Monday, June 21, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

Rural folks have a wry sense of humor.
It probably comes from being isolated out in the boondocks and just having the time to think about stuff without the hustle and bustle that comes with urban living.
Rural South Texas residents are no different. 

Some years back we were out at a campaign pachanga hosted by the Martinez family in Santa Maria for County Court-at-Law #1 Judge Arturo McDonald.
Now, everyone who knows Arturo knows that his dad, the late Arturo Sr., could hold his own in a joke-telling session, even though the color of the humor soon turned decidedly blue.

As we were munching on a delicious asado de puerco at the Martinez home (they killed two pigs) and washing the delicacy down with some suds, one of the local residents started telling some funny ones. 

He waited until there were no ladies around and the usual circle of men stood around shooting the breeze. As is usually the case, we can't remember all of them, but two were memorable for their humor. 

Since he is an elderly man, they have to do with doctor office visits for the common South Texas ailments, la azucar (blood sugar) y el colestrol (cholesterol). As they were told in South Texas Spanish, we will print them as such and hope our monolingual friends can find someone to translate: Here goes:

Un compadre se encontro a otro compadre y lo noto muy angustiado.

"Que le pasa, compadre? Lo veo muy aguitado."

"Es que vengo del doctor, compadre."

"Y luego," respondio el otro. "Que le hallaron?"

"Pos dice que estoy muy malo, compadre."

"Muy malo? Pero no parece que esta enfermo, compadre."

Si, compadre. Dice que tengo mucha azucar."

"Azucar, compadre? Pero no se ve que usted tenga nada. Se mira muy bien."

Le contesta el compadre enojado: "No sea menso, compadre. Ni que fuera un buñuelo pa que se me viera!"


Estaba sentado un compadre cuando deviso al otro que venia por el camino. Se miraba como si apenas pudiera caminar y se veia que iva caminando sambo come si fuera en dolor.

"Que tiene, compadre?," peregunto uno.

"Acabo de venir del doctor y me hicieron unos examenes, compadre."

"A jijo," dijo el otro compadre. "Que le hicieron compadre? Le metieron algo pa checarle la prostata, o que?"

"Nombre compadre, no sea cochino," respondio el otro, y siguio caminado con las piernas separadas, muy incomodo.

"Entonces que, compadre? Le metieron una sonda o le pusieron inyecciones? Anda caminando muy sospechoso."

"Nombre, compadre, me encontraron colesterol," dijo el otro.

"Colesterol? Pero pal colestrol no le ponen nada alla atras. Porque anda asi?"

"Es que el doctor me prohibio jamas ya tocar los huevos," contesto el otro.


Las dos comadres fueron al velorio de un hijo de otra comadre y despues de dar los pasames a la señora salieron del servicio.
Image result for imagenes de sepelio
Una le dijo a la otra: "Ay comadre, tan joven que estaba el muhacho. De que se murio?"

"Pos dicen que se pelio, peo no dicen con quien."

"Se pelio? Peo quien le dijo eso?"

"Pos ay dice en el letrero, comadre. Mire."

"Dice 'sepelio,' comadre, no que se pelio."


Anonymous said...

Here's another joke Montoya! When half coco transgender's Doctor told him that he had to eliminate Trans fat from his life, he got very sad! Because he thought he had to break up with his fat boyfriend! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Nebraska sending state troopers to help at the Texas border
Sent generators bola de pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Kathryn Garcia Has Our Endorsement for New York City Mayor

Anonymous said...

I Am Breaking My Silence About the Baseball Player Who Raped Me

No its not an Astro they only play with trash cans.

Anonymous said...

Ese burro looks like snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white idiota. Identical twin

Anonymous said...

Abbott’s border wall allows him to score points with Trump’s base, be in 2024 mix
Que page lo que deve pinche entrcalado guey y el lapdog what does his meskin wife say? Is he gonna sent her back?

Cecilia Phalen Abbott (born November 13, 1959) is the First Lady of Texas. She is married to Greg Abbott, and is the first Hispanic First Lady of Texas.

Talk about a COCO...

Anonymous said...

The four-county region RGV accounts for nearly 10 percent of Texas’ approximately 52,000 deaths from the coronavirus. But today, deaths are significantly down, as are case numbers, and vaccination rates are higher than both the state and national averages.

Anonymous said...

El baboso de snowfake hillbilly coco wanna be white says he'll vote for katy Garcia for mayor.
IDIOTA she's in New York pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the lapdog governor and the state of texas are going to seed all the under passes (bridges) with poison hemlock?
Sent generators not poison plants and walls....
Elect another republican and put an end to this country.

Anonymous said...

I heard he's sending her back to mejico but with a generator - figures racist repu...
