Thursday, July 22, 2021




Anonymous said...

May there one day be peace within our angry Mexican community.

🕊️🕊️ 🕊️🕊️ 🕊️🕊️

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp is on the Luby's warpath!

Apparently, he was invited along with other bloggers to a meal/meeting with Republican Carlos Cascos. Blimp wrote today: "Is Cascos so completely delusional to think I was going to accept his offer?"

Well, Booby did accept a free $85 ticket a fundraiser during Cascos's run for the county judge job last election, as did third-tier blogger Jim "Manteca" Barton.

Short-term memory, Booby? 'te pasa, Guey!

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Infrastructure pretty much looks the same. Downtown gives you an idea of just how much Brownsville once had it going, and how much it went, "Fuck it. I'm happy the way it is..."

Sad shit, guey.


Anonymous said...

whatever the sick politicians pay you is good money after bad.

Anonymous said...

All comments above by Laura.

Anonymous said...

City stop blowing money downtown you've spent millions in the past 25 yrs there you can only do so much .It's time to look forward in other parts of the city that need help especially the streets.

Anonymous said...

All the EX Mayors invested downtown. They bought it dirt cheap after the peso dropped and the Cartels stopped the crossing of used clothing into Matamoros,MX. The Galonsky, Tony Martinez and now Trey Mendez along with all their friends have made their properties Historical to not pay any taxes. They have used their position to have city codes and permits improvements done by the tax payers becuase their building are now historical. They appoint their own people on the Historical Boards and PUB boards to funnel funds into their buildings. Being that they are attorneys they create straw LLC buisness that hide thier names. This is all to make beleive that they have investors coming into downtown. It is all a big scam.

Anonymous said...

The State should eliminate "Historical designation " designation bullshit from personal homes and businesses. This is only a smoke screen so greedy people don't have to pay property taxes. It is shameful that we currently have elected public officials well as past officials with this sorry designation on their personal homes as well as their businesses. Some of them rent those buildings, do on top of not paying property taxes, they are making money while most of their constituents struggle to pay year after year. I don't think these individuals ever look themselves on the mirror. And they call themselves leaders, what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are abusing it. Get rid of it for personal homes and businesses.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are abusing it. Get rid of it for personal homes and businesses.

Anonymous said...

Harry Mcnair claiming historical designation on his warehouse AND his home. WTF? My grandmother living in Southmost in a wood frame home pays more property taxes that Mcnair pays on his mansion and his warehouses AND he collects rent on his warehouses. And don't forget Elia Cornejo Lopez also has the historical designation on her home. ALL HISTORICAL DESIGNATIONS SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THESE PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the State needs to consider removing "Historical designation " on personal homes and businesses. This designation should only apply for buildings such as museums or other buildings where the public has access to it. One can imagine the money that can be generated by having the abusers pay their property taxes just like everyone else. This designation is plainly unfair for all of us who struggle to pay our taxes year after year while the abusers get richer. Enough of this abuse.
