Friday, July 23, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: As reported three days ago on El Rrun-Rrun, a hit-and-run accident at about midnight Tuesday resulted in the death of a Brownsville man. Police did not report the accident and the surveillance system recorded the crash and led police investigators to the driver, Jose Rocha, 36, who was found, arrested and charged. He is currently being held under bond at the Rucker Carrizales County Detention Center.)

Brownsville Police Department

On July 19, 2021 at approximately 11:30 PM Brownsville Police responded to an auto-pedacyclist accident at the 1000 block of East Elizabeth Street. 

The vehicle struck Enrique Garza (54) while riding his bike and the vehicle fled the scene.

Mr. Garza was pronounced dead at the scene. The Brownsville Police Accident Investigation Team were able to obtain footage from the Downtown Camera System and determine that a white Mercedes Benz 28C was seen strike the victim and fled the scene.

The Brownsville Police Criminal Investigations Unit then continued the investigation and followed up every lead. The Criminal Investigation Unit was able to locate the vehicle two days later and processed the vehicle for evidence.

Brownsville Police Detectives were then able to secure a warrant for the driver of the vehicle who was identified as Jose Rocha (36). Rocha was arrested on July 22, 2021 and arraigned on July 23, 2021 to which a bond was set:

Accident Involving Death 2nd Degree Felony - $75,000
Manslaughter 2nd Degree Felony - $75,000
Tampering with Physical Evidence 3rd Degree Felony - $30,000

Rocha also has a warrant issued by the Cameron County Sheriff’s Department for Driving While Intoxicated 2nd Offense.

The Brownsville Police Department Criminal Investigations Unit worked several hours and followed up many leads. The Brownsville Police Criminal Investigation Unit used their skills and experience to secure a warrant and effect the arrest without incident.


Anonymous said...

Keep’re going to PRISON!

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale now praising Capt. Bob Sanchez. He must need a free meal! El Paya comes and goes on Capt. Bob, like a lovestruck teenager.

Que relajo. No tiene juicio El Paya.

vato bowlegged!!!

Anonymous said...

Former NFL star and potential Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker has made a name for himself in conservative media circles, but that hasn’t obscured a checkered past.

The Associated Press dug into records tied to Walker’s business dealings and divorce, finding allegations that he threatened his ex-wife’s life, inflated his wealth, and had unpredictable behavior. Walker has long noted his diagnosis of dissociative personality disorder, with a 2008 book noting how the disorder left him with violent feelings. Despite claiming he sought professional help, ex-wife Cindy Grossman filed a protective order in late 2005, claiming he was violent toward her.

Walker has also exaggerated his business dealings, claiming to have hired hundreds of employees for his company despite filing an application for a $182,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan that listed the number as eight. Business associates also noted that, despite Walker’s claims, he does not own a chicken processing plant. Walker did not respond to the AP’s requests for comment.

- ha ha ha ha ha. Republican LOSER.


Anonymous said...

More on Republican Walker -

In a recent court case, Herschel Walker indicated the company averaged about $1.5 million in yearly profit from 2008 to 2017. Meanwhile, Walker’s business associates testified in the same case that he doesn’t own chicken processing plants, as he claims. Instead, they described him as a licensing partner who lends his name to the enterprise.

- sound like anyone we know? Trump!!!

Anonymous said...

All you Biden's wrinkle ass kisser should be ashame for voting for a vegetable! Watch the unbelievable YouTube link below and watch how we are the fuking laughing stock of the whole world!

Anonymous said...

The commenter using Montoya's blog to bash three Brownsville bloggers is failed blogger Duardo AKA Eduardo Paws Marteenez.

Marteenez's comments are the ones referring to three local bloggers as "El Paya Jerry McHale," "Jim Manteca Barton" and "Da Blimp Booby Wightman," childish appellatives to be sure.

Eduardo or "Eddie" as he's known in his hometown Mcallen, has attempted to infiltrate the Brownsville blogosphere with at least a dozen different blogs, sometimes using pseudonyms, but each time failing to garner readership and giving up after a few months.

We can't show his image here, but be on the lookout for a Barney Fife look-a-like, but with stringy, red-dyed, longish hair and puffy cheeks.

Unfortunately, this scourge will not disappear until Satan calls him home.

Just sending out a word to the wise.

Anonymous said...

Watch the YouTube link below and see for yourself why we are the fuking laughing stock of the whole world! I apologize for making fun of Biden in the past. It's not funny anymore, it's scary to see no one cares about his mental health decline, especially his wife Jill. This is classic case of Elderly abuse. How long till this shit-show ends? I don't think it will end well for him. Even the Mainstream Media, like CNN, can no longer hide that there's something wrong with Biden, because people are watching it with their own eyes. Hopefully, he gets help soon! Please watch the video, it will shock you!

Anonymous said...

Pobre Veggie. It's no longer funny. This is serious and sad. Somebody needs to report this elderly abuse by Jill Biden.
