap on the hand. There is no reason to comply with the law.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Who's the old Fuck with her in photo? Another yoyo?

Anonymous said...

loser - get lost prefer out of the RGV

GGL said...

Tried to file one on Eddie Lucio years ago in person they told me to get lost.

Anonymous said...

a stupid hillbilly what else. pinche coco chuntara!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment, Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal as poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Roy De Los Santos for promptly removing your campaign signs, the day after the election. Jessica Puente Bradshaw signs,still litter our streets! What a lazy candidate, Jessica Puente Bradshaw! No wonder she lost!

Anonymous said...

INSULT, how can someone insult a pendeja?

Anonymous said...

Next time you get a red light and there are 20 cars in front of you vote the mayor OUT!
Next time you hit a pot hole vote the mayor out
Next time you get stuck in water downtown or anywhere vote the mayor out
Next time you see no body using the bike trails vote the mayor out
Next time you want to fly out and have to drive to harlingen vote the mayor out

Next time you want to go to boca chica (texas?) and can't vote the county judge OUT!
Next time you hear a bomb or see an explosion vote the county judge OUT!!!

