Monday, June 14, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: One of our seven readers sent us this photo of a cayenne pepper plant that managed to survive the hard freeze that decimated gardens in mid-February and is now producing a full crop of the long green peppers which turn red when ripe. In a note, he said that the uprooted stem on the bottom of the photo was all that was left of another cayenne pepper plant that was growing alongside the other which managed to sprout as warm weather set in. Now the recovering plant is flowering and producing fruit. "I just pruned it a bit and watered it, and it came back," he wrote. He said that before the freeze he used the peppers to make a fierce salsa.)


Anonymous said...

Soy cubana
Vivo en la habana
Soy una mujer de 57 años soy fan a tu blog
Estoy enferma de cancer
Y mi fortalesa es ver tus novedades.

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2021 at 10:35 AM

Ando buscando 56 crown victoria?
Saludos a La Habana

Anonymous said...

El administrador de la ciudad de san benito le disen EL CHILITO PIQUIN.

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cardenas has a shot.

Ben Neece is playing with a broken heart. An Old Man lacking energy is no competition. Pedro takes it going away.

Anonymous said...

Diego "True Wimp" Garcia, III is at war against common sense once again -

he writes on his amateurish blog: "If you were a Customs and Border Protection agent at an immigration checkpoint and you asked me if I was a US citizen, I'd have to bite my tongue and just say yes instead of saying what I really want to say — "No, sir. I'm a TEXAN."

Read that back to yourself, idiot Diego.

But it reads like most of your bland shit, like Pablum. Find an edge, or stop typing! You're boring everybody!

Anonymous said...

It's not voter suppression, stupid. The GOP's new — and old — weapon is vote nullification

Republicans have put in place criminal sanctions and huge fines for decisions undertaken by election officials.

Anonymous said...

The Earth shall renew itself, puto.

Anonymous said...

pimienta de cayena for the vast majority of your readers.

Diego lee rot said...

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan my chile de ojo also came back to life after she licked the shaft

Anonymous said...

Pepper-belly Mexicans....

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2021 at 4:32 PM

Bumbling hillbilly stereotype is so deeply perpetuated in modern media and here also, that it’s been ingrained in the human psyche that hillbillies and anyone who speaks with a southern accent must be, stupid. SO TRUE.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Los lucios sucios speak hillbilly and with a southern accent (where they got it is beyond comprehension) not only do they sound funny but look funny some brown dude speaking with a southern accent bola de payasos. Hahahahahahahahaaa.
