Monday, July 19, 2021



Anonymous said...

Danny's or Denny's?

Te sales, guey!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. Puro rancho, bro!

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale is back on his supremacist shit -

"The telephone directory boasted as many Anglo names as it did Spanish names. Gringos ran both the municipality and the county. Though some suffered from racist sentiments, there was an egalitarian philosophy among the leadership. They only coveted a small piece of the pie, not the entire pie."

Really, Paya!?

Revisit your South Texas history, guey!!!!


Anonymous said...

One of those was not a girl. The one with orange purple hair is Eduardo Paz Martinez. He always causes a scene when his pancakes 🥞 are not chewed for him. Makes his dentures pop out. Vato viejo…. Eres un ruco rascuache!

Anonymous said...

Love my Brownsville weemin!

Always shaking up the town.

Ama, miralas com andan! Hijole, que van a decir en la iglesia?

Anonymous said...

July 19,2021---9.37 AM

What about puro rancho---you must have been born en el pubeblo, penejo--ranch life teaches you to be the best you can for humanity.

Born and raised in EL Rancho

Anonymous said...

Classic carpetbagger Craig Grove from Rancho Viejo demanding Brownsville pay for everything Space X wants while he makes money on it.

People need to demand Craig Grove pay for everything Musk wants from Brownsville

Truth Tell

Anonymous said...

If you're two-timing your honey, take your whore to Harlingen Denny's, not Denny's in Brownsville where your baby mama live.


Anonymous said...

It is better to eat gansitos and coca cola at home then to eat fancy food at the restaurant.

Former RGV LEO said...

That' what happens when you get two criminals who don't get eggs at home! These young hoods are a disgrace to the community! Mom & Dad should be proud of themselves for raising such law abiding women, NOT!
