Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The rumor mill has been busy these days over at the Brownsville Independent School District.

The latest is that an "outbreak" of positive COVID-19 positive cases at the Yturria Elementary School has shut done summer school. Sorry kids, according to BISD Board President Eddie Garcia, there was but one student testing positive for the virus and said that the district is not shutting down summer school and continues to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and protocols like requiring face masks, temperature monitors, keeping a social distance and frequent washing of hands.

"We are not in a shutdown," Garcia said. "We still don't have CDC guidelines for vaccines for children under 12 years of age but we are projecting having vaccination clinics for all other students for fall classes."

"Unfortunately, we do expect some positive cases because the kids under 12 cannot be vaccinated," he said. "But right now we have the Texas State Guard offering vaccine clinics and we are projecting having ours set up when they leave."

Operation Lone Star (OLS) will offer free health clinics during July 26 thru July 30, 2021 as an extension of a disaster preparedness exercise of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). 

Services will include medical exams, health and diabetic screenings, immunizations for children and adults, sports physicals for students, dental services and vision exams for prescription glasses for adults and children, and some veterinary services in Willacy County. 

In 2019 Operation Lone Star provided 36,903 medical procedures to 8,642 patients during the 5-day OLS Disaster Preparedness Event at six concurrent service sites.

Operation Lone Star is a joint disaster preparedness event providing humanitarian services thru the Texas Department of State Health Services, Human Services Agencies, Texas Military Department, Texas State Gaurd, Remote Area Medical (RAM), County/City Health Departments, Local Service Groups and Volunteers from all over Texas and different areas of the United States. 

Summer classes, and eventually regular classes this fall are projected to move under all applicable CDC guidelines, Garcia said.


Anonymous said...

How can it be "Special to El Rrun Rrun" if rrun rrun is just stuff that goes around?


Anonymous said...

Hey little Eddie, I guess you found something your able to handle now, unlike patrol.

Anonymous said...

There been OTHERS covid 19 cases during summer school..

Anonymous said...

I guess Minerva has brain-washed him in also thinking that COVID is a hoax.
Idiots running the school district and no one does anything about it and those of us who speak up are pushed under the table and ignored and almost threatened. Let the disease hit one of their family members and see if they don't shut down the schools.

Anonymous said...

Please go back to police department and leave BISD alone. You know NOTHING about education and yet you make decisions for the district. Ay no....when is your term up?

Anonymous said...

All I say is that they better not demand or require the students to get vaccinated. Mine will not be a Guinea pig!!!
