Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Media folks are notorious for hanging out together, chasing down stories, and exchanging inside info about government, politicians and other noteworthy – and not so nice – people in the

communities they work.

In just about every city with a major newspaper, there is often a watering hole near the newspaper or broadcaster where they seem to congregate naturally to compare notes and generally excoriate local politicians. There  is always the usual carping about editors, other reporters and the advertising department.

This also happens at public events where news hounds usually find themselves in some corner trading gossip on those present and about local government and law enforcement types.

It was at one of these impromptu gatherings recently that we heard – albeit second-hand – that Sheriff Eric Garza and right-hand chief deputy Robert Gracia had been seen visiting the editorial offices of KRGV- News 5 and Valle Azteca. We wondered why they would visit the offices since Garza and Gracia make extensive use of social media to put out their message.

Well, it turns out that the word had got out that the dynamic duo were there to complain about the nature of the coverage they were getting from some reporters, notably investigative reporter Enrique Lerma and to complain about his coverage which they considered "negative" toward the sheriff and his chief deputy. As is usually the case, they were there to see if the news editor could rein in Lerma, who recently collaborated with Rolling Stone Magazine on an eye-opening article on the "coyote" cartel operating in northern Tamaulipas, notably Reynosa and Rio Bravo. 

(The scuttlebutt, according to some, is that Garza's house mate is bods with a news director there.)

Many of us have refrained from working on stories on the southern side of the river because of the danger inherent in digging too much into the cartel activity there. Just about every aspect of north Tamaulipas life has been penetrated by these criminals and you really have to know your way around to perform your job adequately. Lerma – hands down – is one of the better reporters on  both sides of the border. And many of us envy his sources.

Now it seems that some politicians – like Garza and Gracia – have attempted to slant coverage their way and muzzle criticism of their department or their own performance.

Lerma, who was not at the gathering, declined to comment on the visit or even confirm the subsequent meet he had with his editor. If anything, he is usually fastidiously circumspect about these things to a fault. Most of these reporters' communications with editor types are kept private in a news organization. But given the numerous faux pas blamed on Gracia and Garza, we figured it could have been a number of things that bothered the pair. 

The federal lawsuits alleging retaliation against those who supported the former sheriff, for example, have received widespread coverage. Their ham-fisted approach to personnel matters hasn't helped, and their troubles with the county jails – historically problematic for many past sheriffs in the county –  is also causing the Garza administration continual headaches. And most news types have reported on the civil war raging in the sheriff's department with the arrival of the new administration who has been bereft of tact in dealing with  department personnel, or with the commissioners court for that matter.

Garza has been an office holder before he was sheriff as the county's district clerk. He knows the rules of the game and has played it well in the past. It is Gracia, who had a free hand as a federal law enforcement officer who may have the thin skin and has never been exposed to the give and take between the media and local government officials. He's in a fish bowl now and should get used to it. 

This – the performance, or non-performance of office holders' professional duties – is fair game to all news organizations and editorial boards all across the country and around the world. Editors, for the most part, assure the complaining office holders that they have been given a fair shake in their news organization's coverage and ask them to be specific about what news stories they find objectionable. 

As a rule, editors support their staff in the field and will call attention to their reporters if they find something has not been reported accurately. If they have not, they will correct their staff. If they have, they, for the most part, stand by their reporters despite the office holders' objections. We suspect KRGV News 5 and Valle Azteca hold these same tenets.

In some metropolitan dailies and television stations, the office holders objections often spur editors and editorial boards to zealously defend their reporters First Amendment rights to gather the news and inform the public on the functions of their government. And don't piss off an editor with spurious claims against their staff because it may just lead to even more hand-nose criticism of the particular office holder.

We don't know whether Lerma's editors will stand by their reporters. But given the credibility of his sources and methods, we would suspect that they would.   

In the case of Lerma's coverage of the sheriff's department, the same stories have been covered by most media outlets, social media, and even local bloggers. That the coverage may seem "unfair" is a usual complaint from office holders who have made mistakes or find themselves above their heads in the performance of their jobs.

In J school we were taught that truth is the best defense to libel. The usual response by non-performers is a knee-jerk reaction to hide an uncomfortable truth. A word to the wise, gents, performing well is the best revenge. If you do your job well and serve the public, you have no cause to worry. 


Anonymous said...

Never heard of reporters in Big Cities trading leads. That would be a quick way to get fired. There is value placed in "exclusivity," Montoya.


Anonymous said...

I'm calling out El Paya Jerry McHale here! 12 rounds of boxing, puto, on the deck of Cobbleheads! Ben Neece as referee to give you a break. You won't last one round, pendejo!

I'm a beast 🐅

Anonymous said...

Busco una rica parrillada de mariscos 🦐 🤤😃! Saludos desde Rio Bravo, Tamps, Mexico!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Lerma we all know is all about Abel Gomez and his cronies proven fact...... Good job Sheriff and Chief....

Anonymous said...

Gracia wont take a day off of acting stupid... he was two more Fed lawsuits going his way

Anonymous said...

When was the last time Garza did a press release with all the media??? he hides behind his twitter what a fucking pu**y... Maybe you need to borrow Sheriff Lucio's balls kid.

Anonymous said...

I went looking for a candle-holder my wife needed, but I couldn't find one.

So I bought a cake.

Anonymous said...

Gracia had the nerves to go the news channel, presenting himself as retired DEA agent, to try getting Lerma fired.... Did you tell them you were forced to retire because you were selling landing coordinates to the guadalajara cartel?

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows that Garza's wife, who also is being investigated for acting as doctor in the US, is best friend with the editor's wife from that news channel, thats how Gracia got the interview with him to complain about Lerma

Anonymous said...

Mexicans if you are not welcome in the USA, come to Germany 🇩🇪 ♥ ️🇲🇽

Anonymous said...

Word is that there is another federal lawsuit cooking against Garza, Gracia and Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

Juan, como estas? 🥴🥃

saludos de Matamoros, Mexico!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great report KRGV - Enrique Lerma. We the citizas want to know that we elected a corrupt Idiot and that the so called Sheriff has an egoistic, retard of a Chief that is worth NOTHING!!
Word on the street is that his gay son JP Jonathan Gracia is tired of his BS.
What freaking lowlifes.. Get on the road and learn your JOB! Get out their and patrol or help CID morons!

Anonymous said...

Gracia is just trying to draw attention to his only fans account. Where's the DA???

Anonymous said...

Joe V has some explaining to do! Someone call Gracia to investigate

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal took a Police Department that was a leading model of Police Professionalism and transformed it to a corrupt Department full of favoritism and Liars...See all the law suits that are coming!!

Anonymous said...

Rodriguez you need to stop showing up to our calls for service, we know you want to learn partner, but its too late for you

Anonymous said...

CORRUPTION AND LIARS is what Brownsville Police Department Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal will be known for!

Anonymous said...

Where Else but Brownsville would a Police Department rehire Officers that have been terminated for lying and disobeying Department Rules and Regulations!
Rehiring Officers that have been Arrested for DWI and promoting one to be his Internal Affairs Investigator and another to the rank of Sergeant the other one back to patrol..LMAO
HOW about The Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda- Bernal warning his close friend and Compare Jose Salinas of a pending arrest by Federal Authorities!
Brownsville you have a horrible Chief of Police Iin Felix El Chapin Sauceda- Bernal

Anonymous said...

Hello I like avocados 🥑 kiwis 🥝 and all healthy food and sorry no I don’t eat meat 🥩 i'm a vegan. Great content 🤙

Greetings from Starr County, raza!

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers from Bali 🇮🇩🌴

Anonymous said...

@4:13 I bet you love chorizos tambien!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Anonymous said...

Not news worthy.

Anonymous said...

Well at least Eddie aka mr Snuffleupagus is still the assistant sheriff according to him and ready to take over the sheriff department. He is like a shadow.

Anonymous said...

Gracia youre going to end up broke and in jail... even your weirdo son is ashamed of you... think in his political "career"... do yourself and everyone a favor and just leave.. take your puppet rodriguez with you... the same way he betrayed Lucio he will do it to you...

Anonymous said...

And now -

loser sheriff's candidate John Chambers appeared Thursday before 103rd Judge Janet Leal — via zoom — and was sentenced to one year probation, probated for 2 and fined $1,400.

Republican bites the dust.


Anonymous said...

I'm 70 years old and have been riding a bike since I'm 10, maybe younger, and I have ridden in Brownsville for 40+ years.

Eleven years ago I was 'doored' by a van driver who was parked and who kicked his door open without looking and hit hard me as I was passing. I flew off my bike and landed on my left foot, jamming my knee and causing me to get a total knee replacement.

Now I will only know ride on totally protected lanes.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2021 at 2:53 PM

Police Professionalism puro escrape, you cops are ALL the same why don't you cry foul when you KILL innocent citizens pinche pendejo go cry over at the police blog pinche guey


Anonymous said...

Had a problem there at BPD one time nothing serious but that Patrol Commander Bill Dietrich is fking lier don't trust him at all.He puts on a good professional show but his words are pretty much empty.How do you expect a dept to function with integrity and honesty and honor when your have leaders like this and the city manager has no balls.

Anonymous said...

It would really suck if someone leaked that report from BPD where Dietrich beat his wife and they didn’t arrest him.

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2021 at 4:34 AM

Idiota watch where you're going so seas pendejo!

Former RGV LEO said...

I guess inexperienced eric and dark cloud gracia learned to manipulate the news like the worthless democrats in Washington?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
CHIEF FELIX El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal costing the City Of Brownsville millions of Dollars with his incompetent leadership and running off his only competent Commander who had a spotless disciplinary record.
The City Of Brownsville City Manager El Rata Bernal allows Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to use Bullying and unethical tactics to push his Agenda and makes the Police Department a Hostile working environment if you don't address him properly. Time to get rid of this clown who has made Brownsville Police Department one of the worst Police Department's in the RGV!
